Scientists have worked out why airline meals taste so bad - and the chefisn't to blame.Research shows that the sort of noise we are subjected to inside aircraft cabin affects our taste buds, reducing our sense of saltiness and sweetness - and increasing crunchiness.
The finding could explain why even the most tempting-smelling in-flight meals taste bland and have the texture of cardboard.
'There's a general opinion that aeroplane foods aren't fantastic,' said Andy Woods, a researcher from Unilever's laboratories and the University of Manchester. 'I'm sure airlines do their best - and given that, we wondered if there are other reasons why the food would not be so good. One thought was perhaps the background noise has some impact.
'There was no previous research on this, so we went about seeing if the hunch was correct.' To test the theory, 48 diners were blindfolded and fed sweet foods such as biscuits or salty ones such as crisps, while listening to silence or noise through headphones.
Each volunteer rated the foods for flavour and said how much they liked them. Background noise led to the foods being rated less salty or sweet.