Literally, the ability of different tissues to “get along”; strictly, identity in all of the transplantation proteins, which is a requirement for the prevention of graft or organ rejection. The molecular basis of histocompatibility is a set of transplantation proteins that decorate the surface of nearly all human cells. These proteins are encoded by genes that are grouped on a part of chromosome 6 called the major histocompatibility complex, or MHC. These proteins are highly “polymorphic” i.e., they show variation in different individuals. Although many individuals may share some identical MHC molecules, a very low number share all the MHC molecules. The consequence of these minor differences is that these proteins are recognized by the transplant recipient’s immune system as being foreign, and so are targeted for destruction (since the immune system’s job is to eradicate any foreign proteins or cells that invade the body). For successful transplantation these proteins ideally should be matched between donor and recipient. Twins have the highest rate of match, followed by siblings. In the general population only 1 in 100,000 individuals is sufficiently “MHC matched” to another person to allow transplantation.