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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2007-01-11


第一條 為了加強計量監督管理,保障國家計量單位制的統一和量值的準確可靠,有利于生產、貿易和科學技術的發展,適應社會主義現代化建設的需要,維護國家、人民的利益,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is formulated to strengthen the metrological supervision and administration,to ensure the uniformity of the national system of units of measurement and the accuracy and reliability of the values of quantities, so as to contribute to the development of production, trade and science and technology,to meet the needs of socialist modernization and to safeguard the interests of the state and the people.

第二條 在中華人民共和國境內,建立計量基準器具、計量標準器具,進行計量檢定,制造、修理、銷售、使用計量器具,必須遵守本法。
Article 2 Within the territory of the People's Republic of China, this Law must be abided by in establishing national primary standards of measurement and standards of measurement,in conducting metrological verification, and in the manufacture,repair,sale or use of measuring instruments.

第三條 國家采用國際單位制。國際單位制計量單位和國家選定的其他計量單位,為國家法定計量單位。國家法定計量單位的名稱、符號由國務院公布。
Article 3 The State shall adopt the International System of Units(SI). The International System of Units and other units of measurement adopted by the State shall be the national legal units of measurement.The names and symbols of the national legal units of measurement shall be promulgated by the State Council.

Non-national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated.Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.

第四條 國務院計量行政部門對全國計量工作實施統一監督管理。縣級以上地方人民政府計量行政部門對本行政區域內的計量工作實施監督管理。
Article 4 The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall exercise unified supervision over and administration of metrological work throughout the country. The metrological administrative departments of the local people's government at and above the country level shall exercise supervision over and administration of metrological work within their respective administrative areas.

第二章 計量基準器具、計量標準器具和計量檢定
Chapter II Primary Standards of Measurement,Standards of Measurement and Metrological Verification

第五條 國務院計量行政部門負責建立各種計量基準器具,作為統一全國量值的最高依據。
Article 5 The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall be responsible for establishing all kinds of primary standards of mesaurement,which shall serve as the ultimate basis for unifying the values of quantities of the country.

第六條 縣級以上地方人民政府計量行政部門根據本地區的需要,建立社會公用計量標準器具,經上級人民政府計量行政部門主持考核合格后使用。
Article 6 The metrological administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level may, according to the needs of their respective areas,establish public standards of measurement,which shall be put into use after being checked and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at the next higher level.

第七條 國務院有關主管部門和省、自治區、直轄市人民政府有關主管部門,根據本部門的特殊需要,可以建立本部門使用的計量標準器具,其各項最高計量標準器具經同級人民政府計量行政部門主持考核合格后使用。
Article 7 The competent department concerned of the State Council and the competent department concerned of the people's governments of the provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in light of their own specific needs,establish standards of measurement for their own use.The ultimate standards of measurement of each kind shall be put into use after being checked and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative authorities of the people's government at the corresponding level.

第八條 企業、事業單位根據需要,可以建立本單位使用的計量標準器具,其各項最高計量標準器具經有關人民政府計量行政部門主持考核合格后使用。
Article 8 Enterprises or institutions may,according to their needs, establish standards of measurement for their own use.The ultimate standard of measurement of each kind shall be put into use after being checked and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of the people's government concerned.

第九條 縣級以上人民政府計量行政部門對社會公用計量標準器具,部門和企業、事業單位使用的最高計量標準器具,以及用于貿易結算、安全防護、醫療衛生、環境監測方面的列入強制檢定目錄的工作計量器具,實行強制檢定。未按照規定申請檢定或者檢定不合格的,不得使用。實行強制檢定的工作計量器具的目錄和管理辦法,由國務院制定。
Article 9 The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall make compulsory verification of the public standards of measurement,the ultimate standards of measurement used in the departments,enterprises and institutions as well as the working measuring instruments used in settling trade accounts,safety protection,medical and health work,or environmental monitoring that are listed in the compulsory verification catalogue.Those measuring instruments which have not been submitted for verification as required and those which have been checked and found to be unqualified shall not be used.The catalogue of the working measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification and the measures for the administration of such instruments shall be stipulated by the State Council.

Standards of measurement and working measuring instruments other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be verified at regular intervals by the users themselves or by the metrological verification institutions. The metrological administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall supervise and inspect such verification.

第十條 計量檢定必須按照國家計量檢定系統表進行。國家計量檢定系統表由國務院計量行政部門制定。
Article 10 Metrological verification shall be conducted according to the National Metrological Verification System.The National Metrological Verification System shall be worked out by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.

Metrological verification must be carried out in accordance with the regulations governing metrological verification.The national metrological verification regulations shall be formulated by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.In the case of certain instruments that are not covered in the national metrological verification regulations,the competent departments of the State Council and the metrological administrative departments of the people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall respectively formulate departmental and local verification regulations.Such verification regulations shall be submitted to the metrological administrative department of the State Council for the record.

第十一條 計量檢定工作應當按照經濟合理的原則,就地就近進行。
Article 11 Metrological verification shall,according to the principle of economy and rationality,be carried out on the spot or in the vicinity.

第三章 計量器具管理
Chapter III Administrative Control of Measuring Instruments

第十二條 制造、修理計量器具的企業、事業單位,必須具備與所制造、修理的計量器具相適應的設施、人員和檢定儀器設備,經縣級以上人民政府計量行政部門考核合格,取得《制造計量器具許可證》或者《修理計量器具許可證》。
Article 12 An enterprise or institution which is to engage in manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments must have facilities,personnel and verification appliances appropriate to the measuring instruments it is to manufacture or repair and,after being checked and considered as qualified by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level,obtain a Lincence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Liense for Repairing Measuring Instruments.

The administrative departments for industry and commerce shall not issue a business licence to an enterprise engaged in manfacturing or repairing measuring instruments which has not obtained a Licence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Lincence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.

第十三條 制造計量器具的企業、事業單位生產本單位未生產過的計量器具新產品,必須經省級以上人民政府計量行政部門對其樣品的計量性能考核合格,方可投入生產。
Article 13 When an enterprise or institution manufacturing measuring instruments undertakes to manufacture new types of measuring instruments which it has not previously manufactured,such measuring instruments may be put into production only after the metrological performance of the sample products has been checked and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at or above the provincial level.

第十四條 未經國務院計量行政部門批準,不得制造、銷售和進口國務院規定廢除的非法定計量單位的計量器具和國務院禁止使用的其他計量器具。
Article 14 Without the approval of the metrological administrative department of the State Council,measuring instruments with non-legal units of measurement which have been abrogated by the State Council,and other measuring instruments which are banned by the State Council,shall not be manufactured,sold or imported.

第十五條 制造、修理計量器具的企業、事業單位必須對制造、修理的計量器具進行檢定,保證產品計量性能合格,并對合格產品出具產品合格證。
Article 15 An enterprise or institution engaged in manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments must verify the measuring instruments it has manufactured or repaired,guarantee the metrological performance of the products and issue certificates of inspection for the qualified products.

The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at ot above the county level shall supervise and inspect the quality of the measuring instruments manufactured or repaired.

第十六條 進口的計量器具,必須經省級以上人民政府計量行政部門檢定合格后,方可銷售。
Article 16 Measuring instruments imported from abroad may be sold only after having been verified and found to be up to standard by the metrological administrative department of the people's government at or above the provincial level.

第十七條 使用計量器具不得破壞其準確度,損害國家和消費者的利益。
Article 17 When using measuring instruments,no person shall be allowed to impair their accuracy,thereby prejudicing the interests of the State and consumers.

第十八條 個體工商戶可以制造、修理簡易的計量器具。
Article 18 Self-employed workers or merchants may manufacture or repair simple measuring instruments.

Any self-employed worker or merchant who is to engage in manufacturing or repairing measuring instruments may apply for a business licence from the administrative department for industry and commerce provided he has been tested and found to be qualified by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at the county level,and issued a Licence for Manufacturing Measuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments.

The types of measuring instruments which can be manufactured or repaired by selfemployed workers or merchants shall be determined by the metrological administrative department of the State Council,which shall also adopt measures for their control.

第四章 計量監督
Chapter IV Metrological Supervision

第十九條 縣級以上人民政府計量行政部門,根據需要設置計量監督員。計量監督員管理辦法,由國務院計量行政部門制定。
Article 19 The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at or above the county level may,according to their needs,appoint metrological supervisors.The measures for the administration of the metrological supervisors shall be formulated by the metrological administrative department of the State Council.

第二十條 縣級以上人民政府計量行政部門可以根據需要設置計量檢定機構,或者授權其他單位的計量檢定機構,執行強制檢定和其他檢定、測試任務。
Article 20 The metrological administrative department of the people's governments at or above the county level may,according to their needs,set up metrological verification organs or authorize the metrological verification institutions of other establishments to carry out compulsory verification and other verification and testing tasks.

The personnel carrying out the tasks of verification and testing mentioned in the preceding paragraph must be tested for their qualifications.

第二十一條 處理因計量器具準確度所引起的糾紛,以國家計量基準器具或者社會公用計量標準器具檢定的數據為準。
Article 21 Any dispute over the accuracy of measuring instruments shall be handled in accordance with the data provided after verification with the national primary standards of measurement or public standards of measurement.

第二十二條 為社會提供公證數據的產品質量檢驗機構,必須經省級以上人民政府計量行政部門對其計量檢定、測試的能力和可靠性考核合格。
Article 22 A product quality inspection agency which is to provide notarial data on the quality of products for society must be checked for its capability and reliabilityof metrological verification and testing by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at or above the provincial level.

第五章 法律責任
Chapter V Legal Liability

第二十三條 未取得《制造計量器具許可證》、《修理計量器具許可證》制造或者修理計量器具的,責令停止生產、停止營業,沒收違法所得,可以并處罰款。
Article 23 Whoever without a Licence for Manufactured Measuring Instruments or a Licence for Repairing Measuring Instruments manufactures or repairs measuring instruments shall be ordered to stop his production or business operations.His unlawful income shall be confiscated and a fine may concurrently be imposed.

第二十四條 制造、銷售未經考核合格的計量器具新產品的,責令停止制造、銷售該種新產品,沒收違法所得,可以并處罰款。
Article 24 Whoever manufactures or sells a new type of measuring instrument which has not been checked and found to be qualified shall be ordered to stop the manufacture or sale of that new product.His unlawful income shall be confiscated and he may concurrently be punished by a fine.

第二十五條 制造、修理、銷售的計量器具不合格的,沒收違法所得,可以并處罰款。
Article 25 Whoever manufactures,repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments shall have his unlawful income confiscated and a fine may concurrently be imposed.

第二十六條 屬于強制檢定范圍的計量器具,未按照規定申請檢定或者檢定不合格繼續使用的,責令停止使用,可以并處罰款。
Article 26 Whoever uses measuring instruments subject to compulsory verification without having filed an application for verification as required or continues to use measuring instruments which have been checked but found to be unqualified shall be ordered to stop the use and may concurrectly be punished by a fine.

第二十七條 使用不合格的計量器具或者破壞計量器具準確度,給國家和消費者造成損失的,責令賠償損失,沒收計量器具和違法所得,可以并處罰款。
Article 27 Whoever uses unqualified measuring instruments or impairs the accuracy of measuring instruments,thus causing losses to the State and consumers,shall be ordered to make compensation for the losses and shall have his measuring instruments and unlawful income confiscated and may concurrently be punished by a fine.

第二十八條 制造、銷售、使用以欺騙消費者為目的的計量器具的,沒收計量器具和違法所得,處以罰款;情節嚴重的,并對個人或者單位直接責任人員按詐騙罪或者投機倒把罪追究刑事責任。
Article 28 Whoever manufactures,sells or uses measuring instruments for the purpose of deceiving consumers shall have his measuring instruments and unlawful income confiscated and may concurrently be punished by a fine.If the circumstances are serious,the individual or the person in the unit who is directly responsible shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility according to the crimes of swindling or speculation.

第二十九條 違反本法規定,制造、修理、銷售的計量器具不合格,造成人身傷亡或者重大財產損失的,比照《刑法》第一百八十七條的規定,對個人或者單位直接責任人員追究刑事責任。
Article 29 When any individual or unit,in violation of the provisions of this Law,manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments leading to people's injury or death or causing major property losses,the individual or the person in the unit who is directly responsible shall be investigated for his criminal responsibility by reference to the provisions of Acticle 187 of the Criminal Law.

第三十條 計量監督人員違法失職,情節嚴重的,依照《刑法》有關規定追究刑事責任;情節輕微的,給予行政處分。
Article 30 A metrological supervisor who transgresses the law and neglects his duty,where the circumstances are serious,shall be investigated for criminal responsibility pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.If the circumstances are minor,he shall be given an administrative sanction.

第三十一條 本法規定的行政處罰,由縣級以上地方人民政府計量行政部門決定。本法第二十七條規定的行政處罰,也可以由工商行政管理部門決定。
Article 31 The administrative sanction provided for in this Law shall be determined by the metrological administrative department of a people's government at or above the county level.The administrative sanction provided for in Article 27 of this Law may also be determined by the administrative departments for industry and commerce.

第三十二條 當事人對行政處罰決定不服的,可以在接到處罰通知之日起十五日內向人民法院起訴;對罰款、沒收違法所得的行政處罰決定期滿不起訴又不履行的,由作出行政處罰決定的機關申請人民法院強制執行。
Article 32 A party who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative sanction may,within 15 days after receipt of the notification of the decision,file suit in a people's court.If within that time limit the party does not file suit or comply with the penalty of paying a fine and having his unlawful income confiscated,the administrative authorities which have made the decision of the administrative sanction may request the people's court for compulsory execution.

第六章 附 則
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第三十三條 中國人民解放軍和國防科技工業系統計量工作的監督管理辦法,由國務院、中央軍事委員會依據本法另行制定。
Article 33 Measures for the administration of and supervision over metrological work in the Chinese People's Liberation Army and in units under the jurisdiction of the Commission on Science,Technology and Industry for National Defence shall be formulated separately by the State Council and the Central Military Commission in accordance with this Law.

第三十四條 國務院計量行政部門根據本法制定實施細則,報國務院批準施行。
Article 34 The metrological administrative department of the State Council shall,in accordance with this Law,formulate rules for its implementation,which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.

第三十五條 本法自一九八六年七月一日起施行。
Article 35 This Law shall go into effect on July 1,1986.

關鍵詞: 計量
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