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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2007-12-10
核心提示:1.abstract art : 抽象派藝術 藝術 ? Art A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter. 強調形式至上,忽視內容的一種非寫實主義繪畫風格 Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that

    1.abstract art :  抽象派藝術

    藝術  ?  Art

    A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.


    Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.


    2.abstract expressionism :  抽象表現派;抽象表現主義

    A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.


    Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.

    20 世紀四五十年代是抽象表現藝術發展的頂峰時期。

    3.action painting :  動作畫派

    A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.


    Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.


    4.airbrush :  噴槍;氣筆

    A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.


    The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush.

    那些性感的日本機器人就是用噴槍繪制成的。 deco  :裝飾派藝術

    A style dominant  in  the 1920s  and 1930s, characterized by  repetitive,  ornamental, and  highly finished curvilinear and geometric designs, esp. in synthetic materials such as plastics.

    盛行于 20 世紀二、三十年代的裝飾藝術和建筑藝術風格,以重復的、裝飾精美的曲線和幾何圖案為特點國,多采 用塑料等合成材料。

    Mary attended high school in a building that was famous for art deco style of architecture. 

    Mary 就讀的中學以其裝飾派建筑而聞名。 nouveau  :新藝術

    A decorative style in which fluid, biomorphic lines and swirling motifs were emphasized.


    Beardsley prints produced in the late 19th century are a good example of the style of art nouveau.

    19 世紀末比樂茲利的作品是新藝術的典范。

    7.avent-garde :  先鋒派

    Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental method.


    The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions. 


    8.Baroque  :巴羅克風格

    An emotional, dramatic style of the 16th-18th century, anticlassical in form and spirit. 

    流行于 16 至 18 世紀,以情感強烈、鋪張浮華為特點的反古典主義的藝術風格。 

    Status and architecture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about them. 


    9.batik  :蠟防印花

    Painting on wax-treated cloth.


    Susan learned about batik in college.


    10.Bauhaus  :包豪斯建筑風格

    A design school that promoted functional and geometric elements in design.


    Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design.


    11.Byzantine  :拜占庭藝術風格的

    (adj.)  A term used to describe a style of art with strong religious content.


    The Byzantine  era extended from the 13th  century and went into the 16th  century and was  characterized by  art with religious influence.#p#分頁標題#e#

    拜占庭式藝術始于 13 世紀,一直延續到 16 世紀,其主要特點是濃郁的宗教氣息。

    12.calligraphy  書法藝術

    Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or “beautiful” writing as a decorative art.


    Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in today’s computerized society.


    13.cartoon  草圖,底圖

    A full-size, preliminary painting or sketch for a completed work.


    Leonardo da Vinci’s cartoon of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne hangs in the British National Gallery.



    (1)The art of making objects such as pottery or clay.

    (2)The objects themselves.


    Savannah enjoys making ceramic pottery.


    15.collage  :拼貼藝術

    A composition of found objects, newspaper, and cloth over other material on a single surface.


    We used to make computer collages when I was in college by first pasting various items together and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen. 


    16.composition  :藝術作品

    Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole.


    Matisse used color and shapes and worked back and forth until he felt he had achieved a balanced composition.

    馬蒂斯反復調試色彩、構思圖案,終于畫了一幅布局和諧的作品。 art  計算機藝術

    Electronically produced images displayed on video screen.


    Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public.

    當 80 年代個人電腦開始普及之后,計算機藝術也流行起來。

    18.cubism  :立方主義;立體派

    A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and  emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject  and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century)

    20 世紀初出現的一個藝術流派。它拋棄傳統現實,強調藝術作品的形體結構,即同時性、多角度性及扭曲的視角。 

    Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism.


    19.Dada  :達達主義

    A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes.

    流行于 1915 年至 1925 年間的藝術流派,其特點是反理性的創作手法和虛無、荒誕。矛盾的主題。

     Dadaism asked “what is art?” and used humor and shock value as communicative elements. 

    20.drawing  :素描

    A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.


    The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.


    21.expressionism  :表現主義

    An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image.

    20 世紀的一種藝術風格,強調情緒的表現,以濃重的色彩、鮮明的構圖,扭曲、夸張的形象處理為特點。

     Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight. 


    22.fresco  :溫壁畫技法;濕壁畫

    A technique of painting directly on a wet, plaster surface.


    We all marveled at the beauty of the 17th century fresco.

    23.funk art  :非理性藝術;惡臭藝術

    A  combination  of  painting  and  sculpture,  deliberately  messing  and  rough,  often  humorously  depicting  provocative subjects.(U.S., mid-20th century)

    20 世紀中期出現在美國的一種藝術流派。故意雜亂無章、不加修飾的繪畫與雕塑的融合。多以幽默的方式描繪刺 激性的場面。

    Jeson has been collecting funk art since the mid 1960s.

    杰森從 20 世紀 60 年代中期就開始收集非理性藝術作品。

    24.futurism  :未來主義

    A style glorifying modern technology, speed, and the machine age. ( Italy, early 20th century )

    頌揚現代技術、速度和機器時代的創作風格。起源于 20 世紀初的意大利。

    Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion.


    25.genre  :風俗畫

    A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.


    Who is your favorite genre painter?


    26.Gothic  :哥特風格

    A style that emphasizes Christian imagery, brilliant color, and strong verticality in composition. ( 12th – 16th century )

    以基督教題材、亮麗的色彩、明顯的垂直線條為特點的繪畫風格。流行于 12 至 16 世紀。 

    Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious. 

    27.gouache  :樹膠水彩顏料

    An opaque watercolor bound with gum.


    Do you like the quality of gouache in paintings?


    28. graphic arts  :平面造型藝術

    Those visual  arts that  are linear in  character, such as drawing and engraving, esp. those that involve printing and printmaking.


    The computer is now enabling anyone to produce and design and experiment with graphic art.


    29.hard-edge  :鋒刃派繪畫的;硬邊畫的

    (adj.) A style characterized by geometric abstraction, a flat picture plan, perfection of a surface, and graphic precision.
(U.S., mid-20th century)

    流行于 20 世紀中期的美國,以輪廓分明的幾何形體、精確的畫面為特點的抽象繪畫。

    Patrick Nagel’s hard-edge style of 80’s women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century.

    派特克?納哥爾的鋒刃派風格的 80 年代婦女成了 20 世紀最具說明力的形象之一。

    30.history painting  :歷史題材的繪畫

    An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.


    Temple Square in Salt Lake City has a visitor center filled with history paintings.


    31.hyperrealism  :高度寫實主義

    An extension of photorealism in which depiction of subject is indistinguishable from reality. (late 20th century)

    20 世紀末興起的一種繪畫流派。照相現實主義的延伸,強調對現實的臨摹。

    The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challenges the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn’t.


    32.impressionism  :印象主義,印象派

    A style  emphasizing the depiction of light  and  its effects, with the  act of seeing as its primary subject. (France 19th century


    Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements. Van Gogh’s impressionistic painting entitled “Dr. Gachet” was purchased for a world record $ 85 million by a Japanese investor. #p#分頁標題#e#


    8500 萬美元的天價購得。

    33.Kakemono  :畫軸

    A Japanese vertical scroll painting.


    Debbie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan.


    34.kinetic art  :活動藝術

    Art characterized by the incorporation of painted and sculpted mechanical parts into an art piece that moves or creates the impression of movement.

    興起于 20 世紀中期的一種與機械學相結合的藝術,采用活動部件,造成動感效果的雕塑藝術。

     Kinetic art can be seen in front of many office buildings built during the 50’s and 60’s.


    35.landscape  :風景畫,山水畫

    A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical.


    Paula travels to New Mexico each summer to paint western landscapes.


    36.medium  :溶劑,調色劑,材料

    A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting.


    It’s sometimes fun to look at a painting and try to figure out what medium the artist used.


    37.Ming  :具有明代藝術特色的

    (adj)Characteristic of a highly academic classicism, esp. in porcelains. (China, 14th –17th centuries)

    高度傳統古典主義傾向的,特別是指與 14 至 17 世紀中國明代瓷器有關的藝術。

    Dr. Franks is an expert on porcelains from the Ming dynasty.

    37.minimal art  :極簡抽象藝術;最小主義藝術

    An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. (U.S. mid-20th century)

    美國 20 世紀中期興起的一種藝術流派,其特點是抽象、簡單、微縮,即把作品簡略到基本抽象成分。 

    Minimalism is characterized by space with very sparse design elements and helped launch the popular art slogan of “less is more.”


    38.modernism  :現代主義

    A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression.


    Modernism became popular in the early part of the 20th century.

    現代主義在 20 世紀初開始流行起來。

    39.mosaic  :馬賽克;鑲嵌工藝,鑲嵌畫

    An illustration composed of small, colored stones or tiles set into cement.

    The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way.



    40.mural  :壁畫;壁飾

    A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling.


    The McMullen’s have a giant mural painting along the hallway in their home.


    41.neoclassicism  :新古典主義

    A style modeled after proportion and restraint of Greek and Roman classical antiquity. (late 18th, early 19th century.)

    模仿和借鑒古希臘羅馬勻稱、莊重建筑風格的藝術形式,盛行于 18 世紀末,19 世紀初。

    We knew that Mr. Samuels was into neoclassicism by the way that he had his courtyard decorated with nude statues. wave  :新浪潮

    A combination of cartoon, graffiti, and performance art in a minimalist, unsophisticated style (late 20th century.)


    There’s a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college gallery.


    43.nude  :裸體畫,裸體像

    The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical.

    The nude has always played a powerful role in art throughout the ages.


    44.oil paint  :油畫顏料;油漆

    Pigment mixed with drying oil, exp. linseed oil.


    You can buy a beginner’s set of oil paints for under $ 20.

    花不到 20 元,你就可以買到初學者所用的一套油畫顏料。

    45.op art  :光效應藝術,視覺藝術

    A style with graphic abstraction and pattern-oriented optical effects (mid-20th century)

    利用幾何圖形和色彩對比給人以模棱兩可的視幻覺藝術,起源于 20 世紀中期。

    Riley and Vasarely are two noteable artists who made contributions in the illusory world of op art.


    46.performance art  :戲劇表演藝術

    Use of paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist. (late 20th century)

    現場戲劇表演中藝術家摻入繪畫、雕塑和攝像等形式的綜合藝術。興起于 20 世紀末。 

    We watched a program that featured performance art on TV last night. 


    47.pastel  :彩色粉筆畫

    A crayon made of color ground with chalk and compounded with gum water into paste, often of pale color.

    Degas is probably my favorite pastel artist. 


    48.perspective  :透視畫法

    A  system  of  realistically  depicting  three-dimensional  objects  or  views  onto  two-dimensional,  flat  surfaces  through convergent lines and planes. 


    Perspective illustration provides a three-dimensional view of objects or views.


    49.pictograph  :象形文字;圖畫文字

    A picture symbolizing an idea or object, used as an early form of writing.


    Three men were arrested for vandalizing ancient pictographs found I the canyons of southern Utah.

    50.pointillism  :點畫法;點彩派

    Neo-impressionism characterized by  the use of tiny, closely  spaced dots or points of  color that blend  to produce a luminous quality.


    The painting “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande  Jatte” by Seurat is probably  the most famous work of pointillism.



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