A parade of 20 topless female porn stars on motorbikes brought the centre of Auckland to a standstill as crowds craned their necks for a glimpse in the noon of Aug 23. The porn stars in studded knee-high boots, black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city's main thoroughfare Queen Street. A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by. A furore over the parade -- which has been held for the last several years in New Zealand's largest city -- brought out the biggest crowds ever for the spectacle. Parade organizer Steve Crow had applied to Hubbard's city council for a permit to hold the parade but was turned down at last. However, the spectacle could not be stopped because there is no law against women baring their breasts in public. "The only way they could legally stop it would be to change the constitution of New Zealand and remove women's rights to bare their breasts in public," Crow said.
8月23日中午,20名露點“色情女星”坐著摩托車在奧克蘭市中心巡游,很多人前來圍觀,把奧克蘭市中心堵的水泄不通。 盡管奧克蘭市市長迪克·哈巴德將這個為某“色情藝術展”所做的宣傳活動評價為“道德敗壞”,但 “坦胸摩托行”仍然進行的如火如荼。 這些露點明星腳穿鑲有飾釘的過膝長靴,下著黑色皮褲,赤裸上身,坐著摩托車沿著奧克蘭市的中央大道“皇后街”巡游。 當兩輛原軍用裝甲車和摩托車載著20名露點女星和幾個男人駛過大街,圍在街道旁邊的一群男人紛紛舉起手機和攝像機拍照。 過去幾年,人們對這個在新西蘭最大城市舉行的游行一直很狂熱。而今年的游行引來的圍觀者是這幾年來最多的。 克勞說:“除非修改新西蘭憲法,禁止女性在公共場所袒胸露懷,否則,市政府沒有合法權力阻止我們舉辦這個游行。” |
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