Establish a routine of planning your week and your day. This will allow you to have your most productive week all the time. Start yourday an extra 10 minutes early to do this planning everyday. Write down the top 1-3 important things you must do that day. And most importantly, set and reach your goals!
Power Question
Keep a question note like this at your desk to help you stayfocused: "Am I making the most of my time right now?" or "Is there anything else I can do to make my life more productive?"
Accept That You'll Never Finish Your Task List
For perfectionists and over achievers this is as frustrating as agreyhound forever chasing the mechanical bunny around the track. Just make sure you work on your most important stuff first. Let the fluff slide, not your priorities.
Turn Off Your Computer
"What?!" you say, "Everything is done on my computer!" Well is itreally? What percentage truly is? Plan to have your computer on only for that amount of time each day. Plan out blocks of time for computer tasks and work from a checklist to keep you focused. Giving your eyes arest from the screen will give you more energy. Even if you just close your eyes as you think of a response to an email can help too.
1. greyhound:靈緹犬為最古老的犬種之一,是世界上腳程速度最快的犬類,時速可達每小時64公里。過去它用于狩獵野兔,現在為了訓練,改為追捕人工機械兔子。