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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-02-21
核心提示:double satin de Lyons 里昂雙面有光緞 double satin ribbon 雙面有光緞帶 double satin 雙面緞 double saw 雙鋸 double scoop type excavator 雙斗式挖土機 double screen printing machine 雙面絹網印花機 double seal valve 雙密封閥 double seam welder 雙層縫焊機

double satin de Lyons 里昂雙面有光緞
double satin ribbon 雙面有光緞帶
double satin 雙面緞
double saw 雙鋸
double scoop type excavator 雙斗式挖土機
double screen printing machine 雙面絹網印花機
double seal valve 雙密封閥
double seam welder 雙層縫焊機
double seamer 封罐機
double seater 雙座機
double sensor 雙電阻傳感器
double serge 雙經雙緯嗶嘰
double sextant 雙重六分儀
double shaft hammer mill 雙軸錘擊破碎機
double shaft mixer 雙輥混合機
double shaft trough mixer 雙軸槽式攪拌機
double shaft 雙軸
double shaping machine 復式牛頭刨床
double shear rivet 雙向剪鉚釘
double sheet set 雙人被套
double shell cylinder 雙層缸
double shell digester 雙層煮解器
double shell rotary drier 雙殼旋轉干燥器
double side & double density floppy disk 雙面雙密度軟磁盤
double silk-covered copper wire 雙絲包銅線
double slide tuner 雙滑動式調諧器
double slide valve 雙滑動閥
double sliding back gear 雙滑動背齒輪
double slug tuner 雙插心式調諧器
double soap 聯皂
double source array television antenna 雙源陣列電視天線
double spiral agitator 雙螺旋攪拌器
double spiral classifier 雙螺旋分級機
double spiral mixer 雙螺旋混合機
double spiral turbine 雙螺旋渦輪機
double spline 雙列花鍵
double spring drop compass 雙簧小圈圓規
double sprocket movie camera 雙鏈輪攝影機
double spun yarn 兩次加捻紗
double squirrel cage induction motor 雙鼠籠式感應電動機
double squirrel cage motor 雙鼠籠式電動機
double squirrel cage rotor asynchronous motor 雙鼠籠轉子異步電動機
double squirrel cage rotor 雙鼠籠式轉子
double squirrel cage winding 雙鼠籠式繞組
double stand rolling mill 雙機座軋機
double station electron beam welder 雙工位電子束焊機
double stator balancing capacitor 雙組定片平衡電容器
double stator capacitor 雙組定片電容器
double stewpot 燉鍋
double stick hank dyeing machine 雙棒絞紗染色機
double stream amplifier tube 雙電子注放大管
double stream amplifier 雙電子注放大器
double strength corrugated board 雙層增強瓦楞紙板
double strength glass 強力玻璃
double superheterodyne receiver 雙變頻超外差接收機
double superphosphate 雙料過磷酸鈣
double surface lapping machine 雙面研磨機
Double SwallowSharp refrigerator 雙燕夏普牌電冰箱
double sweep tee 雙彎三通
double swing end wrench 雙頭活動扳手
double system sound recorder 雙制式錄音機
double T-iron 工字鋼
double tang shank 雙尾刀柄
double teasel gig 雙滾筒刺果起絨機
double teasel raising machine 雙滾筒刺果起絨機
double telescope 雙筒望遠鏡
double template jigger 雙刀旋坯機
double texture fabric 雙層膠布
double thinning barber shears 雙口理發梳剪
double thinning shears 雙口梳發鉸剪
double thread shoe border stitcher 雙線鞋沿縫合機
double threaded screw 雙紋螺絲
double thrust bearing 對向止推軸承
double tier net machine 雙層式窗簾花邊織機
double time constant synchronous signal separator 雙時間常數同步信號分離器
double tone oscillator 雙音振蕩器
double tricot machine 雙針床經編機
double tricot 雙面經編針織物
double triode valve 雙三極管
double triode 雙三極管
double trolley electric locomotive 雙觸輪電機車
double tubing mercurial barometer 雙管水銀氣壓表
double twilled merino 復式斜紋美利奴毛織物
double type filter 重合型濾波器
double type printed circuit board connector 雙件式印制板連接器
double tyre wheel 雙胎輪
double undulated preheater 雙波紋式預熱器
double unequal-angle cutter 不對稱雙角銑刀
double universal coupler 雙萬向聯軸節
double upshot furnace 直立雙膛加熱爐
double vane attenuator 雙片衰減器
double velvet loom 雙層絲絨織機
double voice cracker 雙響炮
double volute pump 雙蝸殼式泵
double wall funnel 夾壁漏斗
double wall high pressure steam sterilizer 雙壁高壓透汽消毒器
double warp flannelette 雙經彩色條子棉法蘭絨
double warp lining 線經里子布
double warps 線經織物
double washstand 雙洗面臺
double water glass 雙料水玻璃
double weft brocade 雙緯花綢
double weft cloth 雙緯布
double weft fabric 雙緯布
double weft flannelette 雙緯絨
double weight paper 厚紙
double wheel lathe 雙輪式車床
double wheel pulley 雙輪環式滑車
double width jacquard decorative cloth 寬幅提花裝飾布
double winding alternator 雙繞組交流發電機
double winding synchronous generator 雙繞組同步發電機
double wing auger 雙螺旋擠泥機
double wire crosstalk suppression filter 雙線串音抑制濾波器
double wire-armored cable 雙層鐵線鎧裝電纜
double worm pusher 雙螺桿頂車機
double worsted 合股精梳毛紗
double woven fabric 雙層織物
double woven pile fabric 雙層織造長毛絨織物
double wrench 雙頭扳手
double yarn 合股紗
double zigzag rectifier 雙曲折整流器
double zone gas producer 兩段煤氣發生爐
double zone lotion 雙層化妝水
double-8mm movie camera 雙八毫米活動攝影機
double-acting air compressor 雙動式空氣壓縮機
double-acting brushing machine 雙動式刷呢機
double-acting compressor 雙作用式壓縮機
double-acting cylinder 雙作用汽缸
double-acting duplex slush pump 雙動雙工泥漿泵
double-acting engine 雙作用式發動機
double-acting hand force pump 雙作用手搖泵
double-acting hinge 雙面鉸鏈
double-acting jack 雙作用千斤頂
double-acting napping machine 雙動起毛機
double-acting paddle impeller 雙動攪拌槳
double-acting piston pump 雙作用式活塞泵
double-acting pump 雙作用泵
double-acting raising machine 順逆交替起絨機
double-acting stream hammer 雙動氣錘
double-action black japanned spring hinge 黑漆雙彈簧鉸鏈
double-action disc harrow 雙排式圓盤耙
double-action gin 雙動式軋棉機
double-action hydraulic drawing press for sheet metal 雙動薄板拉伸液壓機
double-action hydraulic drawing press 雙動薄板拉伸液壓機
double-action hydraulic press 雙作用液壓機
double-action press 雙動壓力機
double-alloy steel 二元合金鋼
double-amplitude modulation multiplier 雙調幅乘法器
double-angle iron 雙角鐵
double-arm bridge 雙臂電橋
double-arm kneader 雙臂捏和機
double-arm mill 雙臂壓機
double-arm press 雙臂壓力機
double-armature motor 雙電樞電動機
double-articulated reductor 二級鏈式減速器
double-axe cleavager 雙斧劈木機
double-axis motor 雙軸電動機
double-axle lathe 雙軸車床
double-axle platform trailer 雙軸平板拖車
double-base junction diode 雙基極結型二極管
double-base propellant 雙基推進劑
double-base transistor 雙基極晶體管
double-beam amplifier tube 雙電子束放大管
double-beam bridge type crane 雙架橋式起重機
double-beam bridge type grab crane 雙架橋式抓斗起重機
double-beam cathode-ray tube 雙電子束陰極射線管
double-beam crane 雙梁吊車
double-beam densitometer 雙光束密度計
double-beam grating spectrophotometer 雙光束光柵分光光度計
double-beam oscilloscope 雙線示波器
double-beam spectrodensitometer 雙光束分光光密度計
double-beam storage oscilloscope 雙束存儲示波器
double-beat converter 雙拍變換器
double-beat dropvalve 雙座閥
double-beat magnetic amplifier 雙拍磁放大器
double-beat valve 雙座閥
double-bended glass 雙彎曲玻璃
double-bladed knife switch 雙閘刀開關
double-bladed plough 雙鏵犁
double-bonded hydrocarbon 雙鍵烴
double-boom jumbo 雙臂鉆車
double-boom plane 雙尾撐飛機
double-bowl vacuum centrifuge 雙鼓真空離心機
double-break push button 雙斷按鈕
double-break switch 雙斷開關
double-breasted coachman-effect robe 雙掛鈕馬夫式長袍
double-breasted cotton broadcloth frock with gold-tone buttons and belt 雙排鈕闊幅棉布外長衣配金色鈕及金色腰帶
double-breasted pinwale corduroy topper 雙排鈕條紋絨布短大衣
double-breasted plough 雙壁開溝犁
double-breasted shark-skin suit 雙排鈕鯊魚皮西裝
double-breasted suit 雙排鈕上裝
double-breasted white tuxedo 雙排鈕白色晚宴服
double-bus 雙層公共汽車
double-buttoned pyramid coat 角錐形雙鈕大衣
double-cable ropeway 雙纜索道
double-cable suspension line 雙纜索道
double-case vertical centrifugal oil pump 雙殼體立式離心油泵
double-chain draw bench 雙鏈式拉拔機
double-chain stitch  machine 雙鏈線跡縫紉機
double-chamber oil quenching-gas cooling furnace 雙室油淬氣冷爐
double-chamber vacuum packing machine 雙室真空包裝機
double-channel adjustable spanner 雙道可調扳手
double-channel digital low-frequency spectrum analyzer 雙通道數字式低頻頻譜分析儀
double-channel echo well depth sounder 雙通道回聲井深測試儀
double-channel echo well sounder 雙通道回聲井深測試儀
double-channel impeller pump 雙路葉輪泵
double-channel instantaneous signal recorder 雙通道瞬態信號記錄儀
double-channel Mossbauer spectrometer 雙通道穆斯堡爾光譜儀
double-channel nitrogen laser 雙通道氮激光器
double-channel planar buried heterostructure laser 雙通道板狀掩埋式異質結構激光器
double-channel super-short-wave wireless telephone 雙工超短波無線電話機
double-check snow plough 雙側板式雪犁
double-check valve 雙止回閥
double-coated electrode 雙層藥皮焊條
double-coated paper 雙層涂料紙
double-colour plastic extruder 雙色塑料擠出機
double-column hand-operated hydraulic press 雙柱手動液壓機
double-column hydraulic planer 雙柱液壓刨床
double-compound engine 雙聯雙脹式蒸汽機
double-compound turbo jet 雙軸渦輪噴氣發動機
double-cone antenna 雙錐形天線
double-cone blender 雙錐體混合機
double-cone clutch 雙錐離合器
double-cone coiler 雙錐式卷取機
double-connected rectifier 雙重連接整流器
double-crank mill 雙曲軸軋機
double-crank press 雙曲軸壓力機
double-crank shaft engine 雙曲軸發動機
double-crank shaft 雙曲軸
double-crank ward cot 雙搖柄病床
double-cross leno 全絞式紗羅
double-current generator 雙流發電機
double-current key 雙流電鍵
double-current relay 雙流式繼電器
double-cut file 雙紋銼
double-cut plough 雙層犁
double-cut shears 雙刃剪切機
double-deck bus 兩層公共汽車
double-deck exhaust box 雙層排氣箱
double-deck machine 兩層拔絲機
double-deck pallet 雙層貨盤
double-deck plough 雙層犁
double-deck stock wagon 雙層家畜車
double-deck twister 雙層捻線機
double-deck vibrating sieve 雙層振動篩
double-depth plough 雙層犁
double-detection receiver 兩次檢波接收機
double-dial timer 雙標度計時器
double-dial 雙標度盤
double-die-turning finishing hydraulic press 雙模具翻轉拋光液壓機
double-diffused device 雙擴散器件
double-diffused integrated circuit 雙擴散集成電路
double-diffused phototransistor 雙擴散型光電晶體管
double-diffused transistor 雙擴散型晶體管
double-discharge gear pump 雙出口齒輪泵
double-discharge pump 雙排量泵
double-discharge spiral water turbine 雙排量渦輪式水輪機
double-door and dual-temperature refrigerator 雙門雙溫電冰箱
double-door household refrigeration 雙門家用冰箱
double-door refrigerator 雙門冰箱
double-dragon lampstand 雙龍燈座
double-drum boiler 雙汽包鍋爐
double-drum drier 雙滾筒干燥機
double-drum electric block 雙滾筒電葫蘆
double-drum tilt rig 雙滾筒傾斜鉆機
double-drum winch 雙滾筒絞車
double-duty lube truck 兩用潤滑油運輸車
double-duty regulator 雙作用調節器
double-ear fancy colour vase with lotus design 斗彩勾蓮雙耳樽
double-ear mortar-pan 雙耳泥箕
double-eccentric fiber-optic connector 雙偏芯光纖連接器
double-edge blade 雙面刀片
double-edge chisel 雙刃鑿
double-edge grinder 雙邊研磨機
double-edge hacksaw blade 雙面鋼鋸條
double-edge milling cutter 二面刃銑刀
double-edge prunning saw 雙邊齒修樹鋸
double-edge safety razor blade 雙面安全刀片
double-effect lithiumbromide absorption refrigerating machine 兩效型溴化鋰吸收式制冷機
double-emitter chopper transistor 雙發射極斬波晶體管
double-end fired furnace 兩頭燒火加熱爐
double-end hexagon ring wrench 雙頭六角扳手
double-end hexagon straight wrench 雙頭六角直口扳手
double-end mill 雙端銑刀
double-end plug gauge 雙端塞規
double-end punch 雙頭沖
double-end scraper 雙頭刮刀
double-end set screw wrench 雙頭緊定螺釘扳手
double-end slotting cutter 雙頭鍵槽銑刀
double-end socket wrench 雙套筒扳手
double-end spark plug wrench 雙頭火花塞扳手
double-end tungsten iodide lamp 雙頭碘鎢燈
double-end wrench 雙口扳手
double-ended boiler 雙面燃燒式鍋爐
double-ended clamp 雙頭線夾
double-ended cord 雙頭塞繩
double-ended gall stone scoop 雙頭膽石匙
double-ended magnetron 雙端出線磁控管
double-ended open jawed spanner 雙頭開口爪形扳手
double-ended probe 雙頭探針
double-ended spanner 雙頭扳手
double-ended wrench 雙頭扳手
double-ends fabric 雙經布
double-entry compressor 雙進口壓縮機
double-entry pump 雙進口泵
double-extraction condensing turbine 雙抽氣凝氣式汽輪機
double-extraction non-condensing turbine 雙抽氣背壓式汽輪機
double-face blanket 鴛鴦氈
double-face carborundum disk 雙面金剛砂片
double-face corrugated board 雙面瓦楞紙板
double-faced adhesive tape 雙面膠粘帶
double-faced blacksmith's hammer 八角錘
double-faced embroidery with varied colours and patterns 雙面異色異樣繡
double-faced embroidery with varied colours 雙面異色繡
double-faced embroidery 雙面繡
double-faced flocking 雙面植絨
double-faced grinding and polishing machine 雙面研磨拋光機
double-faced hand saw 雙刃手鋸
double-faced in head claw hammer 頭部八角羊角錘
double-faced in neck claw hammer 頸部八角羊角錘
double-faced pile 雙面絨
double-faced satin 雙面緞
double-flow reaction turbine 雙流反動式渦輪機
double-flow reheat-condensing steam turbine 雙流再熱冷凝式汽輪機
double-flow type boiler 雙流式鍋爐
double-flue boiler 雙爐膽鍋爐
double-frequency generating set 雙頻發電機組
double-frequency generator 雙頻發電機
double-fried pork 回鍋肉
double-furnace boiler 雙爐膛鍋爐
double-gate field effect transistor 雙柵場效應晶體管
double-gear block 雙聯齒輪
double-gear cone transmission 復式錐輪傳動裝置
double-gear sliding block 兩聯滑動齒輪
double-geared headstock 雙套齒輪床頭
double-geared roller crusher 雙齒輥破碎機
double-glazed unit 雙層玻璃窗
double-glazing unit 雙層玻璃窗
double-grid tube 雙柵管
double-grid valve 雙柵閥
double-head boxing machine 雙頭箱式縫紉機
double-head endmill 雙頭立銑刀
double-head flat scraper 雙頭平刮刀
double-head milling machine 雙軸銑床
double-head rail 雙頭軌
double-head spring needle knitting machine 汗絨布二用針織機
double-head turning tool welded with carbide tip 硬質合金雙頭車刀
double-head tyre 雙緣輪胎
double-head wire stitching machine 雙頭鐵絲訂書機
double-head wrench 雙頭扳手
double-headed bolt tension meter 雙頭螺栓張力計
double-headed camera 雙頭攝影機
double-headed spray gun 雙口噴槍
double-headed tube bender 雙頭彎管機
double-header boiler 雙筒式水管鍋爐
double-heterostructure junction laser 雙異質結激光器
double-high rolling mill 雙輥式軋機
double-hook oil ring 雙刃刮油環
double-horizontal-shaft forced type concrete mixer 強制式雙臥軸混凝土攪拌機
double-hung window 雙掛拉窗
double-image range-finder 雙像測距儀
double-image telemeter 雙像測距儀
double-impeller impact breaker 雙葉輪沖擊破碎機
double-impeller pump 雙葉離心泵
double-input mixer 雙輸入混頻器
double-intergrating accelerometer 二重積分加速度計
double-J bolt 雙鉤穿釘
double-knitted plaited fabric 雙面編結添紗針織物
double-loop towel 雙面毛圈毛巾
double-m-derived filter 雙m推演式濾波器
double-mica spacer 雙層云母墊片
double-mode cyclotron 雙重加速法回旋加速器
double-optical projection stereoplotter 雙鏡光學投影立體繪圖儀
double-pass spectrometer 雙光道分光計
double-pass wired glass machine 雙加料夾絲玻璃成形機
double-pass-out turbine 雙抽氣式汽輪機
double-pipe exchanger 雙套管換熱器
double-pipe heat exchanger 雙套管換熱器
double-piston explosive press 雙活塞爆炸壓力機
double-piston 雙活塞
double-plate clutch 雙片式離合器
double-plunger plastic injection moulding machine 雙柱塞塑料注模機
double-plunger pump 雙柱塞泵
double-plunger ultramicro pump 雙柱塞超微量泵
double-ply bag 雙層袋
double-ply hosiery 雙層襪
double-point breaker 復式斷電器
double-point crank press 雙點曲軸壓力機
double-point double-throw switch 雙刀雙擲開關
double-point gear 多點嚙合齒輪
double-point scriber 兩端劃針
double-point tool 雙刃刀具
double-pointed nail 雙頭釘
double-pole cutout 雙極斷路器
double-pole double-throw switch 雙刀雙擲開關
double-pole fuse 雙極熔斷器
double-pole switch 雙極開關
double-poppet throttle valve 雙座節流閥
double-projection direct-viewing stereo-plotter 雙投影直接觀測立體測圖儀
double-projection plotter 雙投影測圖儀
double-projection stereoscope plotting instrument 雙投影立體測圖儀
double-purchase winch 雙轆絞車
double-purpose interchangeable tip square blade screwdriver 可換頭方桿兩用螺絲刀
double-range instrument 雙量程儀表
double-range recording flowmeter 雙量程記錄式流量表
double-reheat stream turbine 二次再熱式汽輪機
double-resonator klystron 雙腔速調管
double-resonator 雙腔諧振器
double-return valve 雙回流閥
double-roll crusher 雙輥破碎機
double-roller mill 雙輥研磨機
double-roller stretching and letting-out machine 雙輥伸展拉軟機
double-rolling pipe-reducing machine 雙輥縮管機
double-row self-aligning ball bearing 雙列自調式球軸承
double-row spherical ball bearing 雙列球面球軸承
double-screw continuous mixer 雙螺桿連續混合機
double-screw conveyor 雙螺桿輸送機
double-screw extruder 雙螺桿擠出機
double-screw mixer 雙螺桿混合器
double-screw open and close machine 雙螺桿式啟閉機
double-screw plastic extruder 雙螺桿塑料擠壓機
double-screw plodder 雙螺桿壓條機
double-screw pump 雙螺桿泵
double-screw reactor 雙螺桿反應器
double-screw tuner 雙螺旋調諧器
double-seat stop valve 雙座截止閥
double-seat valve 雙座閥
double-section filter 兩節濾波器
double-shared double wheeled plow 雙輪雙鏵犁
double-shed jacquard 雙梭口提花機
double-side carbon paper 雙面復寫紙
double-side cementing machine 雙面粘合機
double-side coated art printing paper 雙面銅版紙
double-side hacksaw blade 雙面刃鋼鋸條
double-side milling cutter 兩面銑刀
double-side planer 雙面刨床
double-side saw 雙面鋸
double-side sealing machine 雙邊封口機
double-side terry fabric knitting machine 雙面毛圈織物針織機
double-side tipping wagon 雙邊傾卸車
double-side wood planer 雙面木工刨床
double-sideband signal generator 雙邊帶信號發生器
double-sideband suppressed carrier modulator 雙邊帶抑制載波調制器
double-sideband transmitter 雙邊帶發射機
double-sided automatic blanking and forming press 雙邊自動沖壓和成形壓機
double-sided board 雙面板
double-sided compressor 雙面進氣壓氣機
double-sided diskette 雙面軟盤
double-sided drawing press 雙邊拉壓機
double-sided floppy 雙面軟磁盤
double-sided four-point press 雙邊四點壓力機
double-sided high speed press 雙柱高速壓力機
double-sided khaki 雙面卡其布
double-sided loop pile fabric 雙面毛圈起絨織物
double-sided needling loom 雙面針刺機
double-sided plate trimming shears 雙邊修邊剪切機
double-sided plush 雙面絨
double-sided printed circuit board 雙面印刷電路板
double-sided socket 雙向插座
double-sided spinning machine 雙面紡絲機
double-sided transfer presses 雙點傳輸壓力機
double-size wash tub 雙料大型洗衣盆
double-skip hoist 雙翻斗卷揚機
double-speed electric hoist 雙速電升降機
double-speed manual hydraulic press 雙速手動液壓機
double-speed synchronous motor 雙速同步電動機
double-spindle contour copying milling machine 雙軸平面仿形銑床
double-spindle hammer crusher 雙軸錘式軋碎機
double-stage air pump 雙級空氣泵
double-stage ammonia refrigerating machine set 雙級氨制冷機組
double-stage compressor 雙級壓縮機
double-stage turbine 雙級渦輪機
double-stage vortex pump 雙級旋渦泵
double-step vortex dust remover 雙級渦旋除塵器
double-strand mill 雙線軋機
double-strand pig machine 雙鏈式鑄鐵機
double-strand winder 雙束繞絲機
double-stroke solid-die automatic cold header 雙擊整模自動冷鐓機
double-stub tuner 雙短線調諧器
double-suction centrifugal pump 雙吸離心泵
double-suction pump 雙吸泵
double-suction ventilator 雙吸口通風機
double-surface transistor 雙面晶體管
double-surface wood planer 雙面木工刨床
double-swiveling uncoiler and recoiler 并列回轉式開卷-卷取機
double-table transfer printing press 雙面轉移印花壓燙機
double-tariff system meter 雙價制計
double-thickness sheet glass 雙厚窗玻璃
double-thread hob 雙頭滾刀
double-throw crank-shaft 雙彎曲軸
double-throw disconnecting switch 雙擲隔離開關
double-throw switch 雙擲開關
double-tip baler 雙嘴打包機
double-tool cross-slide 雙刀橫向滑板
double-tool holder 雙刀刀架
double-trace scope 雙跡示波器
double-track skip hoist 雙料斗卷揚機
double-transit oscillator 雙渡越振蕩器
double-tread tyre 雙胎面輪胎
double-trough type mixer 雙槽式拌和機
double-tube biologic microscope 雙筒生物顯微鏡
double-tube bracket light support 雙筒壁燈架
double-tube converter 雙套管轉換器
double-tube core barrel 雙筒取心筒
double-tube heat exchanger 套管熱交換器
double-tube injector 雙管噴射器
double-tube pressure gauge 雙管壓力表
double-tube reactor 雙套管反應器
double-tube washing machine 雙桶洗衣機
double-tuned amplifier 雙調諧放大器
double-tuned detector 雙調諧檢波器
double-tuned filter 雙調諧濾波器
double-tuned intermediate frequency amplifier 雙調諧中頻放大器
double-twist twisting machine 倍捻捻線機
double-twisting machine 倍捻加捻機
double-unit motor 雙電樞電動機
double-voke snowsuit 雙V形肩軛式雪衫褲
double-wall corrugated paper 雙壁瓦楞紙
double-wall corrugated pipe 雙壁波紋管
double-walled cryogenic storage tank 雙壁深冷儲罐
double-walled steel tank 雙壁鋼罐
double-width press 雙全張印報機
double-wing electric web for trapping insect 雙翼滅蟲電網
double-wire machine 并紗機
double-worm mixer 雙螺旋混合機
double-wound transformer 雙繞變壓器
double-woven blanket 雙層織造毯子
doubled yarn 合股紗線
doubledeck bed 雙層床
doubler twister 并捻機
doubler winder 并紗機
doubler 倍頻器
doublerie 印花帆布
doubles 雙股棉線
doublet cord 雙絞線
doublet magnifier 二重放大鏡
doublet oscillator 赫茲振蕩器
doublet 緊身上衣
doublete 雙色花塔夫綢
doubling and lapping machine 對折卷板機
doubling and rolling machine 對折卷布機
doubling and twisting machine 并捻機
doubling machine 并絲機
doubling register 加倍寄存器
doubling roller 貼合輥
doubling thread 紡線
doubling winder 并絲機
doublure 漂白軍服粗呢
doubly clad optical fiber 雙包層光纖
doubly resonant oscillator 雙諧振振蕩器
doubly-coated fiber 雙涂層纖維
doubly-fed polyphase shunt commutator motor 雙饋多相并勵換向器電動機
doubly-fed repulsion motor 雙饋推斥電動機
douche can 沖洗桶
douche pipe 沖洗管
douche 沖洗器
doudynatron 雙負阻管
dough batch 打面機
dough brake 碾面機
dough kneading machine 和面機
dough mill 調面機
dough mixer 和面機
dough mixing machine 和面機
dough-making machine 和面機
doughing machine 揉面機
doughnut antenna 繞桿式天線
doughnut coil 環形線圈
doughnut fibre 中空纖維
doughnut tyre 超低壓輪胎
doughnut 炸面圈
Douglas aircraft 道格拉斯飛機
Douglas fir 花旗松
doulateral winding 蜂房式繞組
doup heddle 絞綜絲
doup 半鋼絲綜
doupion silk knitted blouse 雙宮棒針衫
doupion silk knitted cardigan 雙宮棒針開衫
doupion silk piece good suit 雙宮綢套裝
doupion silk suit with long overcoat 雙宮綢長外套裝
doupion silk suit 雙宮綢套裝
doupion silk 雙宮絲
doupion twill 雙宮斜紋綢
doupioni gingham 條格雙宮綢
doupioni pongee 雙宮綢
douppion crepe de chine 雙宮雙縐
douppion pongee 疙瘩綢
douppion silk crepe 雙宮縐
douppion white tram 雙宮緯線絲
douppioni piece goods 雙宮絲織物
douppioni silk 雙宮綢
douppioni taffeta 雙宮塔夫綢
douppioni white tram 雙宮緯線絲
dove 鳩
dover's powder 止痛發汗粉
dovetail condenser 燕尾形電容器
dovetail cutter 燕尾槽立銑刀
dovetail groove 燕尾槽
dovetail hinge 燕尾鉸鏈
dovetail machine 制榫機
dovetail rule 燕尾尺
dovetail saw 燕尾鋸
dovetail type mortising machine 燕尾式榫孔機
dovetail 燕尾服
dovetailed tapestry 燕尾式掛毯
dovetailed twill 燕尾形斜紋織物
dovetailer 制榫機
Dovinox 敵百蟲
Dovip 氨磺磷
Dow crabgrass killer 草特磷
Dow general 地樂酚
Dow motionless mixer 道氏靜止混合器
Dowco 109 硫育畜磷
dowel board 暗釘釘合板
dowel nail 棗合釘
dowel pin 暗銷
dowel screw 雙頭螺絲釘
dowel 銷釘
Dowfume 59 混烷殺
Dowfume 75 雙氯混劑
Dowfume C 硫氯溴混劑
Dowfume EB15 inhibited 緩效混烷殺
Dowfume EB5 二氯丙烷混合劑
Dowfume F 二氯乙烷混劑
Dowfume MC2 溴甲烷
Dowfume MC33 溴苦混劑一號
Dowfume N 二氯丙烯
Dowfume V 碳雙烷混劑
Dowfume W85 二溴乙烷
Dowfume 二氯乙烷
Dowicide 6 Conc 四氯酚
Dowicide 6 四氯酚
Dowicide A 聯苯酚鈉
Dowicide B 三氯酚鈉
Dowicide G 五氯酚鈉
Dowicide 聯苯酚
Dowlas 道拉斯粗棉布
down and feather cushion 羽絨靠墊
down and feather filled products 羽絨制品
down and feather garment 羽絨服
down and feather mattress 羽絨床褥
down and feather pillow 羽絨枕
down and feather products 羽絨制品
down bird specimen 羽絨飛禽標本
down boots 羽絨鞋
down cap 羽絨帽
down carpet 羽絨毯
down Chinese style garment 羽絨中式服裝
down cloth 羽絨織物
down coiler 地下卷取機
down converter 降頻變頻器
down cushion 羽絨靠墊
down detergent 羽絨洗滌劑
down eagle 羽絨鷹
down ender 翻卷機
down feather cushion 羽絨墊
down feather mattress 羽絨床褥
down feather pillow 羽絨枕
down feather quilt 羽絨被
down feather 羽絨
down filled garment 羽絨服裝
down filled men's garment 羽絨男服裝
down fishing jacket 羽絨釣魚衣
down flow carburetor 下流式化油器
down folding fan 羽毛折扇
down garment 羽絨服裝
down gloves 羽絨手套
down golden pheasant 羽絨錦雞
down hunting jacket 羽絨獵裝
down jacket 羽絨茄克衫
down knife 毛刀
down lead roller 轉向輥
down mittens 羽絨手套
down motor garment 羽絨摩托服
down mountaineering jacket 羽絨登山服
down pants 羽絨褲
down picker 撳針器
down pillow 羽絨枕
down products 羽絨制品
down quilt 羽絨被
down skiing jacket 羽絨滑雪衫
down sleeping bag 羽絨睡袋
down vest 羽絨背心
down wear 羽絨服
Down wool yarn 塘種羊毛精紡紗
down 羽絨
down-and-up cut unit 雙動剪切機
down-convection box type heater 煙道氣下行對流箱式加熱爐
down-convection heater 煙道氣下行對流加熱式爐
down-convection pipe still 煙道氣下行對流的管式爐
down-drainage carburetor 下吸式化油器
down-filled pillow 羽絨枕頭
down-filled sleeping bag 羽絨睡袋
down-filled socks 羽絨襪子
down-filled women's garment 羽絨女服裝
down-fired furnace 頂燒式爐
down-like 仿羽絨
down-proof cloth 防羽絨布
down-proof fabric 防羽絨刺出性織物
down-stroking press brake 下沖程折彎機
down-the-row thinning machine 順行間苗機
down-the-row thinnner 順行間苗機
downcomer 降液管
downdraft boiler 下部排煙鍋爐
downdraft carburetor 下吸式化油器
downdraft furnace 倒風爐
downdraft métier 順流型干式紡絲機
downdraft sintering machine 吸風燒結機
downdraught cooler 抽風式冷卻機
downdraught fan 抽風機
downdraught grate 抽風帶式焙燒機
downdraught producer 下抽式發生爐
downhole back flow valve 井下回流閥
downhole blow-out preventer 井下防噴器
downhole burner 井下燃燒器
downhole camera 井下照相機
downhole drill 潛孔鉆機
downhole electric heater 井下電加熱器
downhole flow regulator 井下流量調節器
downhole flowmeter 井下流量計
downhole gas burner 井下氣體燃燒器
downhole gas separator 井下氣體分離器
downhole gravity meter 井下重力儀
downhole hanger 井下懸掛器
downhole pressure gauge 井下壓力計
downhole pulser 井下脈沖發生器
downhole recorder 井下自動記錄儀
downhole rock drill 潛孔鑿巖機
downhole sensor 井下傳感器
downhole teleview logging apparatus 井下電視測井儀
downhole turbine motor 井下渦輪電動機
downs 粗紡厚呢
downshot burner 下射噴燃器
downspout 降液管
downstream tube 下游管
downstroke press 下壓式壓力機
downtank 下流槽
downtilter 翻卷機
Downton pump 鄧通曲柄手搖泵
downy rosemyrtle root 桃金娘根
Dowpon 茅草枯
dowrah jute 多拉黃麻
dowser 遮光板
dowsing rod 探礦杖
Dowspray 9 二溴苯乙烯
dowtherm boiler 熱傳導鍋爐
Doxa 多克薩牌手表
doxapram 多沙普侖
doxefazepam 度氟西泮
doxenitoin 去氧苯妥英
doxepin 多塞平
doxifluridine 去氧氟尿苷
doxium tablet 都克斯姆片
doxofylline 多索茶堿
doxorubicin 阿霉素
doxpicomine 多匹可明
doxycline 強力霉素
doxycycline capsule 強力霉素膠丸
doxycycline hydrochlocide 鹽酸強力霉素
doxycycline 脫氧土霉素
doxycyclinum 脫氧土霉素
doxylamine 多西拉敏
doyley  小墊布
doze-scarifier 推松土機
dozer for forests 林區推土機
dozer plough 推土犁
dozer with angling blade 斜板推土機
dozer 推土機
Dozine 多果定
drab 原色厚斜紋布
draba nemorosa linnei 葶藶子
drabbett 本色斜紋亞麻布
draft damper 氣流閘
draft equipment 通風設備
draft fan 抽風機
draft furnace 通風爐
draft gauge 通風計
draft indicator 風壓表
draft machine 繪圖機
draft regulator 通風調節器
draft spring 牽引簧
draft tube 引流管
drafted stone 琢邊塊石
drafting board 繪圖板
drafting instrument 繪圖儀器
drafting machine 制圖機
drafting paper 繪圖紙
drafting scale 繪圖比例尺
drag anchor 浮錨
drag arm winch 絞吸臂絞車
drag bar 拉桿
drag boat 挖泥船
drag bolt 拉緊螺栓
drag broom 刮路刷
drag chain 剎車鏈
drag classifier 耙式分級機
drag conveyer 鏈板輸送機
drag dewaterer 刮板式脫水機
drag harrow 牽引耙
drag link ball seat 拉桿球座
drag link ball socket 拉桿球窩
drag link 拉桿
drag planer 刮路機
drag plough 牽引犁
drag rope 牽引繩索
drag scraper 拖拉鏟運機
drag shovel 拖鏟挖土機
drag turbine 摩擦渦輪機
drag type bit 刮刀鉆頭
drag-cup generator 拖杯式發電機
drag-cup motor 拖杯式電動機
drag-cup type rotor 拖杯式轉子
drag-link conveyer 刮板式輸送器
drag-link mechanism 拉桿機構
drag-off carriage 板料拖運小車
drag-on carriage 撥料拖運小車
drag-out slag car 出渣車
drag-over mill 遞合式軋機
drag-suction dredger 耙吸式挖泥船
drag-type feeder 刮板式給料機
Draga 德來格牌手表
dragcap generator 附蓋發電機
dragcap servomotor 附蓋伺服發動機
dragee polishing machine 糖衣拋光機
dragee 糖衣藥丸
Drager volumeter 德雷格氏容積計
dragging motor 拖曳電動機
dragline bucket 吊鏟抓斗
dragline cableway excavator 吊斗挖掘機
dragline excavator 拖鏟挖土機
dragline scraper 帶式刮土機
dragline tower excavator 塔式拖鏟挖掘機
dragline 索斗挖土機
dragnet 拖網
dragon boat 龍船
dragon candle 龍燭
dragon eye wood carving 龍眼木刻
dragon jar 龍缸
dragon lame 金銀龍緞
dragon robe 龍袍
dragon straw door mat 龍須草門墊
dragon straw mat 龍須草墊
dragon tanker 巨型油輪
Dragon Well tea 龍井茶
dragon's blood 血竭
Dragon-Fly 飛龍牌手表
Dragon-Time 龍時牌手表
dragonhead 全葉青蘭
dragster 比賽用汽車
drain board 滴水板
drain cock 放水旋塞
drain cooler 疏水冷卻器
drain digger 排水溝挖掘機
drain layer 排水管鋪設機
drain pan 泄水盤
drain pipe 排水管
drain plug 放油塞
drain separator 脫水器
drain sleeve 冷凝管
drain spade 挖溝鍬
drain tank 疏水箱
drain trap 放泄彎管
drain valve 排水閥
drain vessel 排水容器
drain 排水管
drainage and irrigation equipment 排灌設備
drainage bunker 排水箱
drainage coil 排流線圈
drainage elbow 彎管
drainage machine 排水機
drainage pipe 排水管
drainage pump 排水泵
drainage slot router 泄水槽鏤床
drainage tube 排水管
drainage valve 排水閥
drainer 放泄機
draining pump 排泄泵
drainpipe trousers 瘦褲腿褲子
Drake Cluster cotton 德雷克棉
Drake redspot cotton 德雷克紅斑棉
Dralon 德拉綸變性聚丙烯腈短纖維
Dralon-ultrapan 德拉綸-烏爾特拉潘聚丙烯腈長絲和短纖維
dramtic fleece greatcoat with broad laper and tie belt 開襟大領束腰羊毛大衣
drap bresilienne 斜紋絲毛交織呢
drap chats 夏茲女式黑呢
drap croise 斜紋布
drap d'alma 阿爾馬斜紋薄綢
drap d'argent 銀絲緞
drap d'or 金絲緞
drap de beaucamp 純色麻經毛緯斜紋呢
drap de berry 粗紡呢絨
drap de dame 當姆法蘭絨
drap de Lyon 里昂華麗綢
drap de milord 米洛德嗶嘰
drap de prince 毛嗶嘰
drap de soie 全絲斜紋硬挺綢
drap edredon 細絨大衣呢
drap soleil 橫棱條綢
drap zephir 仿開士米呢
drape natte 粗紡縮絨呢
drape 窗簾
draped skirt 自然皺裙
drapery damask 提花厚錦緞
drapery fabric 裝飾織物
drapery rep 棱條裝飾綢
drapery 毛織物
draping thread 松垂絲
draps croises 斜紋毛織物
Drat 氯鼠酮
draught excluder strip 密封條
draught fan 通風風扇
draught gauge 通風計
draught hood 通風罩
draught indicator 通風計
draught recorder 圖示記錄器
draught regulator 抽力調節器
draught-engine 排水機
draught-furnace 通風爐
draughter 制圖機械
draughting instrument 繪圖儀器
draughting scale 繪圖比例尺
draw arm 拉臂
draw bar 拉桿
draw bender 拉彎機
draw bolt 牽引螺栓
draw bucket 拉鏟斗
draw curtain 扯簾
draw drapery 扯簾
draw frame 并條機
draw handloom 手工提花織機
draw mower 牽引式割草機
draw nail 起模釘
draw plough 鏟土機
draw rod 拉桿
draw roll 緊縮輥
draw string handbag 抽繩手提包
draw textured feed yarn 拉伸變形喂入絲
draw textured yarn 拉伸變形絲
draw texturizing machine 拉伸卷曲機
draw twister 拉伸加捻機
draw vice 拉鉗
draw winder 拉伸絡絲機
draw work 絞車
draw-back collet 內拉簧夾套
draw-bar dynamometer 拉力表
draw-in bolt 拉緊螺栓
draw-in chuck 內拉簧夾盤
draw-off mechanism 卷布器
draw-off pump 抽取泵
draw-off tank 抽水罐
draw-off valve 排水閥
draw-over apparatus 蒸餾設備
draw-over vaporizer 蒸餾汽化器
draw-sheet for sick bed 病床用吸水被單
draw-tongs 緊線鉗
draw-tube 伸縮管
draw-twist machine 拉伸加捻機
drawbench 拉拔機
drawboy loom 手工提花織機
drawboys 手工提花織物
drawer lock 抽屜鎖
drawer tube 拉制管
drawer wire filament 拉線燈絲
drawer 拉線機
drawer-bottom board 抽屜底板
drawers 長內褲
drawhead 拉拔機機頭
Drawinella 德拉維內拉醋酯短纖維
drawing and writing appliance 書畫用品
drawing apparatus 繪圖儀器
drawing appliance 繪圖用具
drawing bench 繪圖桌
drawing board 繪圖板
drawing book 圖畫本
drawing compass 繪圖圓規
drawing compound 潤拉劑
drawing crane 取料吊車
drawing desk 繪圖桌
drawing detail pencil 打樣鉛筆
drawing divider 兩腳規
drawing eraser 繪圖橡皮
drawing fan 抽風機
drawing frame 并條機
drawing furnace 回火爐
drawing ink 繪圖墨水
drawing instrument 繪圖儀器
drawing knife 繪圖刮刀
drawing machine 提升機
drawing mill 拉絲機
drawing pad 圖畫紙薄
drawing paper 圖畫紙
drawing pen holder 繪圖筆架
drawing pen nib 繪圖筆尖
drawing pen 繪圖筆
drawing pencil 繪圖鉛筆
drawing pin 圖釘
drawing press 拉拔式壓床
drawing pump 吸入泵
drawing quality steel 深沖鋼
drawing scale 繪圖比例尺
drawing set 繪畫支架
drawing silk 畫絹
drawing square 直角三角尺
drawing storage cylinder 存圖筒
drawing strickle 刮板
drawing T-square 繪畫丁字尺
drawing table 繪圖臺
drawing work lace 抽繡花邊
drawing-in frame for two operators 雙人穿經機
drawing-in frame 穿經機
drawing-in hook 穿綜鉤
drawing-wire machine 拉絲機
Drawinol 敵螨通
drawknife 刮刀
drawn 41-disc harrow 四十一片牽引圓盤耙
drawn and rolled tube 軋制管材
drawn fiber 拉伸纖維
drawn glass 拉制的玻璃
drawn grader 拖式平地機
drawn harrow 牽引耙
drawn steel 拔制鋼
drawn wire 冷拉鋼絲
drawn-thread work 抽花手工藝品
drawnwork bed sheet set 抽紗被套
drawnwork garment 抽紗服裝
drawnwork lace 抽繡花邊
drawnwork tablecloth 抽紗臺布
drawnwork traycloth 抽繡盤布
drawnwork 抽繡
drawout breaker 抽出式斷路器
drawplate oven 拉板爐
drawshave 刮刀
drawstring neck rib knit cotton vest 繩帶束領式棉紗凸紋針織內襯衣
drawstring neckline eyelet embroidery scalloped yoke blousette 繩帶束頸式通眼刺花海扇形披肩小上衣
dray saw 拖鋸
dray 載重板車
Draza 滅蟲威
drazoxolon 敵菌酮
dreadnaught  仿熊皮粗絨大衣呢
Dream 夢鄉牌手表
dredge boat 挖泥船
dredge machine 疏浚機
dredge pipe 排泥管
dredge pump 排泥泵
dredge scraper 拖鏟
dredge sleeve duck 水龍帶帆布
dredge 疏浚機
dredged trench 挖泥槽
dredger bucket 挖泥斗
dredger pump 吸泥泵
dredger shovel 單斗挖掘機
dredger 挖泥船
dredging box 戽斗
dredging machine 挖掘機
dredging shovel 單斗挖泥機
dredging tube 吸泥管
Dreffa 德來法牌手表
Drefga 地發格牌手表
drencher 灌藥器
Dresden point lace 德累斯頓抽花刺繡品
Dresden silk 德累斯頓綢
dress & skirt 女套裙
dress boots 套靴
dress canvas 服用雜色帆布
dress cape 禮服斗篷
dress coat 禮服
dress down 便服
dress fabric 衣料
dress fastener 扣鈕帶
dress flannel 服裝法蘭絨
dress for child 童裝
dress form 服裝人體模型
dress gingham 優質格子布
dress hat 大禮帽
dress hook 領鉤
dress improver 托裙腰墊
dress inverness 披肩式男用外套
dress lace 服裝通花紗
dress lapel sewing machine 西服縫翻領機
dress linen 亞麻平布
dress net 服裝用網眼紗
dress preserver 護衣汗墊
dress ring 禮服戒指
dress shield 隔衫底布
dress shirt with cuff link 禮服襯衫附袖口鈕
dress shirt with cuff 禮服襯衫附袖口
dress shirt with long and short sleeves 長短袖襯衫
dress shirt with long sleeves 長袖襯衫
dress shirt with short sleeves 短袖襯衫
dress shirt 西裝襯衫
dress shoes 禮服鞋
dress slacks 褲子
dress smock 披風
dress stand 服裝人體模型
dress suit 禮服套裝
dress suspender 吊褲帶
dress sword 禮服用佩刀
dress taffeta 外衣用塔夫綢
dress tartan 女裝格子呢
dress tie 禮服用領帶
dress uniform 禮服
dress waistcoat 禮服背心
dress wear 服料
dress worsted 精紡女式呢
dress 服裝
dressed abortive calf skin 熟胎牛皮
dressed abortive spotted calf skin 熟胎花牛皮
dressed abortive yellow calf skin 熟胎黃牛皮
dressed antelope skin 熟黃羊皮
dressed badger leg hair 獾腿把毛
dressed bear skin 熟熊皮
dressed beige fine goat hair 駝細山羊把毛
dressed black fine goat hair 黑細山羊把毛
dressed brick 磨光磚
dressed buffalo body hair 水牛身把毛
dressed civet cat hair 香貍子把毛
dressed civet cat tail hair 香貍子尾把毛
dressed cow body hair 牛身把毛
dressed cow ear hair 牛耳把毛
dressed deer body hair 麂子身把毛
dressed deer tail hair 麂子尾把毛
dressed dog skin 熟狗皮
dressed dog tail hair 狗尾把毛
dressed donkey skin 熟驢駒皮
dressed elk hair 駝鹿把毛
dressed elk skin 熟駝鹿皮
dressed fine hair 細把毛
dressed fitch tail hair 艾虎尾把毛
dressed flying squirrel tail hair 飛鼠尾把毛
dressed fox skin 熟狐貍皮
dressed fur 熟裘皮
dressed goat crown hair 羊頭心把毛
dressed goat skin 熟山羊皮
dressed goat tail hair 山羊尾把毛
dressed goat whisker 山羊胡子
dressed goat-buck skin 熟盤羊皮
dressed grey goat skin 熟青山羊皮
dressed heavy hair pony skin with imitation mane 帶假鬃的熟大毛馬駒皮
dressed heavy hair pony skin 熟大毛馬駒皮
dressed horse body hair 馬身把毛
dressed horse fetlock hair 馬蹄毛
dressed horse leg hair 馬腿把毛
dressed horse skin with imitation mane 帶假鬃的熟馬皮
dressed horse skin 熟馬皮
dressed horse tail hair with flag 有峰馬尾把毛
dressed kolinsky tail hair 元尾把毛
dressed laska tail hair 香鼠尾把毛
dressed lumber 刨光板
dressed marmot body hair 旱獺身把毛
dressed marmot tail hair 旱獺尾把毛
dressed mixed fine goat hair 花細山羊把毛
dressed monkey body hair 猴身把毛
dressed mule skin 熟騾駒皮
dressed pahmi body hair 猸子身把毛
dressed pahmi tail hair 猸子尾把毛
dressed pine squirrel tail hair 松鼠尾把毛
dressed pony mane 馬駒鬃把毛
dressed pony skin 熟馬駒皮
dressed pony tail hair 馬駒尾把毛
dressed rabbit whisker 兔胡子
dressed raccoon belly hair 貉子胸把毛
dressed raccoon hair 貉子把毛
dressed raccoon skin 熟貉子皮
dressed raccoon tail hair 貉子尾把毛
dressed roe deer skin 熟狍子皮
dressed santo hair 山兔把毛
dressed special goat hair for pen brush 制筆刷用山羊把毛
dressed spotted calf skin 熟花牛犢皮
dressed squirrel tail hair 松鼠尾把毛
dressed tail hair 尾把毛
dressed tiger skin 熟虎皮
dressed timber 刨光木材
dressed tree squirrel tail hair 樹鼠尾把毛
dressed warp 上漿經紗
dressed water badger hair 石獾把毛
dressed water badger tail hair 石獾尾把毛
dressed weasel tail hair 黃鼠狼尾把毛
dressed white fine goat hair 白細山羊把毛
dressed white goat hair 白山羊把毛
dressed white goat skin plate 熟白山羊皮褥子
dressed white Kalgan lamb skin 熟白口羔皮
dressed white sheep skin 熟白綿羊皮
dressed white slinksheep skin 熟白寒羊皮
dressed wild goat skin 熟野山羊皮
dressed yellow calf skin 熟黃牛犢皮
dressed yellow squirrel tail hair 黃鼠狼尾把毛
dressed {ching yao} hair 青搖把毛
dressed {ching yao} tail hair 青搖尾把毛
dressed {Jiujiang } civet cat hair 九江貍子把毛
dresser 選礦機
dressing bag 化妝用品袋
dressing board 敷料板
dressing bowl 換藥碗
dressing case 化妝盒
dressing equipage 化妝成套用具
dressing equipment 選礦設備
dressing forceps 敷料鑷
dressing gauze 藥用紗布
dressing glass 穿衣鏡
dressing gown without lining 單晨衣
dressing gown 晨衣
dressing hammer 整面錘
dressing jar 藥膏缸
dressing machine 選礦機
dressing mirror 穿衣鏡
dressing mull 藥用紗布
dressing scissors 敷料剪
dressing selvedge lace 飾邊花邊
dressing set 梳妝套
dressing stool 梳妝椅
dressing table mirror 梳妝臺鏡
dressing table set 成套梳妝臺
dressing table 梳妝臺
dressmaker's measure 裁縫用尺
dressmaker's shears 裁縫剪刀
drew-string bag 抽帶式袋
drew-string neck 抽帶領
Dri-Die 氟硅殺
dribble pipe 噴油嘴溢油管
dried abalone 鮑魚干
dried agaric mushroom 干草菇
dried air drier 空氣干燥機
dried albumen 干蛋白
dried alum 焦礬
dried and brined aquatic products 咸干水產品
dried apple 蘋果干
dried apricot 杏干
dried bamboo shoot slice 干筍片
dried bamboo shoot strip 干筍條
dried bamboo shoot 筍干
dried banana 香蕉干
dried bean curd crust 豆腐皮
dried bean curd 豆腐干
dried beancurd in sheet 三邊腐竹
dried beancurd stick 腐竹
dried beef round 干牛腸衣
dried beef tendon 干牛蹄筋
dried beef 牛肉脯
dried black date 黑棗
dried blood 血粉
dried bracken 蕨菜干
dried buckwheat noodle 蕎麥掛面
dried buffalo hide 干水牛皮
dried carp 鯉魚干
dried casing 干腸衣
dried chicken 臘雞
dried chilli 干辣椒
dried Chinese forest frog 干哈士蟆
dried cocoon 干繭
dried cole 干菜
dried cow casing 干牛腸衣
dried crabmeat 蟹肉干
dried crataegus pinnatifida 山里紅
dried currant 葡萄干
dried cuttle fish 墨魚干
dried daphnia 魚蟲子
dried date 干棗
dried day lily 金針菜
dried duck 臘鴨
dried duck's gizzard 鴨胗干
dried edible black fungus 黑木耳
dried edible fungus 木耳
dried edible Japanese thick black fungus 日本厚黑木耳
dried edible white fungus 白木耳
dried egg white 蛋白粉
dried egg yolk 蛋黃粉
dried egg 蛋粉
dried explosion-proof transformer 干式防爆變壓器
dried fig 無花果干
dried fish 魚干
dried flower 干花
dried fruit juice 果汁粉
dried fruit 果干
dried fungus 木耳
dried gel 干凝膠
dried ginger slice 干姜片
dried ginger with skin 帶皮姜片
dried ginger 干姜
dried grape 葡萄干
dried green orange peel 青桔皮
dried hen egg yolk 雞蛋黃粉
dried herbs 干草藥
dried herring roe 干沙丁魚籽
dried hog bladder 干豬膀胱
dried hog casing 干豬腸衣
dried honey dew melon 哈蜜瓜干
dried human placenta 紫河車
dried indigo 土靛
dried jasmine flower 干茉莉花
dried leaf mustard 干芥菜
dried lichee 荔枝干
dried lily bulb 百合干
dried lily flower 黃花菜
dried long bean 干豆角
dried longan 桂圓干
dried lotus root 藕干
dried lychee 干荔枝
dried malt 干麥芽
dried mandarin orange 大紅柑餅
dried mango 芒果干
dried marine algae powder 海藻粉
dried marine products 海味品
dried meat floss 肉松
dried meat 干肉
dried methyl alcohol 無水甲醇
dried milk 奶粉
dried mushroom 干蘑菇
dried mussel 貽貝干
dried noodle 掛面
dried nut 干果
dried octopus 章魚干
dried old orange peel 陳皮
dried olive pulp 青果
dried olive 欖胚
dried onion 洋蔥干
dried orange peel 陳皮
dried osmund 薇菜干
dried oyster 蠔干
dried peach 桃干
dried pear 梨干
dried peeled prawn 去皮蝦米
dried peppermint herb 薄荷
dried peppermint leaf 薄荷葉
dried persimmon 柿餅
dried pig's sinew 干豬蹄筋
dried plum 李干
dried pork floss 豬肉松
dried pork slice 豬肉脯
dried pork tendon 干豬蹄筋
dried pork 臘肉
dried potato powder 土豆粉
dried potato slice 干土豆片
dried prawn with husk 連皮蝦米
dried prawn 蝦干
dried pumpkin 南瓜干
dried radish 蘿卜干
dried red date 紅棗
dried rose flower 玫瑰花干
dried salted apricot 咸杏胚
dried salted arbutus 咸楊梅干
dried salted black olive 咸烏欖干
dried salted fish 咸魚干
dried salted mandarin orange 咸柑胚
dried salted mango 咸芒果胚
dried salted olive 咸欖胚
dried salted orange 咸桔胚
dried salted peanut 咸干花生
dried salted plum 咸李胚
dried salted sour carambola 咸三稔胚
dried sardine 沙丁魚干
dried sea moss 發萊
dried sea-cucumber 干海參
dried seasoned file fish 調味馬面魚干
dried seaweed 海帶干
dried shark fillet 鯊魚肉片干
dried shark fin 魚翅
dried shrimp flake 蝦片
dried shrimp shelled 去殼蝦米
dried silkworm chrysalis meal 蠶蛹粉
dried silkworm chrysalis 蠶蛹干
dried silkworm with batryte 僵蠶
dried silver fish 銀魚干
dried skim milk 脫脂乳粉
dried small fish 小雜魚干
dried small shark slice 鯊魚仔片干
dried snake skin 干蛇皮
dried snake 蛇干
dried soya cream 腐竹
dried squid 墨魚干
dried sweet potato slice 干紅薯片
dried sweet potato stem 干紅薯藤
dried sweet potato 紅薯干
dried tangerine fibre 桔絡
dried tangerine peel 柑桔皮
dried taro chip 芋角
dried thin mushroom 干香菇
dried thin rice stick 銀絲米粉
dried tubed casing 干制套管腸衣
dried tubed hog casing 干制套管豬腸衣
dried tubed sheep casing 干制套管羊腸衣
dried turnip 蘿卜干
dried unsalted fish 淡魚干
dried vegetable with bamboo shoot 干菜筍
dried vegetable 干菜
dried venison 鹿肉干
dried water chestnut 風干荸薺
dried whole egg powder 全蛋粉
dried whole hen egg 全雞蛋粉
dried whole milk 全脂奶粉
dried wild herb 干制山野菜
dried winter-picked mushroom 冬菇
dried wood 干木材
dried yeast powder 干酵母粉
dried yeast 干酵母
dried yellow croaker 黃花魚干
dried yolk 干蛋黃
dried {wenchang} fish 文昌魚干
drier coil 干燥盤管
drier for paste paint 厚漆催干劑
drier for yeast extract 酶母萃干燥機
drier gelatine 速干膏
drier solution 速干液
drier 干燥機
drier-filter of the refrigerator 冰箱干燥過濾器
Drifene AP 一丹混劑
Drifene 一狄混劑
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