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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-04-16
核心提示:clay 白土,高嶺土 clay coat 白上涂料;白上涂層 clay coated 白上涂布 coated blanks 白土涂布紙(未經超級壓光) coated mixer 白土混合器 coated shock 白土調配 coated slip 白土懸浮液 coated slurry 白土泥漿 coated suspension 白土懸浮液 coated wash 粘上漿

clay 白土,高嶺土
clay coat 白上涂料;白上涂層
clay coated 白上涂布
coated blanks 白土涂布紙(未經超級壓光)
coated mixer 白土混合器
coated shock 白土調配
coated slip 白土懸浮液
coated slurry 白土泥漿
coated suspension 白土懸浮液
coated wash 粘上漿
clean out 清洗;清掃
clean-out door 清洗排放閘門
clean-out valve 清洗排放閘
cleaner 凈化器,除渣器
cleaner stand 篩選設備機架
cleaning 清洗,凈化,洗凈
cleaning by dry process 干法凈化
cleaning by wet process 濕法凈化
cleaning doctor (除污)刮刀
cleanliness 潔凈度
cleanpac 錐形除渣器
cleantrap 低壓(大型)除渣器
clear cutting 凈切邊
clear liquor 澄清液
clear water 澄清水
clear-way valve 安全閥
clearance 刀距;間隙
cleavage 裂開,分裂;離解
clipped cut 切邊不整齊
clipper seam 夾縫
clockwise rotation 順時針旋轉
clog 堵塞
clone 接枝
close formation 緊密組織
close grain 細致紋理
close grained wood 緊密木材
close piling 密堆
closed air-cushioned headbox 封閉式氣墊流漿箱
closed circuit 閉合電路;封閉系統
closed cycle 全封閉
closed frame(supercalender) 雙側機架(超壓機)
closed headbox 封閉式流漿箱,封閉式網前箱
closed hood 全封閉汽罩;封閉罩
closed journal type dandy(rool) 封閉軸領式羅紋輥
closed loop 封閉線路;封閉系統
closed loop control 封閉線路控制系統
closed ring 閉環
closed system 封閉系統
closed type flow box 封閉式流漿箱,封閉式網前箱
closed-up surface 表面緊密
closed vessed 密閉容器
closed water system 封閉用水系統
closed white water system 白水封閉系統
closeness 緊密度
closure 帖封,封閉體
cloth finish 布紋裝飾
clothing 造紙機貴重器材(指毛毯,銅網,塑料網)
clotted fibers 塊凝纖維,漿塊
clotting 結塊
cloud box 云彩組織檢查箱
cloud box covering 云彩組織檢查箱箱蓋
cloud effect 云彩狀組織
cloud test 均勻度測定
cloudiness 云彩狀組織
cloudy formation 云彩狀組織
cloudy look-through 云彩花
cloudy water 濃白水
cloverotor pump 纖維離解風送機
clump 漿塊
clupak (微皺)伸性紙
clupak installation 微皺伸性裝置
cluster pine(Pinus pinaster,Pinus maritima) 海岸松,南歐海松
cluster setting 分組配置
clutch 離合器
coagulant 凝結;凝結物
coagu;ating 凝結
coagulating agent 凝結劑
coagulation 凝結作用
coagulation bath 凝結浴
coal sheet 煤塊
coal tar 煤焦油,柏油
coalescence 聚結
coarse fiber bundle 粗纖維束
coarse finish 粗紋裝飾
coarse grained wood 疏松木材
coarse mesh wire 粗目網
coarse screen 粗篩
coarse screenings 粗篩渣
coat 涂布
coatability 涂布性能
coated 涂布的
coated blank 涂布卡片紙
coated both sides 雙面涂布
coated bristol 涂布光澤紙
coated glassine 涂布半透明紙
coated manila 涂布白板紙
coated one side 單面涂布
coated postcard stock 涂布明信片紙
coated tag 涂布標簽紙
coated tough check 涂布商標紙;涂布標簽紙
coater 涂布機
cast coater 涂鑄機
casting drum coater 鼓式涂鑄機
Champflex coater Champflex 拖刀涂布機
Champion knife coater Champion 刮刀涂布機
Contra coater Contra 逆向輥式涂布機
Constacoater Consta 穩流刮刀式涂布機
curtain coater 幕簾式涂布機
cylinder(type brush) coater 刷式圓筒涂布機
coating 涂布
coating adhesive 涂料
coating base 涂布原紙
coating blister 涂料泡(紙病)
coating body stock 涂布原紙
coating bond 涂層結合強度
coating calender 涂布壓光機
coating clay 白土涂料
coating color 涂料
coating color preparation 涂料配制
coating color spot 涂料色(紙病)
coating color tank 涂料桶
coating content 涂料量
coating defect 涂布缺陷
coating film 涂(料)層
coating flexbility 涂布柔軟性
coating formula(e) 涂料配方
coating formulatiojn 涂料配方
coating grade clay 涂料白土
coating kitchen 涂料配制室
coating lump 涂料塊
coating machine 涂布機
coating material 涂料
coating mill 涂布紙廠
coating mixture 涂布劑
coating pan 涂布槽,涂布盤
coating pick 涂料粘輥
coating plant 涂布車間
coating pond 涂料池
coating raw stock 涂布原紙
coating receptivity 涂布合格率
coating roll 涂布輥,染色輥
coating room 涂布車間
coating skip 涂料跑漏
coating slip 涂布泥漿
coating slurry 涂布泥漿
coating stock 涂布原紙
coating strength 涂布強度
coating -to-fiber bond 涂層與纖維給合力
coating vehicle 涂料載體
coating weight 涂層重量
coatings 涂料
Cobb(sizing)test Cobb (施膠度)試驗法
Cobb (sizing)value Cobb (施膠度)值
cock 旋塞,塞閥
cockle cuts 皺裂(紙病)
cockle finish 粗紋飾;波紋整飾
cockling 起皺
cocoanut(cocos) 椰子屬
COD value 化學需氧量
code 代碼
code signal 編碼代號
coefficient of absorption 吸收系數
coefficient of hydration 水化系數
coefficient of linear expansion 線性膨脹系數
coefficient of roughness 粗糙度
coefficient of volumetric expansion 容積膨脹系數
coefficient of wetness 增粘系數
coefcoextrusion coating 共擠(壓)涂布
coffer dam 白水溝堰板
coging joint 齒狀連接
cohesion 內聚力,內聚現象;粘合
cohesion action 內聚(作用);粘合(作用)
cohesive force 內聚力;粘合力,粘附力
cohesive force 粘合力,粘附力
cohesive strength 粘合強度,粘附強度
coil 蛇(形)管;盤紙
coiled pipe 蛇(形)管
coin wrap 硬幣包裝紙
cold acid system 冷酸系統
cold alkali purification 冷堿凈化,冷堿抽提
cold bleaching 冷漂
cold blow 冷法噴放
cold caustic 冷堿
cold flow (紙張)冷裂(紙病)
cold grinding 冷磨
cold pressed finish 冷壓裝飾
cold refining 冷磨
cold rolled steel 冷軋鋼
collapsable shaft 變徑軸
collar 軸環
collecting tank 捕集槽,收集槽
collecter 收集器,捕集器
collecter ring 捕集網
collenchyma 厚角組織
collet 小軸鉗;套筒
collodion cotton 膠棉,低氮硝化纖維素
colloid 膠體;膠態,膠狀
colloid mill 膠體磨
cclloidal 膠體的
cclloidal solution 膠體溶液;膠態溶液,膠狀溶液
collosol 溶膠
colopholic acid 松香酸
colophonic acid 松香酸
colophony 松香
colo(u)r (顏)色;色料
color applicator 著色輥,著色裝置
color blender 調色劑
color boiling room 調色工段
color fastness 顏色牢固性
color filter 濾色片;濾色器
color lake 色淀
color lump 色塊
color matcher 調色工
color matching 調色
color matching agent 調色劑
color mill 色料磨粉機
color mixer 色料磨粉機,色料混合機
color mixing room 調色工段
color pan 染色槽;涂料槽
color pond 染色堰,染色池
color reaction 顯色反應
color retention 色料留著率
color reversion 回色
color roll 著色輥;涂料輥
color screen 色料篩
color sheet 色紙,彩色紙
color specification 色譜
color spots 色斑(紙病)
color stability 色穩性
colorant 染色劑
colored poster 彩色標語紙
colored printings 彩色印刷紙
colorimeter 色度計
colorimetric test 比色試驗
colorimetry 比色法
coloring material 色料
coloring matter 色素;有色物質
coloring pigment 顏料
coloring power 色染能力
coloring value 色調
colorman 染色工
column chromatography 柱色譜法
column strength 裂斷強度
comb type refiner 梳狀磨節機
comber cotton waste 梳棉廢料
combination cutter 聯合裁切機
combination felt 復合毛毯
combination hydraulic calender 雙輥萬能壓光機
combination machine 長圓網混合造紙機
combination scrter-counter layboy 選、數、碼紙聯動機
combination valve 組合閥
combined acid 化合酸
combined paper machine 長圓網混合造紙機
combined press 復合壓榨
combined steel 復合鋼板
combined sulfur dioxide 化合二氧化硫
combining calender 雙壓光機組
combi-press 復合壓榨
combustible matter 可燃物質
combustion 燃燒
combustion chamber 燃燒室
Combustion Engineering recovery(furnace) C.E.噴射式堿回收爐
Combustion products 燃燒產物
Combustion zone 燃燒區
command 指令
commanding point 調度站
commercial match 商品對比
commercial run 大規模試生產,工業規模試生產
common bald cypress(Taxodium distichum) 落羽松,美國水松
common flax(Linum usitatissinum) 亞麻
commutator 整流子;整流器;轉向器
compact(wire)former 緊湊式夾網成形器
compactibility 緊密性
compactness 緊密度
compaction 緊密狀態
compactor 壓緊機
compensate 補償
compensation winder 定速補償復卷機
compensation 補償;對消
compensation roll(er) 調節輥,補償輥
compensator 補償器
complete combustion chamber 完全燃燒室
complex 絡合物;復體
component 組分
composite can 復合材料制成的罐
composite reaction 復合反應
composition 組成;合成,化合;合成物,混合物
composition of furnish 配漿比率
composition roll (壓光機)組成輥
compound 化合物;復合,混合
compound body 復合體
compound cellulose 復合纖維素
compound middle lamella 復合胞間層
compressed air 壓縮空氣
compressibility 壓縮性
compression 壓縮;壓應力
compression chamber 受壓纖維
compression resistance 抗壓性能
compression rigidity 壓縮剛性
compression strength 壓縮強度
compression stroke 壓縮沖程
compression test 壓縮試驗
compression wood 受壓木
compressive strain 壓縮應變
compressor 壓縮機
compressor gun 壓縮空氣槍
關鍵詞: 紙業 詞匯
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