托兒所 nursery/creche
幼兒園 kindergarten
小學 primary(elementary)school
中學 middle(secondary)school
初中 junior middle school
高中 senior middle school
職業中學 vocational middle school
實驗中學 experimental middle school
附屬中學 attached middle school
農業中學 agricultural middle school
(職工)子弟學校 school for children of workers &staff members
業余學校 spare-time school
電視大學 television(T.V.)university
職工大學 college for workers &. Staff members
文科大學 university of liberal arts
理科大學 university of science
函授大學 correspondence college
中等?茖W校 secondary technical school
技工學校 school of technology
聾啞學校 school of deaf-mutes
盲人學校 school for the blind/blidmens school
成人學校 adult school
民辦學校 voluntary school
補習學校 continuation school
夜校 evening (night) school
職業學校 vocational school
外語學校 foreign languages school
衛生學校 health school
商業學校 commercial school
師范學校 school for kindergarten teachers
護士學校 nurses school
藝術學校 art school
舞蹈學校 dancing school
會計學校 accountant school
財貿學校 finance and trade school
水利學校 water conservancy school
電力學校 electric power school
化工學校 chemical engineering school
郵電學校 posts &.telecommunications school
電機制造學校 electrical machinery school
冶金機械學校 metallurgical machinery school
鐵路技術學校 railway engineering school
石油地質學校 petroleum geological school
建筑工程學校 building engineering school
水產技術學校 marine products technical school
漁業航海學校 fishery and navigation school
紡織航海學校 textile machinery school
鐵路機械學校 railway machinery school