
分析儀器Analytical Instrumentation 電子光學儀器Electron Optical Instrument 質譜儀器Mass Spectrometer X射線儀器X-Ray instrument 光譜儀器Spectroscopy Instrument 色譜儀器Chromatography Instrument 波譜儀器Wave Spectrometer 電化學儀器 Electrochemical Instrument 顯微鏡及圖像分析儀器Microscope and Image Analysis Equipment 熱分析儀器Thermal Analysis Instrument 生化分離分析儀器Biochemical Separation Analysis Instrument 環境與農業分析儀器Environmental and Agricultural Analytical Instrument 樣品前處理及制備儀器Sample Pretreatment and Preparation Instrument 其他Others |
生命科學儀器Life Science Instruments 物理性能測試儀器Physical Performance Testing Instruments 力學性能測試儀器Mechanical Property Testing Instrument 大地測量儀器Geodetic Instrument 光電測量儀器Photoelectric Measuring Instrument 聲學振動儀器Acoustic Vibration Instrument 顆粒度測量儀器Particle Size Measuring Instrument 探傷儀器Flaw Detector 其他Others 試劑Reagents 生化試劑Biochemical Reagent 通用試劑General Purpose Reagent 診斷試劑Diagnostic Reagent 高純試劑High-Purity Reagent 其他試劑Other Reagents |
實驗室設備及管理信息系統Laboratory Equipment and Management Information System |
耗材及關鍵部件Consumables and Key Components |
標樣及標準物質Standard samples and reference materials |
電子測量儀器Electronic Measurement Instrument |
計量儀器 Metrology instrument |
海洋儀器Oceanographic Instrument |
地球探測儀器Geophysical Instrument |
大氣探測儀器Atmospheric Instrument |
天文儀器Astronomical Instrument |
核儀器Nuclear Instrument |
特種檢測儀器Special Testing Instrument |
工藝實驗設備Process Test Equipment |
其他儀器Others |

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