1.Were you qualified for the job?
How closely did your background match the qualifications for the job?
In a competitive job market, candidates that are an exact or a very close match for the job requirements will get the interview.
2. Was your application complete?
Did you provide all the information required on the job application?
3.Did you make a mistake on your application?
Were all the dates of employment you listed on your application correct? Did you list accurate salary information? Did you leave off any information that should have been included? Some employers verify employment history prior to scheduling interviews. That's one reason why it's important to accurately complete your job applications.
4. Did you target your resume?
Does your resume showcase skills and accomplishments related to your target job? Is it clear how you added value in your previous jobs, internships, academic projects and volunteer work?
5. Is your resume organized so that the most relevant content is near the top and can be easily found by the screener?
6. Was your cover letter targeted towards the requirements of the specific job you applied for? Did you make it clear that you possessed the desired skills, experience and knowledge to get the job done?
7. Was your cover letter long enough to make a compelling case, but no so dense that the recruiter glossed over it?
Ideally, your letters should be 3 - 5 paragraphs long, with none of those paragraphs longer than 8 lines. Be sure to leave white space between paragraphs.
8. Were all your application documents error free and well written?
Have you asked others to review and proofread your resume and cover letter?
9. Did you mobilize your network to find any contacts on the inside of your target employer who might put in a good word for you?
10. What did your references say?
If you were asked to provide employment references, the employer might have checked with them prior to scheduling an interview. It's important to know that your references are going to give you a good recommendation.