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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-09-23
核心提示:stage micrometer 分級測微計 stage pump 多級泵 stage turbine 多級渦輪 staged laser 級聯激光器 stagger amplifier 參差調諧放大器 stagger cycle trigger 交錯周期觸發器 stagger tuning amplifier 參差調諧放大器 stagnation thermometer 滯點溫度計 stagonometer

  stage micrometer 分級測微計

  stage pump 多級泵

  stage turbine 多級渦輪

  staged laser 級聯激光器

  stagger amplifier 參差調諧放大器

  stagger cycle trigger 交錯周期觸發器

  stagger tuning amplifier 參差調諧放大器

  stagnation thermometer 滯點溫度計

  stagonometer 表面張力滴重計

  stain cleaning agent 去污劑

  stain lacquer 透明漆

  stain remover 去污劑

  stain 顏料

  stain-proofing agent 防污劑

  stained cloth 染色布

  stained glass 彩花玻璃

  stainless acid-resisting steel wire 不銹耐酸鋼絲

  stainless case 不銹鋼殼

  stainless conveyer belt 不銹鋼運輸帶

  stainless iron 低碳鐵素體不銹鋼

  stainless steel alloy 不銹鋼合金

  stainless steel angle rule 不銹鋼拐尺

  stainless steel ball valve 不銹鋼球閥

  stainless steel buckle 不銹鋼扣

  stainless steel cleaner 不銹鋼清洗劑

  stainless steel condenser 不銹鋼冷凝器

  stainless steel disc 不銹鋼盤

  stainless steel electrode 不銹鋼焊條

  stainless steel fibre 不銹鋼纖維

  stainless steel filter 不銹鋼過濾器

  stainless steel flag hinge 不銹鋼旗鉸鏈

  stainless steel flexible hose 不銹鋼軟管

  stainless steel flush bolt 不銹鋼暗插

  stainless steel grating 不銹鋼濾柵

  stainless steel heavy duty vernier calipers 不銹鋼重型游標卡尺

  stainless steel household utensile 不銹鋼家用器皿

  stainless steel inside calipers 不銹鋼內卡鉗

  stainless steel kitchenware 不銹鋼廚具

  stainless steel mineral spring pump 不銹鋼礦泉水泵

  stainless steel net-cover of axial fan 不銹鋼軸流風機網罩

  stainless steel nylon hinge 不銹鋼尼龍鉸鏈

  stainless steel nylon ring square hinge 不銹鋼尼龍墊圈方鉸鏈

  stainless steel outside calipers 不銹鋼外卡鉗

  stainless steel paper holder 不銹鋼紙托

  stainless steel plate 不銹鋼板

  stainless steel powder 不銹鋼粉

  stainless steel products 不銹鋼制品

  stainless steel pump 不銹鋼泵

  stainless steel rule 不銹鋼直尺

  stainless steel ruler 不銹鋼板尺

  stainless steel solid bracelet 實心不銹鋼手鐲

  stainless steel square hinge loose pin with ball bearing 不銹鋼抽心軸承方鉸鏈

  stainless steel square 不銹鋼直角尺

  stainless steel submersible pump 不銹鋼潛水泵

  stainless steel tableware with bakelite handle 膠木柄不銹鋼餐具

  stainless steel tableware 不銹鋼餐具

  stainless steel tank electric water heater 不銹鋼儲水內膽電熱水器

  stainless steel tape rule with plastic case 塑殼鋼卷尺

  stainless steel tea kettle 不銹鋼茶壺

  stainless steel telescopic joint 金屬伸縮節

  stainless steel try square 不銹鋼矩尺

  stainless steel tube 不銹鋼管

  stainless steel vacuum pugmill 不銹鋼真空煉泥機

  stainless steel valve 不銹鋼閥

  stainless steel ware 不銹鋼器皿

  stainless steel watch band 不銹鋼表帶

  stainless steel watch case blank 不銹鋼表殼粗坯

  stainless steel watch case 不銹鋼表殼

  stainless steel welding electrode 不銹鋼電焊條

  stainless steel wire cloth 不銹鋼絲布

  stainless steel wire wrapped screen 不銹鋼鋼絲繞制篩管

  stainless steel wire 不銹鋼絲

  stainless steel wrap wire 不銹鋼繞絲

  stainless steel 不銹鋼

  stainless try square 不銹鋼直角尺

  stainless valve 不銹鋼閥門

  stainless ware for medical use 醫用不銹鋼器皿

  stainless wire net 不銹鋼絲網

  stair carpet 梯毯

  stair tile 樓梯磚

  staircase generator 階梯波發生器

  staircase voltage generator 階梯波電壓發生器

  staking machine 打樁機

  stalactite 鐘乳石

  stalagmometer 表面張力滴量計

  Stalhane micromanometer 斯達爾漢微壓計

  stall food for animals 牲畜用飼料

  stall urinal 落地式小便器

  stall-warning indciator 失速警告指示器

  stallimycin 司他霉素

  stallometer 失速儀

  stalogometer 表面張力滴計

  Stam 敵稗

  stamen nelumbinis 蓮須

  stamen setariae 粟米須

  Stammel 斯坦默爾粗毛呢

  stamp album 集郵簿

  stamp hinge 貼郵票膠紙

  stamp ink 打印墨水

  stamp mill 搗碎機

  stamp pad ink 印臺油

  stamp pad 印臺

  stamp perforating machine 郵票打孔機

  stamp washer 槌式洗呢機

  stamped linen 印花刺繡亞麻布

  stamped plush 壓花長毛絨

  stamped velvet 拷花絲絨

  stamper machine 印章機

  stamper 沖壓機

  stamping hammer 搗碎錘

  stamping ink 打印油墨

  stamping iron hammer 搗固鐵錘

  stamping machine 燙金機

  stamping press 沖壓機

  stanch fibre 止血纖維

  Stanco 司旦柯牌手表

  stand fan 落地式電扇

  stand for pens and pencils 筆及鉛筆的閣架

  stand light 落地燈

  stand mat 臺式擰螺絲機

  stand pipe 立管

  stand 支架

  stand-by battery 備用電池

  stand-by compressor 備用壓縮機

  stand-by engine 備用發動機

  stand-by generator 備用發電機

  stand-by power battery 備用電池

  stand-by pump 備用泵

  stand-off glass insulator 高腳玻璃絕緣體

  stand-off insulator 托腳絕緣子

  stand-up collar blouse 豎領上衣

  stand-up ruffle collar gown 荷葉裥豎領長衫

  standard adjustable wrench 標準活扳手

  standard balance 標準天平

  standard barometer 標準氣壓表

  standard basin 標準面盆

  standard brass 標準黃銅

  standard brown kraft wrapping paper 標準牛皮包裝紙

  standard cleaning bench 標準凈化工作臺

  standard coaxial cable 標準同軸電纜

  standard compass 標準羅盤

  standard condenser tube alloy 標準冷凝管合金

  standard converter 制式轉換器

  standard copper 標準工業銅

  standard counter 標準計數器

  standard cover paper 標準封面紙

  standard crystal oscillator 標準晶體振蕩器

  standard cutter 標準刀具

  standard DC power supply 標準直流電源

  standard deadweight press tester 標準靜壓力機試驗器

  standard die set 標準模架

  standard drill 標準斜紋布

  standard electronic automatic computer 標準電子自動計算機

  standard electronic organ 落地式電子琴

  standard fastener 標準緊固件

  standard field strength generator 標準場強發生器

  standard fine grain aerial photo paper 標準精細航空照相紙

  standard fireclay brick 標準粘土耐火磚

  standard flat wagon 標準平車

  standard funnel 標準漏斗

  standard gauge block 標準規塊

  standard gauge 標準規

  standard gold 標準金

  standard high frequency signal generator 標準高頻信號發生器

  standard hooked bolt 標準型鉤螺栓

  standard hydraulic cylinder 標準液壓缸

  standard hydraulic station 標準液壓站

  standard inductor 標準電感器

  standard infrared lamp 落地式遠紅外燈

  standard Kittel plate 基特爾標準式塔盤

  standard lamp 落地燈

  standard magnetic amplifier 標準磁放大器

  standard magnetic field generator 標準磁場發生器

  standard maize sheller 標準玉米脫粒機

  standard mercurial barometer 標準水銀氣壓表

  standard meter 標準測量儀

  standard mica capacitor 標準云母電容器

  standard mink skin cross plate 水貂皮大衣片

  standard mink skin hat for man 水貂皮男帽

  standard mink skin jacket 水貂皮短大衣

  standard mink skin overcoat 水貂皮大衣

  standard mink skin plate 水貂皮褥子

  standard mink skin vest 水貂皮背心

  standard mink skin 水貂皮

  standard multimode fiber 標準多模光纖

  standard natural rubber 標準天然膠

  standard newsprint 標準新聞紙

  standard oil tank 標準油槽

  standard open freight car 標準貨車

  standard open goods wagon 標準貨車

  standard parts 標準件

  standard pipe bender 標準彎管機

  standard pressure gauge 標準壓力表

  standard projection lens 標準投影透鏡

  standard pull tension cable 標準抗拉光纜

  standard rammer 夯樣機

  standard reactor 標準電抗器

  standard resistance box 標準電阻箱

  standard resistor 標準電阻器

  standard rifle 標準步槍

  standard sand 標準砂

  standard screen 標準篩

  standard sensitometer 標準感光計

  standard sieve 標準篩

  standard signal amplifier 標準信號放大器

  standard signal generator 標準信號發生器

  standard silver 標準銀

  standard single-mode fiber 標準單模光纖

  standard size brick 標準型磚

  standard sports pistol 標準運動手槍

  standard steel ingot mould 標準鋼錠模

  standard strain gauge analyser 標準應變分析器

  standard switch 標準開關

  standard table telephone set 標準臺式電話機

  standard tap 標準絲錐

  standard taper file 標準錐形銼

  standard tar viscometer 標準焦油粘度計

  standard thermometer 標準溫度計

  standard thimble 標準套環

  standard tractor 標準型拖拉機

  standard vacuum gauge 標準真空計

  standard vacuum meter 標準真空表

  standard variable condenser 標準可變電容器

  standard viscosimeter 標準粘度計

  standard voltmeter 標準伏特計

  standard water tank 標準水槽

  standard wavemeter 標準波長計

  standard wire gauge 標準線規

  standard-frequency generator 標準頻率發生器

  standard-frequency meter 標準頻率計

  standard-instrument 標準儀表

  standard-type mechanical tableting machine 標準機械壓片機

  standard-type purifying table 標準凈化工作臺

  standard-type wheeled tractor 標準型輪式拖拉機

  standardizing reagent 標定試劑

  standing derrick 起重拔桿

  standing wave detector 駐波檢測器

  standing wave measurement instrument 駐波測量儀

  standing wave ratio measuring kit 成套駐波比測量器

  standing-wave amplifier 駐波放大器

  standing-wave analyzer 駐波分析器

  standing-wave indicator 駐波指示器

  standing-wave introducer 駐波導入器

  standing-wave meter 駐波表

  standing-wave producer 駐波發生器

  standing-wave single mode laser 駐波單模激光器

  standing-wave type discriminator 駐波式鑒別器

  stannic chloride 氯化錫

  stannic iodide 碘化錫

  stannic oxide 氧化錫

  stannic sulfide 硫化錫

  stanniferous faience 錫釉陶器

  stanniferous glaze 錫釉

  Stanniol 斯坦尼歐爾高錫耐蝕合金

  Stannoplus 癸磷錫

  Stannoram 癸磷錫

  stannous chloride 氯化亞錫

  stannous chromate 鉻酸錫

  stannous fluoboric acid 氟硼酸亞錫

  stannous iodide 碘化亞錫

  stannous iso caprylate 異辛酸亞錫

  stannous mono-sulphate 硫酸亞錫

  stannous oxide 氧化亞錫

  stannous sulfate 硫酸亞錫

  stannous sulfide 硫化亞錫

  stannum analyzer 錫含量分析儀

  Stannum 斯塔納姆高錫重載軸承合金

  stanozolol 康力龍

  StanzaAuster 斯坦扎-南風牌汽車

  staple cotton 長絨棉

  staple cutter 短纖維切斷機

  staple fibre blanket 人造短纖維毛毯

  staple fibre bulk yarn 短纖維膨體紗

  staple fibre cutter 人造短纖維切斷機

  staple fibre cutting machine 人造短纖維切斷機

  staple fibre muslin 人造棉細布

  staple fibre top 人造短纖維條

  staple fibre viscose rayon 粘膠人造絲短纖維

  staple fibre washing machine 人造短纖維清洗機

  staple fibre 人造短纖維

  staple glass fibre 玻璃短纖維

  staple making machine 書釘制造機

  staple pin 訂書釘

  staple rayon 人造短纖維

  staple remover 起釘機

  staple sorter 短纖維長度分析器

  staple vice 長腿火鉗

  staple yarn 短纖維紗

  staple 棉毛纖維

  stapler 小訂書機

  stapling machine 訂書機

  stapling nail 訂書釘

  stapling press 訂書機

  star altimeter 星高計

  star anise oil 八角油

  star aniseed oil 八角油

  star aniseed powder 八角粉

  star aniseed 八角

  star cloud spectrograph 星云攝譜儀

  star coupler 星形耦合器

  star drill 小孔鉆

  star dyeing machine 星形染色機

  star feeder 星式加料機

  star finder 尋星儀

  star flashing glaze 星盞釉

  star gear 星形齒輪

  star jelly 發菜

  star scanner 星座掃描器

  star spun 吐波式集束紡聚丙烯腈膨體纖維紗

  star telescope 恒星望遠鏡

  star tracker 星跟蹤式定位器

  star valve feeder 星閥加料器

  Star 星牌載重汽車

  star-delta starter 星形-三角形起動器

  star-tracking device 星體跟蹤器

  star-type line-strander 星型絞線機

  Starbrite 斯塔爾布賴特耐綸短纖維

  starch bottle 糊料瓶

  starch centrifugal separator 淀粉離心分離機

  starch gum 淀粉膠

  starch monophosphate 磷酸單酯淀粉

  starch powder 淀粉

  starch sugar 淀粉糖

  starch syrup 淀粉糖漿

  starch 淀粉

  starch-liquifying chemical 淀粉化學液

  starch-making equipment 淀粉生產設備

  starched mull 里子粗布

  Starina 斯塔里納牌手表

  Starion 斯塔里恩牌汽車

  Stark 金星蘋果

  Stark-tuned laser 斯塔克效應調諧激光器

  Starking 紅星蘋果

  Starkrimson 新紅星蘋果

  Starlet 小星牌汽車

  starred glaze 星點釉

  Starspun 斯塔斯龐色棉布

  start distributor 起動分配器

  start generator 起動發電機

  start trigger 起動觸發器

  start-stop counter 起止計數器

  start-stop multivibrator 單穩多諧振蕩器

  start-stop oscillator 間歇振蕩器

  start-up burner 點火燃燒器

  starter clutch 起動機離合器

  starter connecting rod 起動機連桿

  starter current indicator 起動電流表

  starter flywheel 起動機飛輪

  starter motor 起動電動機

  starter reduction device 起動機減速器

  starter 起動器

  starting air compressor 起動空氣壓縮機

  starting air distributor 起動空氣分配器

  starting air indicator 起動空氣指示器

  starting autotransformer 起動自耦變壓器

  starting capacitor 起動電容器

  starting compensator 起動補償器

  starting compressor 起動壓縮機

  starting contactor 起動接觸器

  starting control valve 起動控制閥

  starting crank 起動曲柄

  starting distributor 起動分配器

  starting dynamo 起動發電機

  starting electropneumatic valve 起動電氣閥

  starting engine 起動發動機

  starting lead battery 起動用鉛蓄電池

  starting lead-acid storage battery 啟動用鉛酸蓄電池

  starting lever 起動桿

  starting limit switch 起動限位開關

  starting motor brush 起動機電刷

  starting motor 起動電動機

  starting relay 起動繼電器

  starting resistor 起動電阻器

  starting rheostat 起動變阻器

  starting transformer 起動變壓器

  starting turbine 起動渦輪

  starting unloader 起動卸載器

  starting valve spring 起動閥彈簧

  starting valve 起動閥

  starting-type lead-acid storage battery 起動型鉛-酸蓄電池

  starved glaze 欠釉

  starwort 銀柴胡

  stat analyser 靜電分析器

  Statesman 政治家牌汽車

  Stathion 一六0五

  static balancer 靜力平衡器

  static capacity type vibroscope 靜電電容式振動儀

  static coil magnetic powder clutch 靜止線圈磁粉離合器

  static compensator 靜態補償器

  static condenser 靜電電容器

  static controller 固定控制器

  static coupled type double tuned amplifier 靜電耦合式雙調諧放大器

  static digital strain gauging unit 靜態數字應變儀

  static direction finder 靜電測向儀

  static duplicator 靜電復印機

  static electricity oil cleaning device 靜電凈油機

  static electricity oil purifier 靜電凈油機

  static eliminator 天電干擾消除器

  static energy type welder 靜電蓄能式電焊機

  static engine 固定式發動機

  static exciter 靜態勵磁機

  static flip-flop 靜態觸發器

  static flocking binder 靜電植絨粘合劑

  static flocking ground-adhesive 靜電植絨底膠

  static flocking top-adhesive 靜電植絨面膠

  static frequency converter 靜止變頻器

  static generator 靜電發生器

  static gravimeter 靜態重力儀

  static ingot 模鑄鋼錠

  static inverter 靜變流器

  static machine 靜電起電機

  static memory 靜態存儲器

  static plate manometer 靜壓板式壓力機

  static precipitator 靜電除塵器

  static pressure level controller 靜壓液面控制器

  static pressure regulator 靜壓調節器

  static printer 靜電打印機

  static register 靜態寄存器

  static relay 靜態繼電機

  static ringer 靜態振鈴器

  static strain indicator 固定式應變指示器

  static testing machine 靜力試驗機

  static type automatic voltage regulator 靜態自動穩壓器

  static voltage detector 靜電電壓檢測器

  static voltmeter 靜電伏特計

  staticizer 靜化器

  staticon tube 視像管

  staticon 光導電視攝影機

  station selector 選臺旋鈕

  station wagon 旅行汽車

  station-selector for users 用戶選臺器

  stationary air compressor 固定式空壓機

  stationary attenuator 固定衰減器

  stationary baler 固定式壓捆機

  stationary base machinist's vise 固定式機工虎鉗

  stationary base vise 固定式虎鉗

  stationary belt conveyer 固定式皮帶運輸機

  stationary boiler 固定式鍋爐

  stationary bowl dough mixer 固定碗式和面機

  stationary cine projector 固定式放影機

  stationary collapsible container 固定可折疊容器

  stationary compressor 固定式壓縮機

  stationary concrete pump 固定式混凝土泵

  stationary counter 固定式計數器

  stationary crane 固定式起重機

  stationary crusher 固定式軋碎機

  stationary cylinder machine 固定針筒式針織機

  stationary diesel engine 固定式柴油機

  stationary engine 固定式發動機

  stationary exercise bicycle 鍛煉用固定自行車

  stationary extraction cylinder 固定圓筒形抽提器

  stationary fatigue test machinery 靜態疲勞試驗機

  stationary film camera 固定膠片照相機

  stationary galvanometer 固定電流計

  stationary horizontal diesel engine 固定臥式柴油機

  stationary machine 固定式機器

  stationary platform 固定鉆井平臺

  stationary reactor 固定式反應器

  stationary screen 固定篩

  stationary sinter cooler 固定式燒結冷卻機

  stationary sound film projector 固定式有聲電影放映機

  stationary steel bushing 固定鋼套

  stationary stroage battery 固定蓄電池

  stationary tachograph 固定式轉速記錄儀

  stationary thresher 固定脫粒機

  stationary transmitter 固定發射機

  stationary tripper 固定式傾料器

  stationary two-arm resin sand mixing unit 固定式雙臂樹脂砂混砂裝置

  stationary type projector 固定式電影放映機

  stationary vane centrifugal separator 靜止葉片離心式分離器

  stationary vane type centrifugal separator 靜止葉片型離心式分離器

  stationary vane 固定葉片

  stationary vertical diesel engine 固定立式柴油機

  stationary welder 固定式電焊機

  stationary-piston sampler 固定活塞式取土器

  stationery and sporting goods 文教體育用品

  stationery box 文具盒

  stationery case 文具盒

  stationery paper 文具紙

  stationery production line 文教用品生產線

  stationery scissors 文具剪刀

  stationery 文具

  statistical computer 統計計算機

  statistical machine 統計機

  stator frame turning & boring machine 定子機座車鏜床

  stator frame 定子架

  stator winding 定子繞組

  stator 定子

  stator-feed-type poly-phase shunt motor 定子饋電式多相并激電動機

  stator-feed-type shunt motor 定子饋電式并激電動機

  stator-rotor starter 定子轉子起動器

  stator-slot puncher 定子沖槽機

  statoreceptor 平衡感受器

  statoscope 高差儀

  statotensiometer 固定載荷紗線張力測定儀

  statuary bronze 塑像用青銅

  stauffer lubricator 油脂杯潤滑器

  stauntonvine 野木瓜

  stave cooler 板式冷卻器

  stay adjuster 撐條調整器

  Stay alloy 斯特耶鋁基壓鑄合金

  stay bolt 支撐螺栓

  Stay-Kleen 利草凈合劑

  staybrite 斯泰布賴特耐蝕可鍛鎳鉻鋼

  stays 婦女胸衣

  Stead's reagent 斯特德浸蝕劑

  steady flow plate 穩流板

  steady rest and tool holder 中心架及刀架

  steady wheel 穩定輪

  steady-state heat exchanger 穩定態熱交換器

  steak knife 切肉排刀

  steak slicer 切肉排刀

  steam & spray iron 噴霧型蒸汽電熨斗

  steam accumulator 蓄汽器

  steam and hot wind pressing machine 蒸汽及熱風燙平機

  steam automobile 蒸汽汽車

  steam bath 蒸汽浴缸

  steam blower 蒸汽噴霧機

  steam blowing machine 蒸呢機

  steam boiler 蒸汽鍋爐

  steam bronze 汽閥青銅

  steam calender 蒸汽軋光機

  steam coal 動力煤

  steam cock 汽旋塞

  steam compressing forming machine 蒸汽壓縮成形機

  steam condenser 蒸汽冷凝器

  steam cooler 蒸汽冷卻器

  steam corrosion-resistant alloy 耐蒸汽腐蝕合金

  steam crane 蒸汽吊車

  steam cylinder 汽缸

  steam deflector 蒸汽偏導器

  steam density determination apparatus 蒸汽密度測定器

  steam digger 蒸汽挖掘機

  steam disperser 散汽器

  steam dispersion mixer 蒸汽噴布拌和機

  steam drier 蒸汽干燥器

  steam drill 蒸汽驅動的鉆機

  steam driven excavator 蒸汽挖掘機

  steam drop hammer 鍛錘

  steam ejector 蒸汽噴射器

  steam electric iron 蒸汽型電熨斗

  steam engine boiler 蒸汽機鍋爐

  steam engine 蒸汽機

  steam exhauster 蒸汽排氣機

  steam flow meter 蒸汽流量計

  steam gauge 蒸汽壓力計

  steam generator 蒸汽發生器

  steam gun washer 蒸汽噴射洗滌器

  steam hammer 汽錘

  steam hauler 蒸汽吊車

  steam heat-exchanger 蒸汽熱交換器

  steam heater 蒸汽加熱器

  steam heating coil 蒸汽加熱盤管

  steam hoist 蒸汽吊車

  steam hose 蒸汽管

  steam humidifier 蒸汽加濕器

  steam hydraulic press 汽動水壓機

  steam hydraulic shears 蒸汽-液壓剪切機

  steam injector 蒸汽噴射器

  steam iron 蒸汽熨斗

  steam ironing machine for West-style dresses 西服蒸汽熨燙機

  steam jet agitator 蒸汽噴射攪拌器

  steam jet air pump 蒸汽噴射泵

  steam jet attritor 蒸汽噴射磨細器

  steam jet blower 噴汽鼓風機

  steam jet ejector 蒸汽噴射器

  steam jet exhauster 蒸汽噴射式排氣器

  steam jet heat pump 蒸汽噴射式熱泵

  steam jet mixer 蒸汽噴射式混合器

  steam jet pump 蒸汽噴射泵

  steam jet refrigerating machine 蒸汽噴射式制冷機

  steam jet sucker 蒸汽噴射吸入器

  steam jet 噴汽器

  steam jetting pump 蒸汽噴射泵

  steam launch 小火輪

  steam leather softening machine 蒸汽皮革軟化機

  steam locomotive 蒸汽機車

  steam lorry 蒸汽貨車

  steam meter 蒸汽表

  steam multipoint detector 蒸汽多點測定器

  steam navvy 蒸汽挖掘機

  steam operated absorption refrigerating machine 蒸汽型吸收式制冷機

  steam pile driver 蒸汽打樁機

  steam pile hammer 蒸汽打樁錘

  steam piling machine 蒸汽打樁機

  steam pipe bend 汽管彎頭

  steam pipe joint sleeve 汽管接套

  steam pipe joint 汽管接頭

  steam pipe nut 汽管螺母

  steam pipe of throttle valve 節氣閥蒸汽管

  steam pipe 蒸汽管

  steam piston ring 蒸汽活塞環

  steam plunger pump 蒸汽柱塞泵

  steam power forging press 汽動鍛壓機

  steam power plant 火力發電設備

  steam press 蒸汽壓熨機

  steam pressure gauge 汽壓計

  steam pressure meter 蒸汽壓力計

  steam pressure regulator 蒸汽壓力調節器

  steam pump 蒸汽泵

  steam purifier 蒸汽凈化器

  steam radiator 蒸汽散熱器

  steam reciprocating engine 往復式蒸汽機

  steam reciprocating pump 蒸汽往復泵

  steam reducing valve 蒸汽減壓閥

  steam regulating valve 蒸汽調節閥

  steam regulator 蒸汽調節器

  steam reheater 蒸汽回熱器

  steam roller 蒸汽壓路機

  steam sand blaster 蒸汽噴砂機

  steam sand blower 蒸汽噴砂器

  steam scrubber 蒸汽濾凈器

  steam seal regulator 汽封調節器

  steam separator 蒸汽分離器

  steam ship 輪船

  steam shovel 蒸汽挖掘機

  steam sprayer 蒸汽霧化器

  steam sterilizer 蒸汽消毒器

  steam strainer 蒸汽濾器

  steam suction ironing machine 蒸汽吸風整熨機

  steam superheater 蒸汽過熱器

  steam trap 冷凝罐

  steam tug 蒸汽拖輪

  steam turbine generator unit 汽輪發電機組

  steam turbine generator 汽輪發電機

  steam turbine pump 蒸汽透平泵

  steam turbine rotor 汽輪機轉子

  steam turbine 汽輪機

  steam turbo-compressor 汽輪壓縮機

  steam turbo-generator 汽輪發電機

  steam twills 粗支斜紋里子布

  steam valve 蒸汽閥

  steam voltmeter 蒸汽電壓表

  steam vulcanizer 蒸汽補胎機

  steam washer 蒸汽洗衣機

  steam water pump 蒸汽水泵

  steam whistle 汽笛

  steam winch 蒸汽絞車

  steam windlass 蒸汽起錨機

  steam-driven generator 蒸汽發電機

  steam-driven turboblower 汽動鼓風機

  steam-heated concentrator 蒸汽加熱濃縮器

  steam-heated drier 蒸汽加熱干燥機

  steam-heated evaporator 蒸汽加熱蒸發器

  steam-injector-type burner 蒸汽噴射式燃燒器

  steam-jacketed filter 汽套式過濾器

  steam-motivated diamond drill 蒸汽驅動的金剛石鉆

  steam-operated drill 蒸汽驅動鉆

  steam-set ink 蒸汽凝固油墨

  steam-tube drier 汽管式干燥機

  steam-turbine for power plant 電站汽輪機

  steam-water separator 汽水分離器

  steamboat 輪船

  steamed bean curd roll 素雞

  steamed bone grain 蒸制骨粒

  steamed bone meal 蒸制骨粉

  steamed bun making machine 饅頭機

  steamed chicken in spicy gravy 園林香液雞

  steamed chicken with rice flour 粉蒸雞

  steamed chicken with stuffing 富貴雞

  steamed date 蒸棗

  steamed duck with mushroom 香菇燉鴨

  steamed dumpling 蒸餃

  steamed green tea 蒸綠茶

  steamed pork stomach and bamboo shoots 清蒸豬肚筍

  steamed pork stomach and chicken 清蒸豬肚雞

  steamed pork 清蒸豬肉

  steamed young pigeon with mushroom 香菇燉乳鴿

  steamed {Tienchi} pill 熟田七丸

  steamed {Tienchi} powder 熟田七粉

  steamed {Tienchi} tablet 熟田七片

  steamer rug 船用毛毯

  steamer 蒸籠

  stearic acid 硬脂酸

  stearic amide 硬脂酰胺

  stearin 硬脂

  stearyl lactylic acid salt 硬脂酰乳酸鹽

  stearyl sulfamide 硬脂磺胺

  steatite ceramics 塊滑石瓷

  steatite porcelain 塊滑石瓷

  steed 駿馬

  steel accommodation ladder 鋼質舷梯

  steel adhesive 鋼鐵粘合膠

  steel alloy 合金鋼

  steel aluminium trolley wire 鋼鋁電車線

  steel analyzer 鋼含量分析儀

  steel and aluminium trolley wire 鋼鋁電車線

  steel and iron slag cement 鋼渣水泥

  steel angle 角鋼

  steel anvil 鋼砧

  steel baling strap 打包鐵皮

  steel ball coal mill 鋼球磨煤機

  steel ball lapping machine 鋼球研磨機

  steel ball polishing machine 鋼球拋光機

  steel ball 鋼珠

  steel band butt welder 鋼帶對焊機

  steel band knitting machine 鋼帶提花圓型針織機

  steel band tape 鋼卷尺

  steel band 鐵箍帶

  steel bar bender 鋼筋彎曲機

  steel bar shearing machine 鋼筋切斷機

  steel bar straightening and shearing machine 鋼筋拉直切斷機

  steel bar 鋼棒

  steel bed 鋼床

  steel belt lacing 鋼帶接頭

  steel belt 鋼帶

  steel bender 彎鋼筋機

  steel billet 鋼坯

  steel bond hard alloy 鋼結硬質合金

  steel bottom plate 鋼底盤

  steel bottom rim 鋼底箍

  steel bracket 鋼支架

  steel bronze 高強度青銅

  steel brush 鋼絲刷

  steel cable baffle ring 鋼絲擋圈

  steel cable clamp 鋼絲繩繩夾

  steel cable conveyor belt 鋼纜輸送帶

  steel cable yarn 鋼絲繩芯紗

  steel cable 鋼絲繩

  steel calender 鋼絲壓延機

  steel can 鋼罐

  steel channel 槽鋼

  steel chisel 鋼釬

  steel cord conveyor belt 鋼絲繩輸送帶

  steel costumer 柱式鋼制衣架

  steel crossarm 鐵橫擔

  steel cylinder 鋼瓶

  steel deformed round bar 螺紋圓鋼條

  steel die 鋼模

  steel dog 螞蟥釘

  steel door 鋼門

  steel double bolt pipe clamp 鋼制雙螺栓管卡

  steel drag 鋼板路刮

  steel drift 鋼沖

  steel dryer 鋼制晾衣架

  steel electrode 鋼焊條

  steel eraser 刮墨水字跡刮刀

  steel erector 鋼架裝置機

  steel fence post 柵欄鋼樁

  steel fibre 鋼纖維

  steel figure punch 數字鋼沖子

  steel file cabinet 鋼制卷宗柜

  steel file kit 套裝鋼銼

  steel file with bevelled edge 斜邊銼

  steel file 鋼銼

  steel flat 扁鋼

  steel folding rule 鋼折尺

  steel folding wheel scotch 折疊式鋼制止輪器

  steel fork head 鋼叉頭

  steel fork with handle 帶把鋼叉

  steel fork 鋼叉

  steel furniture 鋼家具

  steel gray cloth 鋼灰色布

  steel grille 鋼窗柵

  steel heald 鋼片綜

  steel helmet 鋼盔

  steel hexagonal bolt and nut 六角螺絲和螺母

  steel hoop 鐵箍

  steel hose 鋼制軟管

  steel ingot 鋼錠

  steel line drawer 鋼線拉線機

  steel link chain for animal-drawn plough 畜力犁用鐵鏈條

  steel link chain 鐵鏈條

  steel mast 鋼桅桿

  steel measuring tape 鋼卷尺

  steel mesh 鋼絲網

  Steel metal 斯蒂爾耐蝕銅錫合金

  steel mill grease 軋鋼機用潤滑脂

  steel mill 軋鋼機

  steel motor lifeboat 鋼質機動救生艇

  steel mould for electric pole 電桿鋼模

  steel moulding plate 鋼模板

  steel pack muffler 金屬墊片式消音器

  steel perforating rule 打孔用鋼尺

  steel pick head 鎬頭

  steel pick 鋼鎬

  steel pinching hydraulic cylinder 夾釬液壓缸

  steel pipe clamp 鋼制管卡

  steel pipe plate 制管鋼板

  steel pipe 鋼管

  steel plane 鋼刨

  steel plate flange 鋼板法蘭

  steel plate shearer 剪板機

  steel plate thickness meter 鋼板測厚儀

  steel plate 鋼板

  steel products 鋼材

  steel rail 鋼軌

  steel refining furnace 煉鋼爐

  steel refrigerator 全鋼冰箱

  steel reinforcement bar delivering roller 鋼筋輸送輥

  steel reinforcement bar feeder 鋼筋送料機

  steel reinforcement bar pre-drawn platform 鋼筋預拉臺

  steel reinforcement laying machine 鋼筋敷設機

  steel rod 鋼條

  steel roller 鋼輪壓路機

  steel rolling mill 軋鋼機

  steel rule 鋼尺

  steel saw 鋼鋸

  steel scale 鋼尺

  steel scrap 廢鋼

  steel sheave 鐵滑輪

  steel sheet shears 鋼皮剪刀

  steel sheet 薄鋼板

  steel shelled box type load switch 鋼殼負荷開關

  steel shot abrasive 鋼砂磨粒

  steel shovel 鋼鏟

  steel spade 鋼鍬

  steel spirit level 鋼水平尺

  steel spring pen 彈簧弓形墨筆

  steel spring pencil 彈簧弓形鉛筆

  steel spring washer 彈簧墊圈

  steel square 鋼角尺

  steel strapping equipment 鋼帶捆扎機

  steel strip 鋼帶

  steel structural derrick 鋼結構鉆塔

  steel tackle block 鐵滑車

  steel tank mercury rectifier 鐵槽汞弧整流器

  steel tape 鋼卷尺

  steel tape measure 鋼卷尺

  steel tape recorder 鋼帶錄音機

  steel tape rule in plastic case 塑料殼鋼卷尺

  steel tape rule with control button in plastic case 帶控制按鈕的塑料殼鋼卷尺

  steel tape rule with metal case 金屬殼鋼卷尺

  steel tape rule with plastic case 塑料殼鋼卷尺

  steel thread 鋼絲

  steel tool box 鋼殼工具箱

  steel tube with cold-drawing 冷拔鋼管

  steel tube 鋼管

  steel vacuum coffeemaker 真空鋼咖啡壺

  steel washer 鋼墊圈

  steel wheel 鋼輪

  steel window frame & accessories 鋼窗框及配件

  steel window section 鋼窗料

  steel window 鋼窗

  steel wire armored cable 鋼絲鎧裝光纜

  steel wire armoured air rubber hose 鋼絲編織空氣膠管

  steel wire armoured high pressure rubber hose 鋼絲編織高壓膠管

  steel wire armoured water rubber hose 鋼絲纏繞排水膠管

  steel wire braided high pressure hose 鋼絲編織高壓管

  steel wire brush 鋼絲刷

  steel wire embedded water suction rubber hose 埋線工業吸水膠管

  steel wire for spoke 幅條鋼絲

  steel wire for umbrella ribs 傘骨鋼絲

  steel wire for welding electrode 焊條鋼絲

  steel wire heald with inserted eyelet for jacquard 提花鋼絲綜

  steel wire heald with ordinary twisted eyelet for weaving 織造用普通鋼絲綜

  steel wire heald 鋼絲綜

  steel wire netting 鋼絲網

  steel wire packer 鋼絲打包機

  steel wire rope clip 鋼絲繩卡頭

  steel wire rope graphite-base grease 鋼絲繩石墨潤滑油

  steel wire rope stranding-bundling machine 鋼絲繩絞束機

  steel wire rope with thimble 帶線環鋼絲繩

  steel wire rope 鋼絲繩

  steel wire strand 多股鋼線

  steel wire tube brush 鋼絲管刷

  steel wire wheel brush 鋼絲輪刷

  steel wire 鋼絲

  steel wood furniture 鋼木家具

  steel wool 鋼絲絨

  steel works equipment 鋼廠設備

  steel-backed bearing alloy 鋼背軸承合金

  steel-band conveyer 鋼帶輸送機

  steel-bonded carbide products 鋼結硬質合金產品

  steel-cored aluminium cable 鋼芯鋁線

  steel-cored aluminium strand wire 鋼芯鋁絞線

  steel-cored aluminium wire 鋼芯鋁線

  steel-cored copper conductor 鋼芯銅線

  steel-making furnace 煉鋼爐

  steel-pipe furniture 鋼管家具

  steel-plate paper 鋼版雕刻用紙

  steel-rope tracting belt conveyer 鋼繩牽引帶式輸送機

  steel-tape armoured lead sheathed high-frequency communication cable 鉛包鋼帶鎧裝高頻通信電纜

  steel-tape armoured lead sheathed low-frequency communication cable 鉛包鋼帶鎧裝低頻通信電纜

  steel-tape armoured lead sheathed telephone cable 鉛包鋼帶鎧裝電話電纜

  steel-welding fittings 鋼焊接管件

  steel-wheel roller 鋼輪壓路機

  steel-wheeled tractor 鋼輪拖拉機

  steel-wire napper 鋼絲起毛機

  steel-wire rope type electric block 鋼絲繩電動葫蘆

  steel-wire rope 鋼絲繩

  Steelon 斯替綸聚己內酰胺纖維

  steeloscope 析鋼儀

  steelscope 析鋼儀

  steely wool 無卷曲羊毛

  steeper 浸漬器

  steeping machine 浸漬機

  steeping wool 脫脂羊毛

  steeple engine 倒行發動機

  steeple-head rivet 尖頭鉚釘

  steer hide 閹牛皮

  steering arm 轉向搖臂

  steering basin shaped bevel gear 轉向盆形傘齒輪

  steering clutch bearing 轉向離合器軸承

  steering clutch compression disk 轉向離合器壓盤

  steering clutch disc 轉向離合器摩擦片

  steering clutch driven drum 轉向離合器被動鼓

  steering clutch driving drum 轉向離合器主動鼓

  steering clutch drum 轉向離合器鼓

  steering clutch oil seal 轉向離合器油封

  steering clutch 轉向離合器

  steering computer 駕駛用計算機

  steering control level 轉向控制桿

  steering disc and bevel gear 換向機構盤和傘齒輪

  steering driving bevel gear 換向主動傘齒輪

  steering engine 轉向機

  steering gear 轉向齒輪

  steering horizontal shaft 換向機構水平軸

  steering indicator 轉向指示器

  steering knuckle arm 轉向節臂

  steering knuckle 轉向節

  steering lamp 轉向燈

  steering pipe connector washer 轉向管接頭墊圈

  steering pump 轉向泵

  steering shaft 轉向軸

  steering wheel assembly 方向盤總成

  steering wheel for vehicles 車輛方向盤

  steering wheel 方向盤

  steffimycin 司替霉素

  steils 飛梭刺繡

  stellar chronometer 恒星天文鐘

  stellar coal 瀝青煤

  stellar comparator 天體坐標測量儀

  stellar spectrometer 恒星光譜儀

  stellarator 仿星器

  Stelometer 斯坦洛式束纖維強力測試儀

  stem cutting machine 切梗機

  stem hygrometer 插入式濕度表

  stem indicator 閥桿指示器

  stem of capillary sagebrush 茵陳

  stem of noble dendrobium 石斛

  stem of purple perilla 紫蘇梗

  stem pith of the rice-paper plant 通草

  stem removing machine 去梗機

  stem-cup 高腳杯

  stem-dish 高腳盤

  stem-pipe trousers 小褲腳褲

  stemmed goblet 高腳酒杯

  stemmer 除梗機

  stemona 百部

  stemware 高腳杯

  stenbolone 司騰勃龍

  stencil duplicating machine 油印機

  stencil duplicator printing ink 謄印油墨

  stencil paper for type-writing 打字蠟紙

  stencil paper 蠟紙

  stencil pen 鐵筆

  stencil plate 模板

  stencil steel board 刻字蠟板

  stencil tissue paper 薄棉紙

  stencil 油印蠟紙

  stenciler 模版印刷機

  stencilling press 絲網漏印機

  stenograph 速印機

  stenopaic-slit scope 測散光鏡

  stenotype paper 速記打字紙

  stenter books 細薄書面布

  stenter 拉幅機

  stentering machine 展幅機

  step and repeat machine 拷貝機

  step attenuator 步進衰減器

  step back relay 跳返繼電器

  step bearing 立式止推軸承

  step bolt 半圓頭方頸螺栓

  step cleaner 六滾筒開棉機

  step cone pulley 錐形皮帶盤

  step counter 步進計數器

  step diffuser headbox 方錐管布漿器

  step drill with four edges 四刃階梯鉆

  step drill 階梯鉆

  step gauge 階梯形隔距片

  step generator 階梯信號發生器

  step index fiber 突變折射率型光纖

  step index hard-clad silica fiber 突變型硬包層石英光纖

  step index large core fiber 突變型大芯徑光纖

  step ladder 梯凳

  step lens 棱鏡

  step mill cutter 階梯形端銑刀

  step penetrometer 臺階型透度計

  step printer 步進式印刷機

  step regulator 步進調節器

  step resistance type tide gauge 分級電阻式潮汐計

  step slide switch 分檔滑動開關

  step transformer 升降壓變壓器

  step valve 級閥

  step voltage regulator 步進式電壓調整器

  step wave generator 階梯波發生器

  step wedge 梯級楔

  step-and-repeat camera 分步重復照相機

  step-by-step relay 步進式繼電器

  step-by-step switch testing equipment 步進制機鍵測試儀

  step-by-step system local automatic telephone exchange 步進制市內用自動電話交換機

  step-down transformer 降壓變壓器

  step-head piston 階梯頂活塞

  step-in chemise 女式無袖胸衣

  step-index multimode optical fiber 突變型多模光纖

  step-index optical fiber 突變型光纖

  step-index single-mode fiber 突變折射率單模光纖

  step-ins 女式內衣

  step-out relay 失調繼電器

  step-servo motor 步進伺服電動機

  step-stool 踏凳

  step-switch converter 步進式開關轉換器

  step-type seam welder 步進式縫焊機

  step-type spot welder 步進式點焊機

  step-up autotransformer 升壓自耦變壓器

  step-up exchange 步進制交換機

  step-up motor 步進電動機

  step-up pulse transformer 升壓脈沖變壓器

  step-up ring 大小連接環

  step-up transformer 升壓變壓器

  step-up-&-down transformer 固定升降變壓器

  stephania 千金藤

  stephanotis 白藥子

  stepless reducer 無級變速減速機

  stepless servo-motor 無級調速伺服電動機

  stepless speed change device 無級變速裝置

  stepless speed regulation lathe 無級調速車床

  stepmotor 步進電動機

  stepped drill 階梯鉆

  stepped piston compound compressor 差動活塞式壓縮機

  stepped turnover device 階梯式翻鋼機

  stepper motor 步進電動機

  stepping motor controlled module 步進馬達控制模塊

  stepping motor 步進馬達

  stepping register 步進寄存器

  stepping relay 步進繼電器

  steps or distance recording watch 記步記距兩用表

  stepwise variable optical attenuator 分級可變光衰減器

  stereo amplifier 立體聲放大器

  stereo cassette player 立體聲放音機

  stereo condenser microphone 立體聲電容話筒

  stereo distortedness measuring meter 立體聲失真度測量儀

  stereo double cassette tape recorder 立體聲雙卡收錄機

  stereo earphone 立體聲耳機

  stereo encoder 立體聲編碼器

  stereo equalizer 立體聲均衡器

  stereo gramophone 立體聲電唱機

  stereo head set 立體聲耳機

  stereo headphone 立體聲耳機

  stereo integrated amplifier 立體聲積分放大器

  stereo limiter 立體聲限幅器

  stereo microphone 立體聲話筒

  stereo modulator 立體聲調制器

  stereo movie camera 立體電影攝影機

  stereo radio cassette recorder with single detachable speaker system 單分離音箱立體聲盒式收錄機

  stereo radio cassette recorder 立體聲盒式帶收錄機

  stereo radio 立體聲收音機

  stereo receiver 立體聲收音機

  stereo recorder 立體聲錄音機

  stereo signal generator 立體聲信號發生器

  stereo sound pickup 立體聲拾音器


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