With the coming of 3G era, would your cell phone became grenade?
First of all, we can't give up eating for fearing of choking. Everything has two side. The improvement of science must lead to easier ordinary life but the same time something we wouldn't expect. Just like the progress of unclear technology lead to not only the modern life but also the unclear weapon and unclear war. But we will proceed to study it and won't pause one second.
So whether the cell phone became grenade rest on who use it or who control it. For example, owning a 3G cell phone or not make not any difference to a wretched man, because he can visit the pornographic websites without such a cell phone. Another example, if parents control the children's usage of 3G, not give their children this kind of cell phone at all, I think the things became simple. Whether you want the face or a mental health boy? why do you give your children such opportunity to visit the pornographic websites?