Earn More Money & Be More Effective by Improving Work Relationships
Nice is healthier, makes more money, & takes you farther. Here's five Power of Nice Principles that will bring you success by improving work relationships.
You can improve your work relationships and health by being nice. You can also make more money and be luckier in love with the psychology of nice. You'll enjoy more success at work and peace at home, too.
Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval wrote a handy little book called The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness – and it's not just about improving your work relationships. Being nice boosts your health, improves your love life, and earns you more money. Plus your colleagues, friends, and family will have more respect for you.
Most importantly, you'll respect yourself in the morning – and at night, too.
Improving your work relationships: Nice doesn't mean doormat
Being nice and improving your work relationships doesn't mean you're a doormat that other people walk all over. You can be nice and still be assertive or stand up for yourself. You can be nice and move up the ladder or get that promotion, earn more money, improve work relationships, win lucrative contracts, and attract positive people.
Thaler and Koval's The Power of Nice describes how to be nice in the business world. The Five Power of Nice Principles apply to situations at home, in the community, at church, and even when you're stuck in traffic.
Five Power of Nice Principles
The power of positive impressions. You're giving off positive energy when you sincerely thank an assistant, make eye contact with a messenger, and treat a stranger with respect. The more positive vibes you emit, the more positive ripples will return to you. You're improving your work relationships. This is similar to The Secret or the Law of Attraction: like attracts like. The authors of The Power of Nice liken those positive impressions to seeds that you plant. One day, those seeds will grow exponentially to become healthy plants!
You never know. Have you ever let a stranger take the taxi cab or held the door for an old man walking an inch a minute? You're being nice. The power of nice erupts when that stranger is the president of a company you're wooing or the old man sits on the board of your organization. Helping someone with their luggage can improve your work relationships and go beyond just making you feel good about yourself (though that in itself is rewarding!).
People change. The messenger could be training as a cop, the secretary studying law, or the assistant being groomed for a promotion. Being nice to a "nobody" could translate to winning an account or getting a stock tip. When you treat everyone with respect and kindness you're not only improving your work relationships, you're making deposits in your future. Like any investment, it could pay off big in the long term – or within days.
Negative impressions are like infections. People notice when you're rude to the waiter or dismissive of a store clerk; when you criticize a colleague or underling, you're spreading negative energy. You're also sullying your own reputation. Your clients, colleagues, and underlings will reluctantly assist you when you're not nice….but when you incorporate the power of nice, people will jump at the chance to help you! Improving your work relationships includes treating everyone with respect.
You'll respect and enjoy yourself even if you never see the overt results of nice. Your self-confidence and self-esteem will grow, which will make you more likeable and credible in the office and at meetings. Your reputation will be stellar with the most important person in the room: yourself. Plus, you'll improve your work relationships.
When you're nice you'll earn you more money, be luckier in love, and enjoy better health -- and you'll enjoy life a lot more, too!