Ok peoples, do u wanna make ladys like you? I should know since I've been rejected many times and have finally found the secret.
Step 1: Find a suitable women. That you like. Obviously.
Step 2:Observe her for a while. You can do this by walking alongside her whilst doing your day to day stuff.
Step 3: Once you've observed her for a while and found out what type of person she is (quiet type, likes to express herself, flirty, social genius) try to talk to her. At this point most people will lose heart if they get rejected by the girl . Well dont give up!
Step 4: Keep talking to her when possible to build up a friendship of sorts.
Step 5: Now is your big moment. When you feel close enough to her, ask her out on a date. This is where if you have a close enough relationship with her, you will either get rejected or will be accepted! =). Dont worry if you get rejected. There are lots of other women out there.