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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2015-09-09  來源:食品翻譯中心
水資源總量 一定區域內的水資源總量指當地降水形成的地表和地下產水量,即地表徑流量與降水入滲補給量之和,不包括過境水量。

地表水資源量 指河流、湖泊、冰川等地表水體中由當地降水形成的、可以逐年更新的動態水量,即天然河川徑流量。

地下水資源量 指當地降水和地表水對飽水巖土層的補給量。

地表水與地下水資源重復量 指地表水和地下水相互轉化的部分,即在河川徑流量中包括一部分地下水排泄量,地下水補給量中包括一部分來源于地表水的入滲量。

供水總量 指各種水源工程為用戶提供的包括輸水損失在內的毛供水量。

用水總量 指分配給用戶的包括輸水損失在內的毛用水量。按用戶特性分為農業、工業、生活和生態用水四大類。

農業用水 包括農田灌溉和林牧漁業用水。林牧漁業用水指林果地灌溉、草地灌溉和魚塘補水。

工業用水 按新水取用量計,不包括企業內部的重復利用水量。

生活用水 包括城鎮生活用水和農村生活用水。城鎮生活用水由居民用水和公共用水(含服務業、商飲業、貨運郵電業及建筑業等用水)組成;農村生活用水除居民生活用水外,還包括畜用水在內。

城鎮生活污水排放量 指城鎮居民每年排放的生活污水。用人均系數法測算。測算公式為:


城鎮生活污水中化學需氧量(COD)產生量 指城鎮居民每年排放的生活污水中的COD的產生量。用人均系數法測算。測算公式為:

城鎮生活污水中COD 產生量=城鎮生活污水中COD 產生系數×市鎮非農業人口×365

化學需氧量(COD) 測量有機和無機物質化學所消耗氧的質量濃度的水污染指數。

工業固體廢物產生量 指報告期內企業在生產過程中產生的固體狀、半固體狀和高濃度液體狀廢棄物的總量,包括危險廢物、冶煉廢渣、粉煤灰、爐渣、煤矸石、尾礦、放射性廢物和其他廢物等;不包括礦山開采的剝離廢石和掘進廢石(煤矸石和呈酸性或堿性的廢石除外)。酸性或堿性廢石指采掘的廢石其流經水、雨淋水的pH值小于4或pH值大于10.5者。

危險廢物 指列入國家危險廢物名錄或根據國家規定的危險廢物鑒別標準和鑒別方法認定的,具有爆炸性、易燃性、易氧化性、毒性、腐蝕性、易傳染疾病等危險特性之一的廢物。

工業固體廢物綜合利用量 指報告期內企業通過回收、加工、循環、交換等方式,從固體廢物中提取或者使其轉化為可以利用的資源、能源和其他原材料的固體廢物量(包括當年利用往年的工業固體廢物貯存量),如用作農業肥料、生產建筑材料、筑路等。綜合利用量由原產生固體廢物的單位統計。

工業固體廢物綜合利用率 指工業固體廢物綜合利用量占工業固體廢物產生量(包括綜合利用往年貯存量)的百分率。計算公式為:


工業固體廢物貯存量 指報告期內企業以綜合利用或處置為目的,將固體廢物暫時貯存或堆存在專設的貯存設施或專設的集中堆存場所內的數量。專設的固體廢物貯存場所或貯存設施必須有防擴散、防流失、防滲漏、防止污染大氣、水體的措施。

工業固體廢物處置量 指報告期內企業將固體廢物焚燒或者最終置于符合環境保護規定要求的場所,并不再回取的工業固體廢物量(包括當年處置往年的工業固體廢物貯存量)。處置方式有填埋(其中危險廢物應安全填埋)、焚燒、專業貯存場(庫)封場處理、深層灌注、回填礦井及海洋處置(經海洋管理部門同意投海處置)等。



生活垃圾清運量 指報告期內收集和運送到垃圾處理廠(場)的生活垃圾數量。生活垃圾指城市日常生活或為城市日常生活提供服務的活動中產生的固體廢物以及法律行政規定的視為城市生活垃圾的固體廢物。包括:居民生活垃圾、商業垃圾、集市貿易市場垃圾、街道清掃垃圾、公共場所垃圾和機關、學校、廠礦等單位的生活垃圾。

生活垃圾無害化處理率 指報告期生活垃圾無害化處理量與生活垃圾產生量比率。在統計上,由于生活垃圾產生量不易取得,可用清運量代替。計算公式為:


環境污染治理投資 指在工業污染源治理和城市環境基礎設施建設的資金投入中,用于形成固定資產的資金。包括工業新老污染源治理工程投資、建設項目“三同時”環保投資,以及城市環境基礎設施建設所投入的資金。

Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Total Water Resources refers to total volume of water resources measured as run-off for surface water from rainfall and recharge for groundwater in a given area, excluding transit water.

Surface Water Resources refers to total renewable resources which exist in rivers, lakes, glaciers and other collectors from rainfall and are measured as run-off of rivers.

Groundwater Resources refers to replenishment of aquifers with rainfall and surface water.

Duplicated Measurement Between Surface Water and Groundwater refers to mutual exchange between surface water and groundwater, i.e. run-off of rivers includes some depletion with groundwater while groundwater includes some replenishment with surface water.

Water Supply refers to gross water supply by supply systems from sources to consumers, including losses during distribution.

Water Use refers to gross water use distributed to users, including loss during transportation, broken down with use by agriculture, industry, living consumption and biological protection.

Water Use by Agriculture includes uses of water by irrigation of farming fields and by forestry, animal husbandry and fishing. Water use by forestry, animal husbandry and fishing includes irrigation of forestry and orchards, irrigation of grassland and replenishment of fishing pools.

Water Use by Industry refers to new withdrawals of water, excluding reuse of water within enterprises.

Water Use by Living Consumption includes use of water for living consumption in both urban and rural areas. Urban water use by living consumption is composed of household use and public use (including services, commerce, restaurants, cargo transportation, posts, telecommunication and construction). Rural water use by living consumption includes both households and animals.

Urban Non-industrial Waste Water Discharge refers to annual discharge of non-industrial waste water by urban households. It is estimated by per capita coefficient using the formula:

Urban non-industrial waste water discharge = urban non-industrial waste water discharge coefficient urban non-agricultural population 365

Volume of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Generated by Urban Non-industrial Waster Water refers to chemical oxygen demand generated through the annual discharge of non-industrial waste water by urban households. It is estimated as:

Volume of chemical oxygen demand (cod) generated by urban non-industrial waster water = Coefficient of COD generated through urban non-industrial waste water× urban non-agricultural population ×365

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) refers to index of water pollution measuring the mass concentration of oxygen consumed by the chemical breakdown of organic and inorganic matter.

Industrial Solid Wastes Produced refers to total volume of solid, semi-solid and high concentration liquid residues produced by industrial enterprises from production process in a given period of time, including hazardous wastes, slag, coal ash, gangue, tailings, radioactive residues and other wastes, but excluding stones stripped or dug out in mining (gangue and acid or alkaline stones not included). A stone is acid or alkaline depending on the pH value of the water below 4 or above 10.5 when the stone is in, or soaked by, the water.

Hazardous Wastes refers to those included in the national hazardous wastes catalogue or specified as any one of the following properties in the national hazardous wastes identification standards: explosive, ignitable, oxidizable, toxic, corrosive or liable to cause infectious diseases or lead to other dangers.

Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized refers to volume of solid wastes from which useful materials can be extracted or which can be converted into usable resources, energy or other materials by means of reclamation, processing, recycling and exchange (including utilizing in the year the stocks of industrial solid wastes of the previous year). Examples of such utilizations include fertilizers, building materials and road materials. The information shall be collected by the producing units of the wastes.

Ratio of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized refers to the percentage of industrial solid wastes utilized over industrial solid wastes produced (including stocks of the previous years). It is calculated as:

Ratio of industrial solid wastes utilized = volume of industrial solid wastes utilized / (industrial solid wastes produced + stock of previous years) 100%

Stocks of Industrial Solid Wastes refers to volume of solid wastes placed in special facilities or special sites for purposes of utilization or disposal. The sites or facilities should take measures against dispersion, loss, seepage, and air and water contamination.

Industrial Solid Wastes Disposed refers to quantity of industrial solid wastes which are burnt or placed ultimately in the sites meeting the requirements for environmental protection and not salvaged or recycled (including disposition in the year of those wastes of previous years). The disposition includes landfill (Safe landfills should be conducted for hazardous wastes), incineration, containment spaces, deep underground disposal, backfill in mining pits and disposal at sea.

Industrial Solid Wastes Discharged refers to volume of industrial solid wastes discharged by producing enterprises to disposal facilities or to other sites. The wastes exclude stones stripped or dug from mining (gangue and acid or alkaline waste stones not included).

Consumption Wastes Transported refers to volume of consumption wastes collected and transported to disposal factories or sites. Consumption wastes are solid wastes produced from urban households or from service activities for urban households, and solid wastes regarded by laws and regulations as urban consumption wastes, including those from households, commercial activities, markets, cleaning of streets, public sites, offices, schools, factories, mining units and other sources.

Ratio of Consumption Wastes Treated refers to consumption wastes treated over that produced. In practical statistics, as it is difficult to estimate, the volume of consumption wastes produced is replaced with that transported. It is calculated as:

Ratio of consumption wastes treated = (consumption wastes treated / consumption wastes produced) ×100%

Investment in Environment Pollution Harnessing Projects refers to the proportion of investment in fixed assets in the total investment in harnessing industrial pollution and in the construction of urban environment infrastructure facilities. It includes investment in harnessing sources of industrial pollution, investment in environment protection facilities designed concurrently with construction projects, and investment in urban environment infrastructure facilities.

關鍵詞: 水資源 統計
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