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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-02-21
核心提示:Haldane apparatus 霍爾丹氏呼吸氣體分析器 haldol decanoas ampoule 安度利可注射液 Haleman 哈爾曼牌手表 Haler fibre 哈勒纖維 Hales 黑爾斯牌手表 Haletazole 哈利他唑 half adder 半加法器 half aldehyde 醛酸 half alloy dead center 半缺合金頂尖 half amide 半

Haldane apparatus 霍爾丹氏呼吸氣體分析器
haldol decanoas ampoule 安度利可注射液
Haleman 哈爾曼牌手表
Haler fibre 哈勒纖維
Hales 黑爾斯牌手表
Haletazole 哈利他唑
half adder 半加法器
half aldehyde 醛酸
half alloy dead center 半缺合金頂尖
half amide 半酰胺
half bleach 半漂白亞麻布
half bleached sheeting 半漂細布
half built-up crank shaft 半組合式曲軸
half chintz 半擦光印花布
half circle protractor 半圓分度器
half coat 開襟女短上衣
half cutwork 半雕繡
half damask 半絲花緞
half dead center 半缺頂尖
half degummed silk 半脫膠絲
half echo suppressor 半回波抑制器
half frosted lamp bulb 半磨砂燈泡
half gantry crane 單腳高架起重機
half hatchet 半邊小斧頭
half hosiery 短統襪
half nut 對開螺母
half petticoat 無上身襯裙
half ripper 細木鋸
half round bent scraper 半圓彎頭刮刀
half round chisel 半圓鑿
half round countersunk head bolt 半圓沉頭螺栓
half round head file for carpentry 半圓頭木工銼
half round head square neck bolt 半圓頭方頸螺栓
half round iron 半圓鐵
half round iron-bar 半圓鐵條
half round pliers 半圓鉗
half round saw 半圓鋸
half round wood rasp 半圓木銼
half shape rubber bobbin 半截形橡膠滾輪
half silk 半絲織物
half slip 半裙
half smooth file 中齒銼
half sofa 半沙發
half speed gear 半速齒輪
half speed shaft 半速軸
half spherical ring 臥圈
half spherical steel bobbin 半圓形鋼質滾輪
half subtracter 半減法器
half voile 半巴里紗
half wellingtons 半筒皮靴
half-axle 半軸
half-bleached shirting 半漂布
half-boots 半統靴
half-cardigans 半開衫
half-circle skirt 半圓裙
half-combing wool 中級羊毛
half-cream 半膏
half-curved needle 半彎型縫合針
half-cut goods 半成形針織品
half-dry spinning frame 半干紡細紗機
half-dry-spun flax yarn 半干紡亞麻紗
Half-Earth electric rice cooker 半球牌電飯鍋
Half-Earth refrigerator 半球牌電冰箱
half-elliptic spring 半橢圓形彈簧
half-expansion fork 半伸縮叉
half-hard steel 半硬鋼
half-hose 短統襪
half-marl yarn 單色-夾色紗線
half-mask respirator 半面罩式呼吸防護器
half-round coarse file 半圓粗銼
half-round concave milling cutter 凹半圓銑刀
half-round convex milling cutter 凸半圓銑刀
half-round drill 半圓鉆
half-round file 半圓銼
half-round head rivet 半圓頭鉚釘
half-round head screw 半圓頭螺釘
half-round middle file 半圓中銼
half-round scraper 半圓形刮刀
half-round smooth file 半圓細銼
half-serrated hemostatic forceps 半齒止血鉗
half-shade polariscope 半陰旋光計
half-shift register 半移位寄存器
half-silvered mirror 半面涂銀鏡
half-stockings 中統女襪
half-thicks 薄質白法蘭絨
half-track tractor 半履帶式拖拉機
half-wave detector 半波檢波器
half-wave doubler 半波倍壓器
half-wave linear radiator 半波線狀輻射器
half-wave mercury vapour rectifier tube 半波汞氣整流管
half-wave radiator 半波輻射器
half-wave rectifier tube 半波整流管
half-wave rectifier 半波整流器
half-wave transformer 半波變壓器
half-white glass 半白玻璃
half-wool 棉毛交織物
half-woolen yarn 半紡毛紗
halftone black 銅版黑
halftone generator 網點發生器
halftone ink 銅版墨
halftone screen determiner 網目線數決定儀
halftone screen 網目版
Hali 東方風格大地毯
halibut liver oil capsule 比目魚肝油膠囊
halibut 大比目魚
halide glass 鹵化物玻璃
halide lamp 鹵化物檢漏燈
halide laser 鹵化物激光器
Halidor tablet 哈利多片
Halina 哈林娜牌照相機
halite 大青鹽
haliver oil 比目魚肝油
Halizan 蝸牛敵
Hall angular displacement transducer 霍爾角位移傳感器
hall carpet 大廳地毯
hall clock 大廳鐘
Hall effect amplifier 霍耳效應放大器
Hall effect linear detector 霍耳效應線性檢波器
Hall effect magnetometer 霍耳效應磁強計
Hall effect mixer 霍耳效應混頻器
Hall effect multiplier 霍耳效應乘法器
hall furniture 大廳家具
Hall generator 霍耳發生器
hall mirror 穿衣鏡
Hall power meter 霍耳功率計
hall stand 大廳衣帽架
Hall unit 霍耳元件
hallencourt 斜紋亞麻臺布
halles crues 本色亞麻布
Halman 哈爾曼銅錳鋁合金電阻絲
halo fibre 光暈纖維
halocarbon 鹵碳
Halofantrine 鹵泛曲林
haloform 鹵仿
haloform-tungsten working lamp for machine tool 鹵鎢機床工作燈
Halofuginone 鹵夫酮
Halogabide 鹵加比
halogen acyl iodide 鹵代酰碘
halogen cell 鹵素電池
halogen copying lamp 印拷貝用鹵素燈
halogen counter 鹵素計數管
halogen lamp 鹵素燈
halogen laser 鹵素激光器
halogen leak locator 鹵素查漏儀
halogen leakage-detecting lamp 鹵素檢漏燈
halogen quenched counter 鹵素猝滅計數器
halogen rechargeable ophthalmoscope 鹵素充電式強光源檢眼鏡
halogen refrigerator 鹵素冷凍機
halogen sensitive leak detector 鹵素靈敏探漏器
halogen silver 鹵化銀
halogen solution 鹵水
halogen tungsten lamp 鹵鎢燈
halogen 鹵素
halogen-platinum leak detector 鹵-鉑探漏器
halogenated hydrocarbon 鹵化烴
halometer 鹽量計
Halomethasone monohydrate 鹵米松
Halopemide 鹵培米特
Halopenium chloride 鹵培氯銨
Haloperidide 鹵哌地特
Haloperidol 氟哌啶醇
Halophane 雙氯酚
Halopredone 鹵潑尼松
Haloprogin 鹵普羅近
Halopropane 鹵丙烷
halothane 氟烷
Haloxazolam 鹵惡唑侖
Haloxon 皮蟲磷
haloxydine 氟啶草
Halpex 海帕司牌手表
Halquinol 哈喹諾
halt indicator 停機指示器
halter dress 吊帶式露背連裙裝
halter 牽馬繩
Halts 多氯雙茂
halyard block 蓬索滑車
halyard 升降索
ham butt pork 豬臀部肉
ham luncheon meat 火腿午餐肉
ham luncheon sausage 火腿午餐腸
ham meal sausage 火腿肉腸
ham mooncake 火腿月餅
ham pork 火腿豬肉
ham sausage 火腿腸
ham sausage 火腿香腸
ham skinning machine 腿部去皮機
ham slicer 火腿切片刀
ham 火腿
hamadan 哈馬頓地毯
hambel 異色斜紋地毯
Hamburg wool 漢堡繡花毛線
Hamburg yarn 漢堡繡花毛線
hamburger turner 翻牛排鏟
hame 馬頸軛
Hametag impact mill 哈梅塔格旋渦沖擊式磨機
Hamilton metal 哈密爾頓合金
Hamilton 漢密爾頓牌手表
hamme ton silver 龜裂花紋銀色涂料
hammer  crane 錘頭式起重機
hammer anvil 錘砧
hammer ball 鏈球
hammer blade mill 錘式粉碎機
hammer breaker 錘式破碎機
hammer crusher 錘式破碎機
hammer cylinder 汽錘汽缸
hammer drifter 架柱式風鉆
hammer drill 錘鉆
hammer for repairing shoes 修鞋錘子
hammer grinder 錘式粉碎機
hammer handle 錘柄
hammer head chisel 錘頭鑿
hammer line 樁錘吊索
hammer machine 錘擊試驗機
hammer mill 錘磨機
hammer piston 汽錘活塞
hammer press 鍛壓機
hammer riveting machine 錘鉚機
hammer sharpener 錘磨器
hammer stock 槌式縮絨機
hammer valve 錘形閥
hammer 錘
hammer-apparatus 機動樁錘
hammer-stroke slag crusher 錘擊碎渣機
hammered iron 鍛鐵
hammered satin 錘花緞
hammered silk 錘花緞
hammered steel 鍛鋼
hammering machine 錘鍛機
hammering press 鍛壓機
hammering spanner 單頭開口爪扳手
hammersmith carpet 毛絨棉底地毯
hammock chair 帆布椅
hammock cloth 篷帳帆布
hammock 吊床
Hamycin 哈霉素
hanadiang fibre 哈納登韌皮纖維
Hanane 甲氟磷
hand  knitting machine 手動針織橫機
hand adding machine 手搖加減機
hand air pump 手動氣泵
hand arbor press 手扳壓機
hand auger 手鉆
hand bag 手提袋
hand balance 手秤
hand ball 手球
hand barrow 手推車
hand basin 洗手盆
hand basket 手提籃
hand bellow 手拉風箱
hand bench drill 手搖臺鉆
hand bench grinder 手動臺式磨床
hand bending machine 手工彎折機
hand bending rolling and shearing machine 手動折彎卷板剪板機
hand brace 手搖鉆
hand brake chain guide 手制動鏈導板
hand brake chain wheel 手制動鏈輪
hand brake guide plate 手制動軸卡板
hand brake lever 手制動桿
hand brake mast chain 手制動軸鏈
hand brake mast step 手制動軸托
hand brake mast support 手制動軸導架
hand brake pull rod chain 手制動拉桿鏈
hand brake pull rod guide anchor 手制動拉桿吊
hand brake pull rod guide 手制動拉桿導架
hand brake pull rod jaw 手制動拉桿頭
hand brake pull rod 手制動拉桿
hand brush 手刷
hand calculating machine 手搖計算機
hand camera 手提攝影機
hand car 手搖軌道車
hand centrifuge 手搖離心機
hand chain lever hoist 環鏈手扳葫蘆
hand chuck 手轉卡盤
hand churn drill 手動鋼繩沖擊式鉆機
hand clamp 手鉗
hand clippers 普通理發剪
hand computer 手搖計算機
hand control switch regulator 手控式開關調節器
hand control switch 手動控制開關
hand control valve 手控制閥
hand controller 手動控制器
hand counter 手控計數器
hand crane 手搖起重機
hand crank 手搖柄
hand cream 護手霜
hand cream 潤手香脂
hand crochet article 手工鉤針制品
hand crusher 手搖軋碎機
hand cutter 手工裁切機
hand diamond drill 手動金剛石鉆機
hand distributor 手壓灑布機
hand dredger 人力挖泥機
hand drier 干手器
hand drill machine 手搖鉆機
hand drill 手搖鉆
hand driven rivet 手鉚鉚釘
hand drum 手鼓
hand dryer 干手器
hand drying apparatus 干手器
hand duster 手搖噴粉器
hand dynamo 手搖發電機
hand electric chain saw 手持電動鏈鋸機
hand electric drill 手電鉆
hand electric dryer 手持電吹風機
hand electric shaver for wood working 手用木工電刨刀
hand electromagnet for eyes 眼科手持電吸鐵器
hand embroidered articles 手繡制品
hand embroidered bedsheet 手繡床單
hand embroidered doily and tray cloth 手繡盤布
hand embroidered handkerchief 手繡手帕
hand embroidered pillowcase 手繡枕套
hand feed surface grinding machine 手進平面磨床
hand feeder 手動給料機
hand file 手銼
hand flocking equipment 手工植絨設備
hand folding camera 手提折合攝影機
hand fork lifter 手動叉車
hand freezer 手搖結凍器
hand generator 手搖發電機
hand gouge 手圓鑿
hand grinder 手搖砂輪
hand grinding machine 手搖砂輪機
hand grip 手柄
hand gritter 人工石屑撒布機
hand hack saw blade 手用鋼鋸條
hand hair clippers 普通理發剪
hand hammer drill 手持式風鎬
hand hammer handle 手錘柄
hand hammer 手錘
hand hoist 手動卷揚機
hand horn 手按喇叭
hand hydraulic carrier 手動液壓搬運車
hand hydraulic riveter 手動液壓鉚釘槍
hand impact screwdriver 手壓螺絲起子
hand interrupter 手動斷續器
hand iron-cutter 手力切鐵刀
hand iron-shears 手力剪鐵刀
hand jack 手動千斤頂
hand jelly 潤手膏
hand jigger 手工磨光器
hand knitted hosiery 手工針織品
hand knitted lace bed cover 手編結床罩
hand knitted lace doily 手編織盤布
hand knitted lace tablecloth 手編結臺布
hand knitted sweater 手編織衫
hand knitwear 手織品
hand knotted carpet 手結地毯
hand knotted silk carpet 手結絲綢地毯
hand knotted super woollen carpet 高級手結羊毛地毯
hand knotted woollen carpet 手織羊毛地毯
hand labeler 手動貼標器
hand lamp 手提燈
hand lathe 手搖車床
hand level 手持水平儀
hand lever 手柄
hand lift 手搖起重機
hand loom 手織機
hand made natural colour animal hair carpet 天然色手工獸毛地毯
hand magnet 手持磁鐵
hand massager 手持按摩器
hand microphone type telephone 手持送話器式電話機
hand microphone 手持話筒
hand mill 手磨機
hand milling machine 手動銑床
hand mule 手工紡車
hand nibbler 手動剪切機
hand noolde machine 手搖面條機
hand oiler 手提加油器
hand operated vertical hydraulic jack 手動立式液壓千斤頂
hand operating knapsack sprayer 手動背負式噴霧器
hand organ 手風琴
hand painted carpet 手工描花地毯
hand painted hanging fan with gold foil 金箔手畫掛扇
hand painted hanging fan with silver foil 銀箔手畫掛扇
hand painted hanging fan with tin foil 錫箔手畫掛扇
hand painted rice-paper hanging fan 宣紙手畫掛扇
hand painted scarf 手繪圍巾
hand painted silk hanging fan 絹制手畫掛扇
hand painted wall paper 手繪壁紙
hand painting on rice paper 宣紙畫
hand painting on silk 絹畫
hand picked cotton 手摘棉
hand pile-driver 人工打樁機
hand plane 手刨
hand planing machine 手刨床
hand plate saw 板鋸
hand plow 手扶犁
hand plug gauge 手塞規
hand pop riveter 手動射釘槍
hand portable riveter 手力輕便鉚釘器
hand press 手動壓力機
hand pressure pump 手操壓力泵
hand primer 手動注油器
hand printed hankerchief 手工印花手帕
hand printed scarf 手工印花圍巾
hand printed spun rayon piece goods 手工印花人造絲紡織制品
hand pull bell 手拉鈴
hand pulling block 手拉葫蘆
hand pump 手壓泵
hand punch press 手動沖壓機
hand punch 手力沖孔機
hand pyrometer 手提式高溫計
hand ram 手夯
hand reamer with pilot 帶導向柱的手鉸刀
hand reamer with spiral flutes 帶螺線槽的手鉸刀
hand reamer 手鉸刀
hand receiver 手持受話器
hand reeled silk 手繅生絲
hand reeling machine 手搖紡車
hand refractometer 手持折光計
hand regulator 手動調節器
hand reset relay 手動復位繼電器
hand rest 扶手
hand rewinding crank 手動回行曲柄
hand rivet hammer 手持鉚釘錘
hand riveter 手動鉚釘機
hand riveting machine 手鉚機
hand roll-hemmed handkerchief 手工卷邊手帕
hand rolled cigarette 手卷卷煙
hand roller 人力壓輥
hand sampler 人工取樣器
hand saw handle 手鋸柄
hand saw with double edge 雙面手鋸
hand saw with plastic handle 塑料柄手鋸
hand saw with wooden handle 木柄手鋸
hand saw 手鋸
hand scale 手秤
hand screw press 手搖螺旋壓力機
hand screw tap 手用絲錐
hand screw 手動千斤頂
hand scrubber 手刷
hand seamer 手動封口機
hand seeder 手搖播種機
hand semirotary pump 手搖半轉泵
hand set transmitter 手持送話器
hand sewing machine 手搖縫紉機
hand sewing needle 縫衣針
hand shears 手動剪切機
hand sheet mill 人工操作薄板軋機
hand shield 手持護目罩
hand shovel 手鏟
hand shower 手拉噴頭
hand signal lamp 手提信號燈
hand slewing crane 手旋起重機
hand spectrophotometer 手攜分光光度計
hand spectroscope 手持分光鏡
hand spray 手動噴霧器
hand spun yarn carpet 手紡線地毯
hand spun yarn 手紡紗
hand steering gear 手動舵機
hand stop valve 手動截止閥
hand strap 扶手帶
hand sugar refractometer 手提式檢糖折射計
hand surgery instrument set 手部外科器械包
hand swinging tambourine 手搖鼓
hand switch 手動開關
hand tachograph 手持轉速記錄器
hand tamper 手夯
hand tap 手用絲錐
hand taper reamer 錐形手鉸刀
hand taper tap 手用錐形絲錐
hand telephone transmitter and receiver 手持送受話器
hand terrazzo grinder 手提式水磨機
hand threshing machine 打谷機
hand throttle 手節氣門
hand tip-cart 手推傾卸車
hand tongs 手鉗
hand tool 手工工具
hand towel 手巾
hand tractor 手扶拖拉機
hand transmitter 手持送話器
hand transmitter-receiver 手持收發兩用機
hand valve 手動閥
hand vertical hydraulic jack 手動立式油壓千斤頂
hand vice 手虎鉗
hand viewer 袖珍放大鏡
hand welding electrode holder 手工焊接電焊把
hand wheel 手輪
hand whisk 手工攪拌器
hand winch 手搖絞車
hand windlass 手搖卷揚機
hand woven kumihimo obijime 手織腰帶繩
hand wringer 手搖絞水機
hand-blown glass 人工吹制的玻璃
hand-control directional valve 手動換向閥
hand-controlled regulator 手動調節器
hand-crocheted and knitted sweater 鉤針及棒針手編毛衫
hand-crocheted bed cover 手鉤床罩
hand-crocheted bed sheet 手鉤床單
hand-crocheted doily and tray cloth 手鉤盤布
hand-crocheted pillow case 手鉤枕套
hand-crocheted shawl 手鉤披巾
hand-crocheted sweater 鉤針毛衫
hand-crocheted table cloth 手鉤臺布
hand-cut ash tray 刻花煙缸
hand-cut beer mug 刻花啤酒杯
hand-cut blown tumbler 刻花吹制杯
hand-cut flower basket 刻花花藍
hand-cut flower vase 刻花花瓶
hand-cut fruit bowl 刻花果碗
hand-cut fruit tray 刻花果盤
hand-cut glass 刻花酒杯
hand-cut pressed tumbler 刻花機壓杯
hand-cut rotary file 刻花旋轉銼
hand-cut smoker's set 刻花煙具
hand-cut water set 刻花水具
hand-cut wine glass 刻花酒杯
hand-cut wine set 刻花酒具
hand-directional valve 手動換向閥
hand-drawing handkerchief 手繪手帕
hand-drawing necktie 手繪領帶
hand-drawing scarf 手繪頭巾
hand-drawn embroidered handkerchief 抽繡手帕
hand-drawn 抽花刺繡品
hand-drive block 手動葫蘆
hand-drive double beam crane 手動雙梁起重機
hand-driven maize sheller 手搖玉米脫粒機
hand-electric thinning shears 電手兩用削發剪
hand-embroidered applique work tablecloth 手繡貼花臺布
hand-embroidered bed cover 手繡床罩
hand-embroidered crossstitch  tablecloth 手工十字繡花臺布
hand-embroidered cushion 手繡靠墊
hand-embroidered cutwork tablecloth 手工雕繡臺布
hand-embroidered piano cover 手繡鋼琴罩
hand-embroidered scar 手繡圍巾
hand-embroidered tablecloth with lace border 鑲邊手繡臺布
hand-embroidered tablecloth 手繡臺布
hand-embroidered towel 手繡毛巾
hand-fed woodworking circular saw 手動進料木工圓鋸
hand-feed core drill 手把進給巖心鉆機
hand-ginned cotton 手軋棉
hand-go shower set with soap holder 帶皂托手動淋浴器
hand-go shower set 手動式淋浴器
hand-handle single-beam crane 手動單梁起重機
hand-held aerial camera 手提航空攝影機
hand-held air drill 手持式風鉆
hand-held camera 手提攝影機
hand-held drill 手提式鉆孔機
hand-held encryption unit 手持式密碼機
hand-held fireworks 手持煙花
hand-held hammer drill 手持式沖擊鑿巖機
hand-held hammering drill 手持式沖擊鉆
hand-held laser rangefinder 手持式激光測距機
hand-held passive binoculars 手持微光雙目望遠鏡
hand-held passive night viewer 手持微光觀察儀
hand-held portable data encryption device 手持便攜式數據加密裝置
hand-held remote control unit 手持式遙控器
hand-held resuscitator bulb 人工手動心肺復蘇器
hand-held rock drill 手持式鑿巖機
hand-held set 手持機
hand-held sinker 向下打眼的手持鑿巖機
hand-held speech security unit 手持式話密機
hand-held steadyscope 手持穩像望遠鏡
hand-held tactical radar 手持式戰術雷達
hand-held thermal imager 手持熱像儀
hand-held TV camera 手持電視攝像機
hand-held welder 手持式焊接機
hand-hydraulic pallet truck 手動液壓碼垛車
hand-knit sweater 手編織衫
hand-knitted articles 手工針織品
hand-knitting articles 手工編織制品
hand-knitting knitwear 手編針織品
hand-knitting machine 手搖針織機
hand-knitting wool 手編絨線
hand-knitting yarn for coarse needle 棒針絨線
hand-knitting yarn 手編絨線
hand-lever paper cutter 手扳切紙刀
hand-lever paper cutting machine 手扳切紙機
hand-lift truck 升降式手推車
hand-loomed tablecloth 手工機織臺布
hand-loomed towel 手工機織毛巾
hand-loomed traycloth 手工機織盤布
hand-made & machine-made gloves & mitts 手工及機制手套
hand-made artistic woollen tapestry 手織藝術掛毯
hand-made bobbin lace 手工梭結花邊
hand-made brick 手制磚
hand-made carpet 手工地毯
hand-made cellulose acetate spectacle frame 乙酸纖維手工膠板鏡架
hand-made cotton bedspread 手工棉線床罩
hand-made cotton crochet blouse 手工棉線鉤針女衫
hand-made cotton crochet collar 手工棉線鉤針領圈
hand-made cotton crochet cushion 手工棉線鉤針靠墊
hand-made cotton crochet gloves 手工棉線鉤針手套
hand-made cotton crochet piano cover 手工棉線鉤針鋼琴罩
hand-made cotton crochet sewing machine cover 手工棉線鉤針縫紉機罩
hand-made cotton crochet shawl 手工棉線鉤針披肩
hand-made cotton crochet sofa cover 手工棉線鉤針沙發套
hand-made cotton crochet uppers for gloves 手工棉線鉤針手套上部
hand-made cotton filet gloves 手工棉線網結手套
hand-made gloves and mitts 手工手套
hand-made hooked rug 手工鉤針編結地毯
hand-made lace 手織花邊
hand-made modern type woollen carpet 現代式羊毛手工地毯
hand-made nankeen 手工土布
hand-made nylon crochet gloves 手工尼龍鉤針手套
hand-made nylon filet glovse 手工尼龍網結手套
hand-made nylon stockings 手工尼龍長襪
hand-made paper 土紙
hand-made rug 手織地毯
hand-made silk wadding 手工絲棉
hand-made super woollen carpet 手工超級羊毛毯
hand-made toy 手工制造的玩具
hand-made wool crochet gloves 手工羊毛鉤針手套
hand-made woollen carpet 手工羊毛地毯
hand-made {Xinjiang} woollen carpet 新疆羊毛手工地毯
hand-mallet 手術錘
hand-mirror 手鏡
hand-operated auger 手搖螺鉆機
hand-operated carriage 手推車
hand-operated centrifuge 手搖式離心機
hand-operated duster 手搖噴粉器
hand-operated electric drill 手動電鉆
hand-operated flash lift moulding machine 手動漏模式造型機
hand-operated force-feed lubricator 手動強制給油潤滑器
hand-operated grinder 手搖研磨機
hand-operated gun 手動噴搶
hand-operated hydraulic press 手動液壓機
hand-operated jig 手動夾具
hand-operated meat mincer 手搖絞肉機
hand-operated oil pump 手搖油泵
hand-operated overhang crane 手動單梁橋吊
hand-operated pallet truck 手動盤式搬運車
hand-operated pepper mill 手搖胡椒研磨器
hand-operated press 手壓機
hand-operated pump 手搖泵
hand-operated regulator 手動調節器
hand-operated rice transplanter 人力水稻插秧機
hand-operated rocker arm 手動搖臂
hand-operated roller covering machine 手動套皮輥機
hand-operated single-and-double beam bridge crane 手動單雙梁橋式起重機
hand-operated singletrack crane 手動單軌起重機
hand-operated star-delta starter 手動式星三角起動機
hand-operated starter 手動起動器
hand-operated starting compensator 手工起動補償器
hand-operated two-beam crane 手動雙梁起重機
hand-operated valve 手動閥
hand-operated winch 手搖絞車
hand-operating pressure pump 手動壓力泵
hand-operating vacuum-pump 手動真空泵
hand-plaited bamboo articles 竹編制品
hand-plaited bamboo screen 竹編屏風
hand-plaited straw articles 草編制品
hand-power screw press 手動螺旋壓力機
hand-powered cutter 手動切割機
hand-printed khanga 手工印花肯加布
hand-printed kimono silk 手工印花和服綢
hand-printed poplin 手工印花府綢
hand-printed satin drill 手工印花貢緞
hand-printed shirting 手工印花襯衣料
hand-printed tussores 手工印花羅緞
hand-propelled compacting machine 手推夯實機
hand-propelled generator 手推式發生器
hand-pushed trailer 手推拖車
hand-regulating expansion valve 手調節膨脹閥
hand-rocking universal woodworking circular saw 搖臂式萬能木工圓鋸機
hand-rolled silk square with scalloped corners 四角海扇式手縫卷邊絲方巾
hand-sewn classic gloves 手縫古典式手套
hand-sewn lady's gloves of goat skin with cashmere lining 山羊皮手縫開司米里女式手套
hand-sewn man's gloves of pig skin with mixed cotton and woollen lining 豬皮手縫棉毛交織里男式手套
hand-spun silk yarn 手紡絲線
hand-stand tool 倒立器
hand-truck 手推車
handbrake 手閘
handcuffs 手銬
handicraft embroidered slipper 繡花工藝拖鞋
handicraft hat 工藝帽
handicraft products 手工藝品
handicraft shoes 工藝鞋
handicraft 手工藝品
handie talkie 手提式步談機
handiwork 手工制品
handkerchief cloth 手帕布
handkerchief dress 手絹式上衣
handkerchief lawn 薄型亞麻細平布
handkerchief linen 薄型亞麻細平布
handkerchief loom 手帕織機
handkerchief paper 手巾紙
handkerchief tissue 手巾紙
handkerchief 手帕
handlance pump 手壓水泵
handlance with nozzle 帶噴嘴的手噴槍
handlance 手壓泵
handle bar 車把
handle for grinding wheel dresser 砂輪割刀柄
handle gouge 帶柄圓鑿
handle hammer 手錘
handle of emery wheel-scraper 砂輪刮刀柄
handle operated sewing machine 手柄操作縫紉機
handle spring 手柄彈簧
handle 把手
handle-o-meter 織物手感測定器
handle-sticking machine 貼柄機
handlebar bell 自行車鈴
handlebar grip 車把手握柄
handlebar stem 車把手桿
handled digital thermometer 手持式數字測溫儀
handling bridge 橋型裝卸機
handling machinery 裝卸機械
handling spider 系索三角架
Handor 漢多爾牌手表
handpiece 機頭
hands-and-clothes monitor 手衣放射性污染監測儀
handsaw blade 手鋸條
handsaw sharpening tool 鋸齒磨具
handscroll of painting 畫卷
handset cord 送受話器線
handset cradle 擱電話聽筒的叉簧
handset telephone 手持式電話機
handset 聽筒
handshaken black yakhair 手抖黑牦牛毛
handshaken clipped gray goathair 手抖活剪青山羊毛
handshaken fine autumn clipped sheepwool 手抖改良秋綿羊毛
handshaken grey goat hair clipped from skin 手抖皮剪青山羊毛
handshaken grey goathair 手抖青山羊毛
handshaken hada spring clipped sheepwool 手抖哈達春剪羊毛
handshaken Hailar spring clipped sheepwool 手抖海拉爾春剪羊毛
handshaken light shade mixed goathair 手抖淺花山羊毛
handshaken light shade North China grey goat hair 手抖華北淡灰山羊毛
handshaken mixed clipped goathair 手抖活剪花山羊毛
handshaken mixed goathair 手抖混山羊毛
handshaken mixed yakhair 手抖混牦牛毛
handshaken short grey clipped goathair 手抖短尺青山羊毛
handshaken short white goathair 手抖短尺白山羊毛
handshaken skin sheepwool 手抖皮剪綿羊毛
handshaken spring clipped sheepwool 手抖春剪綿羊毛
handshaken white clipped goathair 手抖白山羊毛
handshaken white goathair 手抖白山羊毛
handshaken yakhair 手抖牦牛毛
handshaken {Xining} skin wool 手抖西寧皮毛
handshaken {yingtze} spring clipped sheep wool 手抖營字春剪綿羊毛
handwheel shaft 手輪軸
handwork release safe brake 手動釋放型安全制動器
handy cutter 手提裁剪機
handy mist-duster 手動噴霧器
handy torch 輕便手提噴燈
handy-size clean carrier 輕型輕油油船
handy-size dirty carrier 輕型重油油船
handy-talkie 手持式步談機
hang glider 懸掛式滑翔機
hang scoop scale 吊盤秤
hang-on-back condenser 懸背式冷凝器
hanger abrator 懸掛式拋丸清理機
hanger 吊鉤
hanging bar 吊杠
hanging basket 吊籃
hanging bracket 吊架
hanging chain of fluorescent lamp 日光燈吊鏈
hanging clinometer 懸式測斜器
hanging clock 掛鐘
hanging dish 掛盤
hanging fan 吊扇
hanging ladder 懸梯
hanging lamp 掛燈
hanging panel 掛屏
hanging ring 吊環
hanging scoop scale 吊盤秤
hanging screen 掛屏
hanging scroll 云錦條屏
hanging spring balance 懸式彈簧秤
hanging strip for galvanometer 檢流計用懸絲
hanging strip 吊帶
hanging theodolite 懸式經緯儀
hanging trough flotator 掛槽浮選機
hanging valve 吊閥
hanging-bucket conveyer 吊斗式輸送機
hangings 簾布
Hanhart 漢哈特牌手表
hank circumference measuring apparatus 絞紗圈長測長器
hank drier 絞紗烘燥機
hank glazing machine 紋紗上光機
hank machine 搖絲機
hank reeling machine 搖紗機
hank scouring machine 絞紗洗滌機
hank sizing machine 絞紗上漿機
hank spraying washing machine 絞絲淋洗機
hank stretching and glazing machine 絞紗繃伸上光機
hank stretching machine 絞紗繃伸機
hank washer 絞絲洗滌機
hank yarn drier 絞紗烘燥機
hank yarn strength tester 絞紗強力試驗機
hank yarn washing machine 絞紗洗滌機
hank-dyeing machine 絞紗染色機
hank-mercerizing machine 絞紗絲光機
hank-winder 絞絲絡筒機
hanky 手帕
Hannane 雙磷混劑
Hanover metal 漢諾威合金
Hanover 漢諾威耐綸長絲
Hansa brilliant yellow 漢撒艷黃
hansom 二輪輕馬車
Happiness brand cigarette 幸福牌香煙
Happiness crepe 快樂縐
Happiness vacuum cleaner 快樂牌吸塵器
Happy assorted cake 歡樂什錦香酥
Happy biscuit 快樂餅干
Happy butter cookie 樂樂奶油蛋酥
Happy cake 快樂酥
Happy cream biscuit 快樂夾心餅干
Happy cream cracker 快樂奶油薄脆餅干
Happy glucose 快樂葡萄糖
Happy heart chocolate 心歡巧克力
Happy milk 康樂奶
Happy New Year assorted preserved fruit 賀年什錦密餞
Happy roll with egg & cream 快樂奶油蛋卷
Happy sweet 快樂糖
Happylon 黑佩綸聚丙烯短纖維
haps 粗厚毛披巾
Hapug amplifier 浮動載頻放大器
Harami 哈臘米地毯
Harbers earth current ammeter 哈勃接地電流計
harbor barge 港口駁船
harbor ferry 港口渡船
harbour fireboat 港口消防船
harbour radar 海港雷達
harbour tug with rudder propeller 全回轉舵槳拖輪
harbour tug 港口拖船
harcha-beni guil 哈卻本尼奎爾羊毛
hard alloy cutter 硬質合金刀具
hard alloy end milling cutter 硬質合金端銑刀
hard alloy grinding block 硬質合金磨塊
hard alloy mill tool 硬質合金銑刀
hard alloy tipped tool 硬質合金尖刀具
hard alloy turning tool 硬質合金車刀
hard alloy 硬質合金
hard block grease 硬干油
hard board partition 纖維隔板
hard board 硬質纖維板
hard borosilicate glass 硬質硼硅玻璃
hard bronze 硬青銅
hard candy 硬糖
hard clad silica optical fiber 硬包層石英光纖
hard coal 硬煤
hard coke 硬焦炭
hard copper wire 硬銅線
hard cotton 粗硬棉
hard court tennis ball 硬地網球
hard cover diary 硬皮日記本
hard crepe 硬縐綢
hard disk  硬磁盤
hard disk controller 硬盤控制器
hard disk driver 硬磁盤機
hard drawn copper strand 硬銅絞線
hard drawn copper wire 硬拉銅絲
hard drawn spring wire 冷拉彈簧鋼絲
hard drawn steel wire 硬拉鋼絲
hard elastic fibre 硬彈性纖維
hard fiber machine 硬質纖維機
hard fiber paper 硬質纖維紙
hard fibre 硬質纖維
hard glass 硬質玻璃
hard iron 硬鐵
hard lead alloy 硬鉛合金
hard leather 硬革
hard liquor 烈酒
hard metal tool 硬質合金刀具
hard mortar specimen forming machine 硬煉成型機
hard nickel 硬鎳
hard or soft black kidskin high shoes 硬或軟黑山羊皮高面鞋
hard paper 重施膠書寫紙
hard paraffin 固體石蠟
hard pencil 硬芯鉛筆
hard plastic clad silica optical fiber 硬塑料包層石英光纖
hard polyisocyanurate foamed plastics 硬質異氰尿酸酯泡沫塑料
hard polyvinyl chloride pipe 硬膠皮乙烯管
hard porcelain 硬瓷
hard resin 硬樹脂
hard rubber container 硬橡膠容器
hard rubber spatula 硬橡膠角刀
hard rubber tire 硬橡膠輪胎
hard rubber 硬橡膠
hard silk 含膠生絲
hard sized paper 重施膠紙
hard solder 硬焊錫
hard soldering alloy 硬焊合金
hard spelter 硬鋅焊料
hard steel plate 硬鋼板
hard steel 硬鋼
hard sugar 砂糖
hard superconducting alloy 超導電性硬合金
hard tin  硬錫合金
hard tube 硬性管
hard twist silk 緊捻生絲
hard twist yarn 緊捻紗
hard vanish 硬漆
hard wax 硬蠟
hard wearing alloy 耐磨合金
hard wheat flour 硬麥面粉
hard-cover binding machine 精裝書裝訂機
hard-drawn wire 冷拉線
hard-rolling mill 冷軋機
hard-sized book paper 重施膠書籍紙
hard-sized news print 重施膠新聞紙
hard-tube pulser 高真空電子管脈沖發生器
hardbake 杏仁硬糖
Hardeesy 哈迪西小格粗呢
hardened and tempered steel 調質鋼
hardened glass 鋼化玻璃
hardened resin 硬樹脂
hardened rubber 硬化橡膠
hardened steel 淬火鋼
hardener 硬化劑
hardening carbon 硬化碳
hardening filter 硬化過濾器
hardening lens 安全鏡片
hardening machine 淬火機
hardening oil 硬化油
hardimeter 水質硬度測試器
Hardite 哈代特耐熱鎳鉻硅合金
hardness resin 固體樹脂
hardness tester 硬度計
hardness testing machine 硬度試驗機
hardometer 硬度計
hardstone article 玉石制品
hardstone buckle 玉石帶扣
hardstone button 玉石鈕扣
hardstone cabochon 玉石戒面
hardstone fancy necklace 玉石花串
hardstone jewellery 玉石首飾
hardstone loose round bead 玉石散裝圓珠
hardstone macrame necklace 玉石絲線項鏈
hardstone necklace 玉石項圈
hardstone pendant 玉石項墜
hardstone ring 玉石戒指
hardstone round bead necklace 玉石圓珠項鏈
hardware checker 硬件檢測器
hardware fitting electrical porcelain insulator 電器絕緣瓷座
hardware fitting 五金配件
hardware for daily use 日用五金
hardware interface 硬件接口
hardware monitor 硬件監控器
hardware production line 小五金制品生產線
hardware timer 硬件計時器
hardware tool 五金工具
hardware 五金制品
hardwood astragal plane 硬木邊圓線刨
hardwood charcol 硬木炭
hardwood decorative carved door 雕飾硬木木門
hardwood fire resistant door 硬木防火門
hardwood furniture 硬木家具
hardwood handle for pickaxe 硬木開山鋤柄
hardwood marking gauge 硬木劃線規
hardwood pulp 闊葉木漿
hardwood saw frame 硬木鋸架
hardwood strip 硬木板條
hardwood tongueing and grooving plane 硬木凸凹刨
hardwood triangular grooving plane 硬木三角槽刨
hardwood 硬木
hare fur 野兔皮
hare hair 野兔毛
hare skin overcoat 草兔皮大衣
hare skin piece plate 草兔皮材料褥子
hare skin plate 草兔皮褥子
hare skin 草兔皮
hare 野兔
harem skirt 伊斯蘭女式裙
hargil 白土
haricot bean 菜豆
harl 麻類長纖維
Harlan 哈爾綸聚偏氯乙烯纖維
harlequin checks 彩格布
harlequin glorybower leaf 臭梧桐葉
harlequin opal 斑色蛋白石
harlequin stripes 花式條子布
harmful gas analyzer 有害氣體分析器
harmless flaw detector 無損探傷儀
harmless food colour 無毒食用色素
harmodotron 毫米波振蕩管
harmonic absorbing filter 諧波吸收濾波器
harmonic amplifier 諧波放大器
harmonic analyzer 諧波分析器
harmonic antenna 諧波天線
harmonic balancer 諧波平衡器
harmonic converter 諧波變換器
harmonic detector 諧波檢波器
harmonic drive element 諧波傳動元件
harmonic filter 諧波濾波器
harmonic gear reducer 諧波齒輪減速器
harmonic generator 諧波發生器
harmonic mixer 諧波混頻器
harmonic oscillator 諧波振蕩器
harmonic ringer 選頻鈴
harmonic suppressor 諧波抑制器
harmonic telephone ringer 諧波電話振鈴器
harmonic waveguide 諧波波導管
harmonica 口琴
harmonium 簧風琴
harmonizing instrument 調和儀
harmonograph 諧波記錄器
harmonometer 和聲計
harn 低質粗支亞麻紗
harness building machine 編綜機
harness checks 浮紋格子布
harness oil 皮革油
harness wire 綜絲
harness 馬具
harnessing loom 提花機
harp antenna 扇形天線
harp string 豎琴弦
harp 豎琴
harpoon gun 標槍
harpsichord 大鍵琴
Harrington bronze 哈林頓耐摩軸承青銅
harringtonine 三尖杉酯堿
Harris tweed 海力斯粗花呢
Harris yarn 海力斯粗毛紗
harrow plough 垂直小圓盤犁
harrow ripper 耙路機
harrow 耙
harrowing wheel 耙輪
harsh clutch 剛性離合器
hart's horn drop 鹿茸糖
hart's horn 鹿角
hartal  雌黃
Hartley oscillator 哈特利振蕩器
Harubado 滅多蟲
Harvard cloth 哈佛襯衫布
harvest aid 落葉劑
harvester duck 收割機帆布
harvester oil 收割機油
harvester oiler 收割機注油器
harvester 收割機
harvester-decorticator 收割脫殼機
harvesting dryer 割曬機
harvesting machine 收割機
harvesting machinery 收割機械
Hashidah shawl 哈希達有邊羊絨披巾
hasp 搭扣
Hassedlad 哈色牌照相機
hassock 草墊
Hastellite 哈斯特萊特鉆具鋼
Hastelloy B 哈斯特洛伊B耐鹽酸鎳鉬合金
Hastelloy C 哈斯特洛伊C耐氧化耐酸鎳鉬鉻鎢合金
Hastelloy D 哈斯特洛伊D鎳硅銅耐蝕合金
Hastelloy N 哈斯特洛伊N高鎳合金
Hastelloy 哈斯特洛伊鎳基耐蝕耐熱合金
hat and cap 帽類
hat and hat body 帽及帽坯
hat band 帽圈
hat brush 帽刷
hat felt 帽坯
hat for child 童帽
hat guard 帽扣
hat hanger 帽架
hat lining 帽里布
hat rack 帽架
hat ribbon 帽帶
hat stand 帽架
hat with bell 小鈴帽
hat with glass shield for steel-smelting worker 煉鋼工人用帶玻璃罩的帽子
hat 帽子
hat-block 帽模
hat-box 帽盒
hat-forming machine 帽坯機
hat-peg 帽釘
hat-rail 掛帽橫木桿
hatch crane 艙口起重機
hatchet iron 斧形烙鐵
hatchet 帶把斧
hatching pen 劃線筆
Hatienne 哈蒂恩綢
hatter's plush wool 制帽絨毛
hatter's plush 帽絨
Hattersley dobby 哈特斯萊復動式多臂機
hatting 制帽織物
haul-off device 牽引裝置
haulage cable 牽引索
haulage vehicle 牽引車
hauler 起釣機
hauling block 牽引滑輪
hauling car 牽引車
hauling clip 起釣夾
hauling drum 牽引鼓輪
hauling engine 牽引馬達
hauling machine 牽引機
hauling rod universal joint 拖桿萬向節
hauling rod wheel 拖桿輪
hauling scraper 鏟運機
hauling winch 電引絞車
haulm chopper 莖桿切碎機
haulm pulverizer 莖桿切碎機
Hausa checks 豪瑟藍色條格棉平布
haute nouveauté 新穎美觀高級衣料
hautelisse loom 立經地毯織機
Hautrage 豪特拉吉聚丙烯腈系纖維
Havana cigar 哈瓦那雪茄
Havana tobacco 哈瓦那煙絲
Havana 哈瓦那雪茄煙
havanese work 彩色絲線厚重剌繡品
haversack 帆布背包
havester-thresher 割脫兩用機
haw and malt extract 山楂麥芽晶
haw apple 山楂果
haw ball 山楂球
haw cola 山楂可樂
haw jam 紅果醬
haw jelly 山楂糕
haw juice 山楂汁
haw pellet 山楂球
haw products 山楂制品
haw pulp 山楂醬
haw slice 山楂片
haw 山楂
Hawaii shirt 夏威夷衫
Hawaiian guitar 夏威夷吉他
hawk 鏝灰板
hawksbill 玳瑁
hawser 粗繩
hawthorn fruit 山楂果
hay band braider 干草帶編織機
hay band spinning machine 打草繩機
hay carrier 干草運輸拖車
hay chopper 干草切碎機
hay cocker 干草堆垛機
hay colour rabbit skin plate 草色兔皮褥子
hay fork 干草叉
hay harvester 干草收獲機
hay knife 割草刀
hay rake 摟草機
hay rope 草繩
hay stacking cable 堆草用鋼纜
hay tedder 干草翻曬機
hay thermometer 測草溫度計
Hay's China cotton 海氏棉
hay-loader 干草裝載機
Hayes printer 海氏印字機
Haynes alloy 海恩斯高電阻高硬度超級合金
Haynes-Stellite No.6 海恩斯-斯特萊特6號刀具用硬質合金
hayrack 帶有傳動裝置的雷達指示器
haystack boiler 草堆形鍋爐
Hayti cotton 海地棉
haywagon 裝草拖車
hazelnut chocolate 榛仁巧克力
hazelnut cream 榛子仁糊
hazelnut kernel 榛子仁
hazelnut oil 榛子油
hazelnut 榛子
hazemeter 混濁度測量儀
HBN herbicides 羥苯腈類除草劑
HCA weedkiller 六氯丙酮
HD alloy HD鍛造用超硬鋁合金
HE alloy HE硅鎂鋁青銅
He-Ne laser accupuncture therapy 氦氖激光針灸理療儀
He-Ne laser cure instrument 氦氖激光治療儀
He-Ne laser 氦氖激光器
Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo 海飛絲二合一洗發水
Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 海飛絲二合一香波
Head & Shoulders 海飛絲洗發護發香波
head amplifier 前置放大器
head band 束發圈
head brush 頭刷
head cervical spine supporter for adult 成人頭頸樁支撐架
head cleaner 磁頭清潔劑
head cutter for circuit-plate 線路板切頭機
head cutter 去頭機
head drum 磁鼓
head end detector 頭部探測器
head eraser 前置消磁器
head flowmeter 壓頭式流量表
head harness 頭部轡帶
head jack 頭螺絲千斤頂
head lamp deflector 頭燈反射鏡
head lamp 頭燈
head lettuce 頭形萵苣
head light 前燈
head microphone 頭戴式話筒
head mirror 額鏡
head receiver 頭戴式受話器
head shawl 頭巾
head sill 門楣
head slotted plug 頂端帶槽螺塞
head slotting machine 螺釘帽開槽機
head splitting machine 劈頭機
head square 頭巾
head telephone set 頭戴式電話機
head telephone 頭戴式電話機
head valve 頭閥
head wear 帽子
head-end controlled operation table 頭部操縱式手術臺
head-on photomultiplier tube 對正光電倍增管
head-rest for vehicle seat 車輛座椅頭墊
headache pencil 治頭痛藥筆
headache powder 頭痛粉
headband receiver 頭帶式耳機
headchair 有頭靠的椅子
headed cabbage 卷心菜
header assembly 管座裝置
header ripper 平巷掘進機
header 收割臺
headgear for wear 頭飾
headgear headphone 頭戴耳機
headgear pulley 井架天輪
headgear 頭飾
heading device 航向儀
heading flash 船首閃燈
heading indicator 航向指示器
heading machine 封頭機
heading marker 航向標志器
heading monitor 航向監測器
heading selector 航向選擇器
headlamp aligner 前照燈檢測儀
headless rivet 無頭鉚釘
headless screw 無頭螺釘
headless setscrew 無頭止動螺釘
headless slotted plug 無頭槽塞
headphone microphone combination 耳機話筒組合
headphone 耳機
headpiece 頭巾
headscarf 頭巾
headspace tester 頂隙測定計
headstall 馬籠頭
headstock 機頭架
heal seat lasting machine 裝配鞋跟座機
heald cord 綜繩
heald frame 綜框
heald shaft 綜框
heald wire 綜線
heald yarn 綜線
heald 綜片
heald-braiding machine 編綜絲機
health & beauty products 保健美容品
health care ball 保健球
health care underpants 保健褲衩
health cooling mat 保健涼墊
health feedstuffs for oxen and horses A 牛馬用保健飼料A
health feedstuffs for oxen and horses B 牛馬用保健飼料B
health feedstuffs for pig A 豬健散
health feedstuffs for pig B 豬清肺散
health feedstuffs for pig C 豬喘靈
health feedstuffs for piglet 仔豬白痢藥
health food 健康食品
health gauze mask 衛生口罩
health herb tea 怡康降糖茶
health monitor 保健監測儀
health pill 保濟丸
health products 保健品
health protection tea 保健茶
health soap 衛生藥皂
health tin 保健罐頭
health-strengthening tea 健身茶
healthy beauty perfume 健美香水
healthy biscuit 健康餅干
healthy children biscuit 健兒餅
healthy lemon 衛生檸檬
healthy soap 保健皂
hearing aid amplifier 助聽器放大器
hearing aid for the deaf 聾啞人用助聽器
hearing aid test box 助聽器測試箱
hearing aid 助聽器
hearing protector 聽力保護器
heart  rate monitor 心率監視器
heart cam 心形凸輪
heart comprehensive inspector 心臟綜合檢查儀
heart function diagnosis instrument 心臟功能診斷儀
heart impulse starter for first aid 心臟急救起搏裝置
heart lung machine 心肺機
heart lung pump 人工心肺機
heart monitor 心臟監護器
heart pacemaker 心臟起搏器
heart pill of musk 麝香保心丸
heart pulsator 心臟起搏器
heart rate alarm 心率報警器
heart rate histogram recorder 心率直方圖記錄儀
heart rate meter 心率計
heart shaped mirror 心形鏡子
heart simulator 心臟模擬器
heart sound amplifier 心聲放大器
heart starter 心臟起搏器
heart strengthening dissolvent 健心沖劑
heart strengthening tea 健心茶
heart throbmeter 心跳測定儀
heart treasure pill 心寶丹
heart-assist device 心臟協助器
heart-shaped glass lamp shade 雞心形燈罩
hearth bottom cooler 爐底冷卻器
hearth roaster 床式焙燒爐
hearth rug 火爐口氈
hearth stone 火爐石
hearth 爐床
heartometer 心力心體測量儀
heat absorber 吸熱器
heat accumulator 蓄熱器
heat alarm 高溫警報器
heat booster 增溫器
heat camera 熱攝影機
heat coating sand production line 熱法覆膜砂生產線
heat coil 熱線圈
heat conductivity testing instrument 熱傳導試驗器
heat creep tester 熱蠕動測試器
heat deformation tester 熱變形試驗儀
heat detector 熱量探測器
heat engine 熱機
heat exchanger type regenerator 換熱式回熱器
heat exchanger 熱交換器
heat filter 濾熱器
heat flow meter 熱流計
heat flow probe 熱流探測器
heat flux sensor 熱流傳感器
heat gauge 熱壓力計
heat indicator gauge 熱度指示規
heat indicator 熱指示器
heat insulating apparatus for exhaust pipeline 排氣管路隔熱裝置
heat insulating board 隔熱紙板
heat insulating bucket 保溫水桶
heat insulating felt 絕熱毛氈
heat insulating material 絕熱材料
heat insulating refractory 隔熱耐火材料
heat interchanger 熱交換器
heat lamp 熱燈
heat meter 量熱計
heat pipe exchanger 熱管換熱器
heat pipe surgery cryoprobe 深冷熱管手術器
heat process of manufacture of shellac 熱濾法紫膠生產技術
heat protective gloves 防熱手套
heat pulse velocity meter 熱脈沖流速儀
heat pump air conditioner 熱泵式空調器
heat pump drier 熱泵式干燥機
heat pump drying plant 熱泵式干燥機
heat pump water heater 熱泵式熱水器
heat radiator 熱輻射器
heat reactor 供熱反應堆
heat receiver 受熱器
heat recovery and waste heat boiler 熱回收和廢熱鍋爐
heat recovery boiler 廢熱回收鍋爐
heat recovery evaporator 廢熱回收蒸發器
heat recovery steam generator 余熱蒸汽發生器
heat reflective glass 熱反射玻璃
heat reflector 熱反射器
heat regenerator 蓄熱式換熱器
heat regulating apparatus 熱調節儀器
heat regulator 調熱器
heat reservoir 蓄熱器
heat resistance conveyor belt 耐熱輸送帶
heat resistance tester 熱阻試驗器
heat resistance wire 鎳絲
heat resistant and rapid cure iron 耐熱快固鐵膠泥
heat resistant fabric 耐熱織物
heat resistant fibre 耐熱性纖維
heat resistant grease 耐熱脂
heat resistant paint 耐熱漆
heat resistant silicone resin 耐高溫有機硅樹酯
heat resistant steel 耐熱鋼
heat resisting alloy wire 耐熱合金鋼絲
heat resisting flavours 耐熱食用香精
heat resisting plastics 耐熱塑料
heat sensitive ferrite 熱敏鐵氧體
heat sensitive sensor 熱敏傳感器
heat sensitizing copy paper 熱敏復寫紙
heat sensor 熱傳感器
heat setter 熱定形機
heat setting machine 熱定形機
heat shield 隔熱罩
heat sink 散熱器
heat stretched fibre 熱拉伸纖維
heat stretching machine 熱拉伸機
heat transfer computer 熱傳遞計算機
heat transmitter 傳熱器
heat treating furnace 熱處理爐
heat treatment unit 熱療設備
heat writing oscillograph 熱電式示波器
heat-absorbing glass 吸熱玻璃
heat-bondable fibre 熱粘合纖維
heat-bonded wadding 熱熔絮棉
heat-insulated container 隔熱容器
heat-insulation material 絕熱材料
heat-of-solution calorimeter 熱溶液量熱計
heat-pipe copper vapor laser 熱管銅蒸汽激光器
heat-pressure agglomerator 加熱加壓燒結機
heat-proof glass cloth laminated board 耐熱玻璃布板
heat-proof varnish 耐熱漆
heat-proof wire-wound resistor 耐熱線繞電阻器
heat-protecting glass 隔熱玻璃
heat-resistant high explosive 耐溫高能炸藥
heat-resisting glass 耐熱玻璃
heat-resisting steel 耐熱鋼
heat-resistor 耐熱器
heat-seal film overwrapping machine 包裝薄膜熱封機
heat-sealable paper 可熱封紙
heat-sealing machine 熱封機
heat-sensitive paint 示溫漆
heat-sensitive resistance 熱敏電阻
heat-set ink 熱凝固油墨
heat-shrinkable fibre 熱收縮纖維
heat-shrinkable tube 熱收縮管
heat-transfer machine 熨機
heat-transmitting glass 透熱玻璃
heat-treated glass 熱處理玻璃
heat-treated steel 熱處理鋼
heat-treating machine 熱處理機
heat-variable resistor 熱敏電阻器
heatable stage microscope 熱顯微鏡
heated drying cylinder 加熱烘缸
heated gloves 加熱手套
heated ripple mattress 加熱波動式床墊
heater blower gun 熱風噴槍
heater blower 加熱鼓風機
heater case 電熱箱
heater coil 加熱線圈
heater cord 電爐花線
heater for vehicle 車輛暖氣裝置
heater mica plate 電熱器用云母板
heater mixer 加熱拌和機
heater planer 加熱整平機
heater transformer windings 熱絲變壓器繞組
heater transformer 熱絲變壓器
heater type thermistor 旁熱式熱敏電阻器
heater winding 熱絲繞阻
heater 加熱器
heater-treater 加熱處理器
heath wool 海斯羊毛
heather mix carpet 混色地毯
heather mixture 混色毛紗
heather silk 混色蠶絲呢
heather tweed 混色花呢
heather wool 混色編結絨線
heather yarn 混色紗線
heating apparatus for defrosting window of vehicle 車窗除霜用加熱器
heating bath 熱浴器
heating computer 加熱計算機
heating container 加熱容器
heating element 加熱器元件
heating furnace 加熱爐
heating generator 熱發生器
heating inductor 加熱電感器
heating installaion 取暖設備
heating microscope 高溫顯微鏡
heating oscillator 加熱振蕩器
heating pad 熱墊
heating pipe 加熱管
heating plate 暖氣片
heating stage 熱臺
heating stylus 加熱針
heating tester 耐熱測試器
heating torch 加熱噴燈
heating transformer 燈絲變壓器
heatproof fire-resisting cable 耐高溫絕燃電纜
heatproof porcelain 耐熱瓷
heatsetting calender 熱定形軋光器
heave compensator 升沉補償器
heavily coated electrode 厚涂層焊條
heavily milled iron powder 過磨鐵粉
heavily-rated engine 重型發動機
heavy  motorcycle 重型摩托車
heavy 24-cutaway-disc harrow 重型二十四片缺口圓盤耙
heavy alkylate 重烷基化油
heavy and medium plate mill 中厚板軋機
heavy aromatic solvent 重芳烴溶劑
heavy aromatics 重芳烴
heavy bomber 重型轟炸機
heavy brass safety chain 重型銅安全鏈
heavy calcium carbonate 重碳酸鈣
heavy canvas 厚帆布
heavy casting 大型鑄件
heavy cee C型黃麻袋
heavy coloured sheet glass 濃色平板玻璃
heavy cooking pot with bail 提環炊用鍋
heavy cooking pot with dome cover 拱蓋炊用鍋
heavy cooking pot with flat cover 平蓋炊用鍋
heavy cooking pot 飲用鍋
heavy corner casting 重型角鑄件
heavy crane 重型吊車
heavy crepe de chine 重縐
heavy diesel fuel 重柴油
heavy diesel oil 重柴油
heavy digger 重型挖掘機
heavy draw press 重型深沖壓力機
heavy duck loom 厚帆布織機
heavy duty 5-furrow plough 重型五鏵犁
heavy duty balance 大型天平
heavy duty ball bearing 重型滾珠軸承
heavy duty blow torch 重型噴燈
heavy duty crane 重型起重機
heavy duty cutaway disc harrow 大型缺口圓盤耙
heavy duty diagonal cutting nippers 大型斜嘴偏口鉗
heavy duty disc harrow 大型圓盤耙
heavy duty drill 重型鉆機
heavy duty electric detonater 強力電起爆器
heavy duty endless fabric type belt 重型無接頭纖維編織帶
heavy duty engine 重型發動機
heavy duty face-milling cutter with indexable insert 硬質合金可轉位重型面銑刀
heavy duty fast cutting band saw 重型快速皮帶鋸
heavy duty forge 重型煉鐵爐
heavy duty hoist 重型繩索起重機
heavy duty lathe 重型車床
heavy duty liquid laundry detergent 重垢液體洗滌劑
heavy duty mirror bracket 大型鏡架
heavy duty permanent jack 重型固定千斤頂
heavy duty press 重型壓力機
heavy duty pump 重型泵
heavy duty radial drilling machine 重型搖臂鉆床
heavy duty ratchet bit brace 重型弓型鉆
heavy duty rectifier 大功率整流器
heavy duty snow plow for truck 貨車用重型掃雪犁
heavy duty soldering gun 重型焊槍
heavy duty spike-tooth harrow 大型釘齒耙
heavy duty steel-cored Al conductor 重型鋼芯鋁導線
heavy duty stretcher 大型繩索伸長器
heavy duty synthetic detergent 強效型合成洗滌劑
heavy duty tipcart 重型翻斗車
heavy duty truck chassis 重型貨車底盤
heavy duty truck jack 重型貨車千斤頂
heavy duty truck 重型載貨車
heavy duty two groove pulley 重型二槽皮帶輪
heavy duty type vernier caliper with fine adjustment 帶微調重型卡尺
heavy duty vehicle 重型載重車
heavy duty winch 重型絞車
heavy electric machinery 重型電機
heavy enamel bonded cotton 厚漆包紗
heavy enamel bonded double cotton 厚漆雙層包紗
heavy enamel bonded double paper 厚漆雙層包紙
heavy enamel bonded double silk 厚漆雙層包絲
heavy enamel bonded paper 厚漆包紙
heavy enamel bonded silk 厚漆包絲
heavy enamel bonded single cotton 厚漆單層包紗
heavy engine oil 重機油
heavy excavator 重型挖掘機
heavy fibre 粗韌皮纖維
heavy flannelette checked 厚格絨
heavy flannelette 厚絨布
heavy flax 粗支亞麻紗
heavy fleece 厚絨
heavy fuel booster pump 重油升壓泵
heavy fuel oil clarifier 重油分雜機
heavy fuel oil purifier 重油分水機
heavy fuel oil 重質燃料油
heavy fuel separator 重油分離器
heavy hair pony skin 多毛馬駒皮
heavy harrow 重型耙
heavy hose diving apparatus 通風式重潛水裝具
heavy hydraulic press 重型水壓機
heavy hydrofinished oil 重加氫補充精制油
heavy kraft paper 厚牛皮紙
heavy lift 大型起重機
heavy liquid petrolatum 重質液體蠟膏
heavy lorry 重型載貨汽車
heavy lubricant 重潤滑油
heavy machinery 重型機械
heavy magnesium oxide 重質氧化鎂
heavy media separator 重介質分選機
heavy melton 麥爾登厚呢
heavy merchant mill 大型軋鋼機
heavy metal fluoride fiber 重金屬氟化物光纖
heavy metal fluoride glass 重金屬氟化物玻璃
heavy metal oxide glass 重金屬氧化物玻璃
heavy metal 重金屬
heavy metal-forming equipment 重型鍛壓設備
heavy mining equipment 重型礦山設備
heavy mining machinery 重型礦山機械
heavy motor truck 重型載貨汽車
heavy mounted type A disc harrow 重懸掛A型圓盤耙
heavy muslin 粗緯平布
heavy naphtha 重質石腦油
heavy natural gasoline 重質天燃汽油
heavy neutral oil 重質中性油
heavy oil heater 重油加熱爐
heavy oil scrubber 重油洗滌器
heavy oil tank car 重油罐車
heavy oil 重油
heavy plate mill 厚板軋機
heavy plate shears 厚板剪切機
heavy plate straightener 厚板矯正機
heavy rail 重鋼軌
heavy rubber cot 厚膠指套
heavy satin brocade 厚絨縐緞
heavy section butyl rubber diaphgram 加厚丁基橡膠隔板
heavy section mill 大型軋鋼機
heavy sewage purifier 高濁度污水凈水器
heavy sheer 半透明重縐綢
heavy shirting 厚平布
heavy solvent refined oil 重溶劑精制油
heavy spar 重晶石
heavy suiting 厚花呢
heavy tomato puree 高濃度番茄醬
heavy tower bolt 粗芯插銷
heavy tractor plough 重型拖拉機牽引犁
heavy truck 重型卡車
heavy type cab-tyre cable 重型橡套電纜
heavy viscous oil 重稠原油
heavy water 重水
heavy weave cotton cloth 厚紡棉布
heavy weft 粗梳毛紡緯紗
heavy weight fabrics 加粗纖維織物
heavy welding electrode 粗電焊條
heavy wood goods 重木材
heavy wort 濃麥芽汁
heavy-duty  dozer 重型推土機
heavy-duty adjustable pressure switch 重型可調壓力開關
heavy-duty bogie wagon 載重平板車
heavy-duty carbide shell face milling cutter 重型硬質合金套式面銑刀
heavy-duty conveyer 重型運輸機
heavy-duty face mill 重型面銑刀
heavy-duty loader 重型裝載機
heavy-duty machine tap 強力機用絲錐
heavy-duty machine 重型機床
heavy-duty oil suction and discharge hose 重型排吸油膠管
heavy-duty plastic bag 大型塑料袋
heavy-duty plastic packing tape making machine 重型塑料打包帶制造機
heavy-duty plastic sack machine 大型塑料袋機
heavy-duty precision hob 重型精密滾齒機
heavy-duty rock drill 重型鑿巖機
heavy-duty rubber work shoes 加強型工作膠鞋
heavy-duty sewing machine 重型縫紉機
heavy-duty sidedumping rock loader 大型側卸裝巖機
heavy-duty snow plough 重型雪犁
heavy-duty tractor 重型拖拉機
heavy-duty transport machine 重型運輸機
heavy-duty turning tool 重型車刀
heavy-duty tyre 重載輪胎
heavy-duty vibrating screen 大號振動篩
heavy-duty walled sole attaching press 重型墻式壓底機
heavy-duty water suction and discharge hose 大號排吸水膠管
heavy-ion linear accelerator 重離子直線加速器
heavy-lift swinging derrick 旋臂重型起重機
heavy-rigidity gear hobbing machine with movable worktable 工作臺移動式高剛度滾齒機
heavy-solvent naphtha 重溶劑石腦油
heavy-web straight shank drill 厚鉆心直柄鉆頭
heavy-weight waffle cushion 加厚方襯墊
Hebe 黑貝牌手表
Hebridean cloth 海力斯粗花呢
Heckenham 赫肯哈姆鎳銅電阻合金
hecogenin 龍舌蘭皂苷配基
hectograph clay 印字泥
hectograph ink 謄寫版墨水
hectograph 膠版謄印機
hedaquinium chloride 海達氯銨
heddle 綜片
Heddur 赫杜爾鋁合金
hedge prinsepia kernel 蕤仁
hedgehog skin 猬皮
Hedonal DP 2
heel attaching machine 上跟機
heel burner 燒跟器
heel flaring machine 鞋跟擴口機
heel forming machine 鞋跟成型機
heel lapping machine 鞋跟磨光機
heel nailing machine 釘跟機
heel post 門軸柱
heel pretrimming machine 鞋跟預修整機
heel seat heating machine 后跟整形機
heel 鞋跟
heel-making machine 鞋跟制造機
heel-seat pounding up machine 后跟座整平機
heelless hosiery 無跟襪
heelless socks 無后跟襪
heelless stockings 無后跟長統女襪
Heidbrink valve 海德布林克氏閥
Heide wool 海德粗羊毛
Heidescop 海德斯可普牌照相機
Heidsieck Monopole 海德西克獨家經營香檳酒
heifer 小母牛
height adjustable multi-purpose bench vice 升降式多用臺虎鉗
height calipers 高度卡尺
height card 高度繪圖儀
height driver 高度傳動器
height finder radar 測高雷達
height finder 測高器
height flip-flop 高度雙穩態觸發器
height gage with magnifier 帶放大鏡高度尺
height gauge 測高儀
height indicator 高度計
height marker 高度標識器
height measuring gauge 身高測量器
height micrometer 高度測微計
height potentiometer 高度電位器
height scale 高度比例尺
height vernier calliper 高度游標卡尺
height vernier gauge 高度游標卡尺
height-finding instrument 測高儀
height-finding microscope 測高顯微鏡
height-measuring sextant 測高六分儀
Heim 黑姆阻燃聚酯纖維
Heineken 海涅肯啤酒
Heinz 亨氏麥圈及嬰兒營養食品
hekoobi 和服腰帶
Helaisa 海拉沙牌手表
Helcon 黑爾孔聚酰胺纖維
Heldisa 海迪沙牌手表
heldiver 傾斜裝載機
helenienne 海綸尼綢
heliarc welder 氦弧焊機
helical agitator 螺旋攪拌器
helical antenna 螺旋型天線
helical auger 螺紋鉆
helical beam antenna 螺旋型定向天線
helical bevel gear 螺旋形傘齒輪
helical blade stirrer 螺旋形葉片攪拌器
helical blower 葉輪式鼓風機
helical coil 螺旋線圈
helical compression spring 螺旋壓力彈簧
helical conveyer 螺旋運輸機
helical core fiber 螺旋芯纖維
helical entry cyclone 螺旋進入式旋風分離器
helical flash lamp 螺旋型閃光燈
helical focussing mount 螺旋調焦座
helical gear with jaw 帶楔斜齒輪
helical gear 螺旋齒輪
helical gear-shaper cutter 斜齒插齒刀
helical manometer 螺旋式壓力計
helical mixer 螺旋式混合器
helical plating stress tester 螺旋式鍍層應力測試儀
helical potentiometer 螺旋形電位計
helical resonator 螺旋形諧振器
helical screw pulp conveyer 螺旋紙漿傳送器
helical screw spreader 螺旋形散布機
helical sounding bore 螺旋形觸探鉆
helical spring 螺旋彈簧
helical spurgear 斜齒正齒輪
helical stirrer 螺旋攪拌器
helical structure condenser 螺旋形結構冷凝器
helical tension spring 螺旋牽引簧
helical tube 螺旋管
helical weld pipe 螺旋焊管
helical-shaped bit 螺旋形鉆頭
helichrysum 蠟菊
helicograph 螺旋規
helicogyre 直升飛機
helicoidal anemometer 螺旋槳式風速表
helicoidal conveyer 螺旋輸送機
helicon 黑里康大號
helicopter collision avoidance radar 直升機防撞雷達
helicopter engine 直升機發動機
helicopter muffler 直升機消聲器
helicopter sower 直升機撒播機
helicopter sprayer 直升機噴霧機
helicopter underslung strip 直升機吊索
helicopter 直升飛機
helicotron 螺線質譜計
Helindon dye 海靈登染料
heliochrome film 天然彩色軟片
heliodon 日影儀
Heliofast printing machine 赫利奧法斯特印花機
heliograph 日照計
heliographic paper 曬圖紙
heliographlic printing paper 日光膠印紙
helioklischograph 凹印電子雕刻機
heliometer 量日儀
Helion 赫利翁聚酰胺纖維
helional 新洋茉莉醛
Helios 太陽神牌手表
helioscope 太陽觀測鏡
heliostat 日光反射鏡
heliotrope essence 葵花香精
heliotrope 雞血石
heliotrope-carnation 丁香紫蘭
heliotropin 洋茉莉醛
heliotropine 天芥菜精
heliotype 珂羅版
helipot 螺旋線圈分壓器
helitron oscillator 螺絲管振蕩器
helitron 電子螺絲管
helium backscattering analyzer 氦反向散射分析儀
helium compressor 氦氣壓縮機
helium dilution analyser 氦稀釋分析器
helium film 氦膜
helium lamp 氦燈
helium leak detector 氦檢漏器
helium magnetometer 氦磁強計
helium mass spectrometer leak detector 氦質譜檢漏儀
helium quantum magnetometer 氦量子磁強計
helium refrigerator 氦制冷機
helium spectrum lamp 氦譜燈
helium tank 氦氣瓶
helium thermometer 氦溫度計
helium 氦
helium-3 neutron spectrometer 氦3中子譜儀
helium-cadmium laser 氦鎘激光器
helium-cesium laser 氦銫激光器
helium-mercury direct nuclear laser 氦汞直接核抽運激光器
helium-neon gas laser 氦氖氣體激光器
helium-neon laser 氦氖激光器
helix heater 螺旋燈絲
helix recorder 螺旋管記錄器
helix tube 螺旋管
helix waveguide 螺旋狀波導管
helix-to-coaxial-line transducer 螺旋同軸線匹配變換器
helldriver 聯合掘進機
hellebore 藜蘆
hellencourt 斜紋亞麻織物
Hells printer 海爾斯印字機
Hells transmitter 海爾斯發送機
HELM rifampicin capsule HELM利福平膠囊
helmet shield 焊工面罩
helmet transceiver 鋼盔式無線電收發機
helmet 安全帽
helmet-shaped bowl 盔形碗
helmeted radio speaker-phone 盔式無線對講機
helminthicide 驅蟲劑
helper 輔助彈簧
Helpon 黑爾龐聚酰胺纖維
helve hammer 杠桿錘
helve 斧柄
Helvetia 海里維他牌手表
helvetia 雙面印花絲府綢
Helvetian voile 海凡興巴里紗
hem shoe 閘瓦
hem stitcher 縫紉機刺繡附加裝置
hem-stitched pillow-case 透花剌繡枕套
hem-stitched serviette 透花剌繡小桌布
hem-stitched sheet 透花剌繡被單
hem-stitched table cloth 透花剌繡臺布
Hema 黑馬牌手表
hemachate 血瑪瑙
hemacytometer 血球計數器
hematite iron 低磷生鐵
hematite ore 赤鐵礦砂
hematite 赤鐵礦
hematocrit 血球離心機
hematology analyzer 血液分析器
hematomanometer 血壓計
hematometer 血紅蛋白計
hematoporphyrin 血卟啉
hematospectroscope 血分光鏡
hematoxylin 蘇木精
hemel 六甲蜜胺
hemeraphotometer 晝光光度計
hemi receiver 半球波束接收機
hemi reflector 半球波束反射器
hemicellulose 半纖維素
hemiformal 半縮甲醛
hemihydrate gypsum 熟石膏
hemispherical lens 半球形透鏡
hemispherical-pyrheliometer 半球式日射強度計
hemline marker 貼邊標示器
hemlock parsley 川芎
hemlock 毒芹
hemming machine 縫邊機
hemochromometer 血紅蛋白計
hemocytometer 血球計
hemodiafilter 血液滲濾器
hemodialysis fibre 血液透析纖維
hemodromometer 血流速度計
hemodynamometer 血壓計
hemoferrometer 血鐵測定器
hemoglobinometer 血紅蛋白計
hemomanometer with stethoscope 帶聽診器血壓表
hemometer 血色素計
hemopoietics 補血藥
hemorrhoid-eliminating suppository 消痔栓
hemospast 抽血器
hemostat 止血器
hemostatic aryl acid 止血芳酸
hemostatic cyclo acid 止血環酸
hemostatic pincette 止血鉗
hemostatic 止血劑
hemotachometer 血流速度計
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